Should I get Plan B?

Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Silverdrop
There will almost certainly be side effects, possibly severe enough to miss work. If you really don't want a pregnancy, then you should get Plan B. I wonder if you aren't sure, and you are using the fear of missing work as an excuse. ... more
I've used it, and carried on with life as normal. I didn't miss anything, nor did I get sick.

The old "morning after pill" was a huge dose of combination birth control pills, which contained a lot of estrogen, and it did make a lot of women nauseous. Plan B is a synthetic Progestin, it has no estrogen it it and it rarely makes people ill. I have migraines and get nauseous very easily, and I took Plan B and was absolutely fine.

Mileage may vary, but the new Plan B has very few side effects.
Contributor: Undead Undead
Originally posted by bayosgirl
Ok, brief version: I had told my husband I wanted a baby. Which was a bad decision, but that's not the point here. Last month, we had unprotected sex during the time I was supposed to be ovulating, just to see what would happen. My period was a ... more
always better to be safe than sorry
Contributor: samanthalynn samanthalynn
Originally posted by bayosgirl
Ok, brief version: I had told my husband I wanted a baby. Which was a bad decision, but that's not the point here. Last month, we had unprotected sex during the time I was supposed to be ovulating, just to see what would happen. My period was a ... more
Contributor: yummyinmytummy yummyinmytummy
Better safe. if you don't want a baby, you need to quickly get yourself on some steady birth control as well
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by bayosgirl
Ok, brief version: I had told my husband I wanted a baby. Which was a bad decision, but that's not the point here. Last month, we had unprotected sex during the time I was supposed to be ovulating, just to see what would happen. My period was a ... more
I agree with others, I would get it now if you don't want an accident.
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
Better to be safe and take it, I think.