The "Moist" Poll

Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
It's just a word, but can be exciting.
Contributor: Abombadong Abombadong
meh just a word. I really have no feelings about it.
Contributor: kims89 kims89
def doesnt bother me
Contributor: damnbul12 damnbul12
The word MOIST is... just a word? I have no other special feelings towards it.
Contributor: justme23 justme23
Just weird.
Contributor: chelly411 chelly411
Moist doesn't gross me out I just don't really use it in every day talk.
Contributor: lia ayala lia ayala
just a word dont bother me
Contributor: Bubba29 Bubba29
funny but my wife hates that word. thought it was a bit unusual bit guess its not.
Contributor: MK434 MK434
It's just a word.
Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
Moist towelette thats always sounded funny to me.
Contributor: joelb42 joelb42
Depends on context. If my wife is moist that is sexy to me. If it is moist outside from the rain that is indifferent to me. I agree that moist towelettes just sounds strange to me.
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
Moist doesn't particularly bother me.
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
moist is moisture, that simple.
Contributor: Rawr4483 Rawr4483
Doesn't really effect me.
Contributor: Ouroborean Ouroborean
I've never really had strong feelings about the word. It's never been one of the first on my lips, in sexual situations, mind you, but... eh. I recall being perplexed, when I first found out it bothered people, though at this point, I suppose I can understand why.
Contributor: Virgingasms Virgingasms
I voted gross but it really depends on context. The way some people say it just makes it sound gross. Moist cake on the other hand is delicious.
Contributor: Gone (LD29) Gone (LD29)
It kind of bugs me, but doesn't really gross me out. And it depends on the usage, like if immediately followed by the words "and delicious" or "a nummy treat."
Contributor: mr115393 mr115393
"Moist" and "damp" make me think of moldy basements. In that context, it's fine. In an erotic context, it grosses me out because all I think of are moldy basements.
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
Originally posted by Shellz31
It takes a hell of a lot more to gross me out!
Contributor: Thumper Logic Thumper Logic
I use the word to describe cakes and braised roasts. Not grossed out by it at all, it's just part of my vocabulary.
Contributor: VanillaFreeSex VanillaFreeSex
Originally posted by Jul!a
The word "moist" means absolutely nothing to me, other than something has some moisture in it. I hear "moist" and I think "the cake is wonderfully moist" and then I want cake lol.
cake! oh yes cake please! moist scrumptious cake.
Contributor: glasskitten glasskitten
Originally posted by Sunshineamine
hahahahaha.... That is perfect. Yeah the word moist is not necessarily a bad thing. Right there it was used in few ways that were pretty hot and now I'm freaking hungry for cake.
I, too, am hungry for cake. Dammit.

As far as the question at hand goes, it's a neutral word. But I think it would depend on the person using it and it's context. Some people are just annoyingly sleazy on purpose, and that's a huge turn-off.
Contributor: Alyona Alyona
The word MOIST is... just a word? I have no other special feelings towards it.
Contributor: Asstronaut Asstronaut
It's just a word! Don't you want moist cake? And the soil in your potted plants should be moist but not soaking wet.

I never really think about moist in terms of sex. Although moist panties sound a bit uncomfortable...
Contributor: skeeterlynn skeeterlynn
Originally posted by Jul!a
The word "moist" means absolutely nothing to me, other than something has some moisture in it. I hear "moist" and I think "the cake is wonderfully moist" and then I want cake lol.
Same. haha. Moist cake is the best.
Contributor: allme1 allme1
The word MOIST is... just a word? I have no other special feelings towards it.
Contributor: SelectZen SelectZen
I'm fairly indifferent to it.
Contributor: Pink Lily Pink Lily
If I over think it, it starts to feel uncomfortable. But so do most words. Say knob a hundred times and tell me you feel the same afterwards.
Contributor: So Long Ya Doofuses! So Long Ya Doofuses!
I've always seen the word "moist" in a positive connotation. For me, it means rich and full of life, like dew on moss in the early morning.
Plus, it's extremely fun to say!
Contributor: So Long Ya Doofuses! So Long Ya Doofuses!
I've always seen the word "moist" in a positive connotation. For me, it means rich and full of life, like dew on moss in the early morning.
Plus, it's extremely fun to say!

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