Love and lust
What fuels your sex drive?
I don't know of anything "fueling" it....I just have it.
I love my hubby, but I crave in my sex drive is fueled by my lust for him. Love makes it more meaningful, but it isn't what gets me in the mood.
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Curious to see what everyone has in common and what differences
Love, lust, creativity, and fun. It's just plain old fun!
Well, this is an interesting question. I'm demisexual, so I've only ever been attracted people who I have a significant emotional attachment to. But that's not the same thing as "drive," since I can feel horny without being attracted to anyone. My level of interest in sex largely coincides with my period. Other than that... Hm. Reading porn/fantasizing about things can (but not always) get me interested in sex... And then sometimes, I consent to sex, or initiate it, not feeling horny or attracted, but knowing that once enough foreplay has happened, my body will be warmed up enough to enjoy it.
It almost makes me sad to see that lust is winning
My wife gets me going.
love, lust, pain, fantasy...
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Curious to see what everyone has in common and what differences
It depends.
Pretty often, just seeing something hot.
But I feel like also sometimes I want to have sex with people who I feel like I have really strong connections with, but those are a lot fewer people than the "hot" ones. Which isn't to say they can't be both, but they become something more than that if there's feelings, idk
Pretty often, just seeing something hot.
But I feel like also sometimes I want to have sex with people who I feel like I have really strong connections with, but those are a lot fewer people than the "hot" ones. Which isn't to say they can't be both, but they become something more than that if there's feelings, idk
Watching my husband work on something and get dirty.
Genetics, I cannot help having a high sex drive.
Now given that, I've never had anonymous sex. I've always gotten to know a partner, at least some first.
To answer the question that I now think you were trying to ask... the emotional bond I have for my partner, also known as love, fuels my lust. She can be doing nearly anything, like bending over to get a pan out of a kitchen cupboard. I see her cute little butt and I want her!
Now given that, I've never had anonymous sex. I've always gotten to know a partner, at least some first.
To answer the question that I now think you were trying to ask... the emotional bond I have for my partner, also known as love, fuels my lust. She can be doing nearly anything, like bending over to get a pan out of a kitchen cupboard. I see her cute little butt and I want her!
Definitely fantasy especially after reading erotica.
My love for my husband and all the things he does for us big and small. He turns me on and he fuels my sex drive, most of the time he doesn't even realize it!
I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but I picked a lot of things!
mine is my testosterone shots.b4 i started "T" shots i had no sex drive now i have a high sex drive
Lust. Love blocks my arousal sometimes.

For me it is a combination of love, lust, and fantasy. No one thing gets me sexually fired up, depending on the situation many things come into play with love probably being foremost. If I feel in love, and being loved in return, that will be the basis of my sexual energy. Then, te other senses add to the fire, like tinder to a spark.
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Curious to see what everyone has in common and what differences