Eventually I'm going to want to have unprotected sex in a relationship, whether it's for procreation or simply fun. So no, I would not sleep with someone who had an STD. Although I would absolutely appreciate their upfront honesty.
Would you have sex with a new partner that confided in you they had an STI (other than HIV)?
I really want to know are the people who said "YES,UNPROTECTED"????? ? Are you serious?
I put 'it would depend', because I WOULD do it if I loved them no matter what, but if they had the same one as me I would feel more comfortable going unprotected.
Originally posted by
Femme Mystique
I am just curious about the general attitude toward STI's around here.
i think it depends on the STI and the person
i wouldnt
Originally posted by
Femme Mystique
I am just curious about the general attitude toward STI's around here.
I have a life-long STI so it would be ridiculous for me to not be with someone else who did. However, ever since contracting the virus I ONLY have safe sex so it doesn't really matter. I don't see a problem ever as long as people are honest and safe.
im super paranoid about them, but if i loved the person, it wouldnt put me off
I said it would depend on the STD they had. Let me tell you why. I've read some of your responses, and you all made some great points. After all, nobody's wrong here, it's your body, and if you have the information out front, and you don't want to risk it, then that's your decision to make. I didn't have a partner that informed me of anything. He may not have even known, to be honest. I have genital herpes. I found out after my now-hubby & I were dating. I knew who had to have given it to me. It was a guy a few months prior to me meeting my now-hubby.
Originally posted by
Femme Mystique
I am just curious about the general attitude toward STI's around here.
With the guy that gave it to me, it didn't last long. It was a booty call for both of us, and we knew & accepted it. However, we had been using condoms, and it slipped off. After that, well, what was the point of continuing to use them? Either way, I contracted genital herpes.
My first outbreak sucked MAJOR BIG TIME! I had health insurance, thankfully, and had an exam, and got the news by visual alone by the doctor. Yep, herpes. I told my now-hubby the instant I got the diagnosis, and told him if he wanted to dump be so he could stay healthy, I wouldn't feel angry with him or hate him. I felt dirty, nasty, ashamed. He said that we were in this together. He said whatever I had, he'd deal with it, and eventually, he decided to stop using the condoms, against my advise.
We've been together since 2001. We even have a child together. I had our daughter via c-section to avoid the risk of herpes symplex of the eyes on her, which can cause blindness. My husband has had no symptoms of herpes (and trust me, if he had it, we'd KNOW). We use condoms now as part of our regular birth control practices, which is how I want it, not only for pregnancy, but for his protection as well.
My outbreaks are few & far between now. Only when I get stressed. We never do anything when I feel the littlest tingle down there.
In many states, it is a law that people that know they have an STD to disclose it. If they don't, and you find out they knew, they can be legally accountable for all medical bills incurred due to you contracting that STD and not disclosing.
Anyway, don't judge someone by their STD if they have one. Sometimes, the most innocent looking people have them, and you don't know by just looking at them. They may not be the promiscuous person you see, and some may not know they even have one!
Honestly, I would not. I value my health more than that. Plus it would just be such a turn-off I don't think I could have sex after that.
i dont think so i am clean and i would rather not risk getting anything
obviously there can be exceptions but my initial response is no.
If they were a new partner, I probably wouldn't be having sex with them right away anyway. If they had a curable STI, as several others have said, I'd wait until after it had been treated and they were cleared for sexual activity again.
Originally posted by
Femme Mystique
I am just curious about the general attitude toward STI's around here.
If it were an incurable STI, then I would have to talk the situation over with my physician. I have to take health concerns very seriously already, so I wouldn't introduce a new risk to my system without getting real medical information and advice on the issue.
That isn't to say that I'd dump the person, but it's likely that our sex life would be slow to progress and involve a lot of precautions.
I wouldn't risk it.
No I wouldn't
I'll use a condom, or play some other day. I don't see why an STD/STI should dictate my life with another human being. There's always a way around!
If it were serious then I would try to work around it and use protection. I'm sure it would be complicated though.
depends on the STI/STD, and definitely only protected.
Nope... I'd never do that... I'd be too scared to catch it myself. & what happens if me & that partner happened to break up after he ends up giving it to me? Then I'd have to go through the trouble of finding a partner with it or someone who just doesn't care that I have it. Seems complicated.
Not unprotected.
Originally posted by
Femme Mystique
I am just curious about the general attitude toward STI's around here.
Nope never