Who is kinkier? You or your partner(s)?

Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
A lot of us here are pretty well sexually compatible with our current partners (some anyway) but it always seems like one is a little edgier than the other. Who is kinkier, you or your partner? And is the one answering, the man or the woman, and are you in a Hetero or Gay partnership? Or other?

Please choose ONE from 1 through 5 AND ONE from 6 through 14.

I have a theory, but I'm not saying until results are in.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I'm a Male and in a Hetero relationship and....
Sir , David88 , ToyTimeTim , trios , Kindred , iceman681 , Mr. E , Riccio , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , G-Lo , leatherlover , Vaccinium , That Guy , Crash , ahammer , Mertvaya , slynch , Adam02viper , big b , JewelsAndB , stlouisxxx , ToyBoy , Checkmate , Lucky21 , yiin , Charlie Whiskey , Dnice , EastCoast36 , Teaser , BlooJay , Brandonn , Lover of Leather , treefrog88 , Zandrock , WildeKnight , NM47 , Trysexual , Two Grand , luvslukin , neil i. , Boyfriend , meitman , AndyDee , Skindiver , T&L , Stagger13 , CharmCity , The Curious Couple , lauraxxarual , Asmoothguy2011
I'm a Male and in a Gay relationship and......
I'm a Female and in a Lesbian relationship and
Tisbury , DeliciousSurprise , Madeira , RadRach , CleverKitty , Fishie Princess , NaturalWoman , Eden C. , SubmissiveFeminist , sexykiss , Bittenflame , FieryRed
I'm Female and in a Hetero relationship and
Alicia , removedacnt , Tori Rebel , Blinker , P'Gell , SexyySarah , anyroom4me , Pleasure Piratess , JPito , Miss Naughty Kitty , Sammi , MuffysPinguLove , kck , 00 , Jenna.J.Ross , Annemarie , SydVicious , sexysweetieshan , NymphetamineKiss , deadpoet , TitsMcScandal , sextoygeek , Lady Venus , LittleBoPeep , Airen Wolf , Mari Fanger , Selective Sensualist , Alegria , Polyserena , AU , null , joja , petite-n-sweet , kittycat414 , asdfg , Lavender*Moon , Persephone's Addiction , Carrie Ann , Armsjlove , aleong , Alan & Michele , Jenniae09 , SomewhatSomewhere , LikeSunshineDust , Kim! , Love Buzz , evanovca , CleverKitty , the bedroom blogger , Jobthingy , Fun Lover , Hot'n'Bothered , clp , nolongerhere , ZenaidaMacroura , Yiggi , Sera , SexyTabby , socceras , sweet434cream , meganthomas , lamira , RosesThorns , Latsyrc728 , newbern2004 , *HisMrs* , darthkitt3n , D&&JForever , Raggedy Andie , Kiwi , LavenderSkies , BadassFatass , cnspots , Danielle1220 , BBW Talks Toys , Lucidity , Jul!a , kinky girlfriend , toxie m , PussyGalore , Sexymami69 , TheSinDoll , hysteriaremedy , Confusedxfreak , Taylor , Cream in the Cupcake , 16one94@gmail.com , KikiChrome , BeautiFullFigured , Airekah , rdytogo , Alyxx , indiglo , SexyStuff , Fuck it. , ninaspinkturtle , Sin Secret , (Re)tired Stripper , k3 , Persephone Nightmare , charcat , MaryExy , sexygoddess , Elaira , Miss Anonymous , ichigostrawberry , jc123 , PropertyOfPotter , Sinfully , emiliaa , potstickers , boobookittyfuk , Beck , virgomama616 , bayosgirl , Beaners , LaLaLouise , Screen Door , FaerieLove , Breas , arduous , Eliza , dks210 , cburger , PDXlady , Joie de Cherresse , ellejay , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , Harpina is gone , SubmissiveFeminist , Chami , little miss kinky , Girly Juice , epiphanyjayne , SneakersAndPearls , travelnurse , Heatherbipoly , Moniqua , sweetiejo , MissBre , quinceykay , HarlequinBunnie , SimpleHedonist , duff , Nora29714 , Vaginas , Shadowed , Bignuf , justme23 , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , charmedtomeetyou , Leather & Lace , XxFallenAngelxX , Rory , hawaiian chick , SadoMas , moongirl , Lildrummrgurl7 , Marcianpro , Missmarc , Noelle , PepperPot , skittlezjoyann , sophia430 , sillylilkitten , PlumAmbition , Silverwinds , kinkykatz , Nympho88
My sexuality is not any of the above and
KnK , Wondermom , curmudgeoncat , Jenyana , VelvetDragon , sw33t1zm3 , Sima-pusya
My male partner is kinkier.....
removedacnt , SexyySarah , Sammi , MuffysPinguLove , sugarOne , Persephone's Addiction , Carrie Ann , aleong , CleverKitty , Fun Lover , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , Yiggi , newbern2004 , Kiwi , cnspots , Cowboyssweetie , k3 , charcat , Sinfully , Beaners , Melissa Smith , dks210 , Chami , Moniqua , MissBre , breebree , Nora29714 , Rory , moongirl , PlumAmbition
I'm male and kinkier......
Sir , Gunsmoke , David88 , ToyTimeTim , trios , Kindred , iceman681 , Mr. E , G-Lo , leatherlover , zracer , That Guy , Crash , ahammer , Mertvaya , slynch , kinky dude , angel142stx , JewelsAndB , ToyBoy , Checkmate , yiin , GatorDood , EvilHomer , Charlie Whiskey , jeangel246 , EastCoast36 , BlooJay , treefrog88 , Zandrock , NM47 , Two Grand , luvslukin , neil i. , Boyfriend , meitman , Skindiver , T&L , Stagger13 , CharmCity , The Curious Couple , lauraxxarual , Asmoothguy2011
I'm female and kinkier.......
Alicia , Tori Rebel , Blinker , P'Gell , Pleasure Piratess , Miss Naughty Kitty , kck , 00 , Annemarie , SydVicious , sexysweetieshan , NymphetamineKiss , deadpoet , TitsMcScandal , sextoygeek , Lady Venus , Airen Wolf , Selective Sensualist , Alegria , Polyserena , Darling Jen , AU , null , joja , petite-n-sweet , Lavender*Moon , Bigtitts , Armsjlove , Alan & Michele , Jenniae09 , SomewhatSomewhere , LikeSunshineDust , RadRach , Kim! , Love Buzz , CleverKitty , the bedroom blogger , Jobthingy , Trashley , Hot'n'Bothered , nolongerhere , ZenaidaMacroura , Sera , SexyTabby , Emma (Girl With Fire) , socceras , meganthomas , Waterfall , lamira , Latsyrc728 , darthkitt3n , D&&JForever , Raggedy Andie , LavenderSkies , BadassFatass , BBW Talks Toys , Lucidity , KnK , kinky girlfriend , Sexymami69 , TheSinDoll , CS2012 , hysteriaremedy , Confusedxfreak , Mlee , Cream in the Cupcake , 16one94@gmail.com , KikiChrome , BeautiFullFigured , Airekah , rdytogo , Alyxx , SexyStuff , Fuck it. , Eden C. , ninaspinkturtle , Sin Secret , (Re)tired Stripper , Elaira , CoffeeCup , jc123 , curmudgeoncat , emiliaa , boobookittyfuk , Beck , virgomama616 , bayosgirl , KinkBiLove , Jenyana , LaLaLouise , Screen Door , Breas , arduous , Eliza , cburger , ViVix , PDXlady , Lizzy , SubmissiveFeminist , VelvetDragon , Girly Juice , epiphanyjayne , travelnurse , Heatherbipoly , sweetiejo , sexykiss , quinceykay , HarlequinBunnie , SimpleHedonist , Vaginas , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , charmedtomeetyou , Leather & Lace , hawaiian chick , sw33t1zm3 , SadoMas , Lildrummrgurl7 , Missmarc , Noelle , skittlezjoyann , FieryRed , Nympho88
My female partner is kinkier .
WildeKnight , Bittenflame , AndyDee
I'm intersexed I'm kinkier
Fishie Princess
I'm female and we're about the same, kinkwise
anyroom4me , JPito , Jenna.J.Ross , TitsMcScandal , kittycat414 , Tisbury , DeliciousSurprise , Madeira , clp , wondertoes , RosesThorns , Danielle1220 , staceejaxxx , Jul!a , toxie m , PussyGalore , NaturalWoman , Taylor , indiglo , sixfootsex , Persephone Nightmare , Wondermom , Linga , charcat , MaryExy , sexygoddess , ichigostrawberry , PropertyOfPotter , potstickers , FaerieLove , Apirka , Joie de Cherresse , ellejay , Ahatmadeofshoes12 , Harpina is gone , Chami , little miss kinky , SneakersAndPearls , Bittenflame , Shadowed , Bignuf , justme23 , PepperPot , sophia430 , sillylilkitten , Silverwinds , mpfm , kinkykatz
I'm male and we're about the same kinkwise
Riccio , Vaccinium , Adam02viper , i will not fix your computer , stlouisxxx , Lucky21 , Dnice , Lover of Leather , Ly-Ra , butts
I'm intersexed and we're about the same kinkwise
I don't understand the questions. What is wrong with you?
ToyGurl , Beautiful-Disaster
Total votes: 498 (269 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Alicia Alicia
This was actually hard for me to answer. I'm more obviously kinkier than my husband..but I think deep down he's very kinky and he's never minded any of the kinky acts we've done..he just doesn't seek them out as much as I do.
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
As far as what we do and how we play, we're pretty equal. But as far as fantasies go, or how far he would like to take it sometimes, my hubby is much kinkier than I am.
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
Originally posted by Alicia
This was actually hard for me to answer. I'm more obviously kinkier than my husband..but I think deep down he's very kinky and he's never minded any of the kinky acts we've done..he just doesn't seek them out as much as I do.
I feel the same way....I think my man is actually pretty kinky because he's up for everything I suggest, but he's just not used to being able to voice it yet...time will tell
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
I'm slightly more kinkier than my guy, but only because I'm the one who buys the equipment and I talk about my kinky fantasies like every day. He's shy, but once his kink comes out, it comes out with a vengeance!
Contributor: SexyySarah SexyySarah
I would say my hubby is definitely kinkier! I will do pretty much anything or try anything, but he has done and will still do some of the kinkiest things! LOL
Contributor: Jessica Elizabeth Jessica Elizabeth
I'm definitely kinkier than my man! But, he is very open minded and is willing to experiment and try new things for me
Contributor: JPito JPito
I'd say my boyfriend and I are about the same, kink-wise. Though he has much more experience than me (he's essentially my first everything), so he's the one to actually voice/bring up things to do, but I'm always up for it and it's usually something I've wanted to try anyway. We're extremely sexually compatible; I totally lucked out finding him :]
Contributor: Miss Naughty Kitty Miss Naughty Kitty
I was very close to picking the last answer lol
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
Originally posted by removedacnt
As far as what we do and how we play, we're pretty equal. But as far as fantasies go, or how far he would like to take it sometimes, my hubby is much kinkier than I am.
I'd say we're about the same.
Contributor: Sir Sir
I am male and I am definitely more into kink than my girl is. WAY more. She's very...vanilla, actually.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Sir
I am male and I am definitely more into kink than my girl is. WAY more. She's very...vanilla, actually.
Ditto - but we're making some progress
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Miss Naughty Kitty
I was very close to picking the last answer lol
Contributor: Sir Sir
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
Ditto - but we're making some progress
That's good to hear!
Contributor: Annemarie Annemarie
My significant other is pretty vanilla, but I'm slowly, oh so slowly, pushing his limits and making him kinkier.
Contributor: NymphetamineKiss NymphetamineKiss
I'm female (duh - the avatar kinda gives that away methinks) and I'm definitely the kinkier one of us. I don't rank myself as very kinky, just a bit kinkier than he.
Contributor: David88 David88
I'm way kinkier than my wife but she allows me some room to do things on my own but she herself isn't into much.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by Alicia
This was actually hard for me to answer. I'm more obviously kinkier than my husband..but I think deep down he's very kinky and he's never minded any of the kinky acts we've done..he just doesn't seek them out as much as I do.
Same for me just reversed. I am the kinky one but think she has kinky thoughts that I do not know about.
Contributor: deadpoet deadpoet
In my relationship, i'm kinker than my boyfriend, but he is almost to my level
Contributor: TitsMcScandal TitsMcScandal
Okay, so my votes are confusing. I voted that I am kinkier, AND that we are about the same.

How is that possible? Well, I think about it more (or so I feel like) and am much more actively interested. Not to mention I crave it more. However, he likes it just as much as I do, and is pretty much as depravely kinky as I am. When he gets stressed the kink for him needs to fade a bit (at least bdsm wise) because he has anger management issues and continuing to play under those circumstances could lead to bad hurty things.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
My guys have their kinks but in terms of broad scope I am the kinkiest out of us three. It took a long time for me to get to the point where I felt confident enough to express this side of my personality.
Contributor: AU AU
My partner is by far the more romantic one and I'm the kinkier one. But I keep things pretty vanilla for his enjoyment. Early on in our relationship, I tried some things that ended up making me feel silly and awkward, so I put them away. Lately he's been a little more open-minded. It's kind of a project of ours to get my sex drive back to where it used to be. Trying new toys has helped a bit. I have found something that pleased me quite a bit fairly recently--he didn't think he got off on such actions, but it started becoming obvious to me that he likes spanking me, restraining me. So I'm thinking about easing him into paddles (ones that don't make him feel too bad about smacking me!), and some cutesy restraints. And we'll see where that takes us.
Contributor: sugarOne sugarOne
My master is way creative then I am
Contributor: joja joja
I'm much kinkier than my boyfriend. Luckily, he's up for almost anything - he just doesn't initiate nor crave anything non-vanilla.
Contributor: kittycat414 kittycat414
Usually I am way more kinky than the guys I'm with but my new guy is even with me on the kink, sometimes he even surpasses me! Its a nice change!
Contributor: iceman681 iceman681
can't be kinkeyer than wal-mart
Contributor: Tisbury Tisbury
Both of us are in the same level of kinkiness. There are some things that we will never do, but there are some things that we have agreed to try. We have similar ideals when it comes down to being kinky.
Contributor: Gary Gary
I am in dyer need of some coffee here, but as I was looking through the forum threads I had to do a double take as I read "Who is Kinkier? You are your parents?" I thought you all might get a chuckle out of that.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Gary
I am in dyer need of some coffee here, but as I was looking through the forum threads I had to do a double take as I read "Who is Kinkier? You are your parents?" I thought you all might get a chuckle out of that.
That would be one of those threads that you don't WANT to click on, but do anyway. No way I'd want to know....
Contributor: Madeira Madeira
My girlfriend is quite kinky, but she's less specific than I am, I have a bunch of very weird, very specific kinks where's she's just like "I'm happy as long as I'm on top"