I am curious to find out if any other woman have ever had this problem with their man. mine loves to smoke his weed and since he does not live with me I don't mind. But when we do get together and I want to have fun he is all for it, then like half way thorough he will go soft. It is super frustrating and irritating to me. I have talked to a few of my female friends about it and I had one who said smoking makes her man even hornier and another who said smoking makes her man not want to even do it. So I am wondering if any of you have dealt with it and how do you deal with it??
sex and drugs.
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I generally deal with it by dumping the druggie.
Originally posted by
I generally deal with it by dumping the druggie.
Drugs have different effect on different people. My husband smokes and it makes him hornier and usually makes him last longer. If the smoking bugs you though, I agree with the above advice.
Yes, that's what I meant. When the drugs interfere with the relationship, it may be time to end it.
Originally posted by
- Kira -
Drugs have different effect on different people. My husband smokes and it makes him hornier and usually makes him last longer. If the smoking bugs you though, I agree with the above advice.
Drugs have different effect on different people. My husband smokes and it makes him hornier and usually makes him last longer. If the smoking bugs you though, I agree with the above advice.
Fully agreed, you need to talk to him, tell him how you feel, let him know that this isn't just something that bothers you it is a serious problem (because not having a good sex life isn't a good thing for most couples!) and if he still refuses to fix the problem, ditch him!!!
As for my current, it doesn't make him hornier but it also doesn't present a problem. I did have an ex who had an issue of not being able to get hard at all, even when he was still horny.
As the above statements say it affects different people different ways.
As for my current, it doesn't make him hornier but it also doesn't present a problem. I did have an ex who had an issue of not being able to get hard at all, even when he was still horny.
As the above statements say it affects different people different ways.
I think it affects people in different ways. Maybe tolerance or how long they have been smoking could be the result, or not I'm not sure. If it was a huge issue with you discuss it with him. Ask if he wouldn't smoke on the days that you are going to be spending time together that way it won't interfere with your sex life.
I think it effects people different too. I was with a guy for years that smoked and it never bothered me. he was horny all the time wanting to go for it the minute we were alone. Its just weird for me that this guy is not like that. oh well..
Originally posted by
I think it affects people in different ways. Maybe tolerance or how long they have been smoking could be the result, or not I'm not sure. If it was a huge issue with you discuss it with him. Ask if he wouldn't smoke on the days that you
I think it affects people in different ways. Maybe tolerance or how long they have been smoking could be the result, or not I'm not sure. If it was a huge issue with you discuss it with him. Ask if he wouldn't smoke on the days that you are going to be spending time together that way it won't interfere with your sex life.
I have a few friends who smoke, and they wont admit it but it makes their partners love life worse. If that makes sense. They tell me about the problems in the sack, and they do not happen when they are not smoking. So I know they are from the drugs. I have never smoked, so I can not comment on how it effects me.
But if the drugs bother you, or effect the relationship, then it is time to have a talk about them.
But if the drugs bother you, or effect the relationship, then it is time to have a talk about them.
Your age is listed as 33. So, I'm going to assume that he's probably around the same age as you, give or take a couple of years. That being said, I'd tell him to grow up and lay off the drugs. Doing drugs in high school and college is one thing, but doing it as an adult is pretty lame. Especially if it's affecting your sex life and, in turn, your relationship. What's more important to him; you or the drugs?
You could do so much better.
I agree with Markie! Not in a rude way, but if you wanted, you could.
I had an ex, a shitty one who wouldn't lay off the weed for 4 minutes and he was always having issues getting hard and he wasn't even past his 20's! He had a lot of issues due to the constant drugs. It wasnt just a little weed though, it was way too much. I used to smoke it and my current partner never had issues, but we quit years ago. I do think it can cause the problems of not staying hard though.
I had an ex, a shitty one who wouldn't lay off the weed for 4 minutes and he was always having issues getting hard and he wasn't even past his 20's! He had a lot of issues due to the constant drugs. It wasnt just a little weed though, it was way too much. I used to smoke it and my current partner never had issues, but we quit years ago. I do think it can cause the problems of not staying hard though.
Well I do know there are two types of weed... an upper and a downer. This is according to an old boyfriend. When he would smoke the downer he would go soft. When he would smoke the upper he would be so horny that we would sex it up for... hours on end.
Originally posted by
I am curious to find out if any other woman have ever had this problem with their man. mine loves to smoke his weed and since he does not live with me I don't mind. But when we do get together and I want to have fun he is all for it, then like
I am curious to find out if any other woman have ever had this problem with their man. mine loves to smoke his weed and since he does not live with me I don't mind. But when we do get together and I want to have fun he is all for it, then like half way thorough he will go soft. It is super frustrating and irritating to me. I have talked to a few of my female friends about it and I had one who said smoking makes her man even hornier and another who said smoking makes her man not want to even do it. So I am wondering if any of you have dealt with it and how do you deal with it??
I personally don't care for men who do drugs and I'm happy my hubby doesn't. I agree with Elnoa! lol
I'd find a guy who doesn't do drugs at all...
no offense but he was lying to you.There is no such thing as 2 different kinds of weed...weed is weed.Some is better than others(grown different,stronger,etc .)If he was having sex for hours on end when he smoked the "upper" then it was laced with something.possibly coke.-good thing your not with him anymore! Anyways to answer the question at hand,it is true that drugs affect people differently.I personally have never seen weed affect a guys sexual ability besides being lazy and not wanting to have sex.I dont think smoking pot is a bad thing,there is ALOT worse drugs and I think alcohol is way worse than pot! Maybe he has other underlying issues going on and you just seem to think its the weed.Unless he's lying to you and he is doing alot more than smoking pot.How does he act when he's stoned?Im sure you've been around people that were stoned before..does he act any different?Its good to know..I had the same issue along time ago.A guy I was seeing said he smoked,okay whatever,but I smoked and didnt act like him when he was "stoned",and he couldnt stay hard either and he would"doze"off alot.Well being the naive person I am(even though i believed him)I figured it was just the way it was affecting him.Nope!-I found out down the road that ya he smoked pot but everytime I thought he was just stoned he was actually high on herion!!He admitted it to me AND THAT IS WHY HE COULDNT STAY HARD!!So just watch how he acts and stuff..Im not saying thats going on with you but just to be safe because Ive never heard of a guy going soft from just being "stoned".-good luck on it,and just talk to him about it..if it is just weed tell him to not be smoking when your around because you want his dick longer than a minute and your starting to get offended by it.He should respect you after and not do it after you tell him.
Originally posted by
Well I do know there are two types of weed... an upper and a downer. This is according to an old boyfriend. When he would smoke the downer he would go soft. When he would smoke the upper he would be so horny that we would sex it up for... hours on
Well I do know there are two types of weed... an upper and a downer. This is according to an old boyfriend. When he would smoke the downer he would go soft. When he would smoke the upper he would be so horny that we would sex it up for... hours on end.
I personally don't care for men who do drugs and I'm happy my hubby doesn't. I agree with Elnoa! lol less
I personally don't care for men who do drugs and I'm happy my hubby doesn't. I agree with Elnoa! lol less
Regardless of how it effects other people, this is how it effects your relationship and sex life. As others have said, you deserve more; I can't see too much positive in this relationship as it is.
My husband never smokes, and I only smoke 4 times a year max (twice this year and it's late September), but weed makes me ultra horny and sex amazing.
Originally posted by
My husband never smokes, and I only smoke 4 times a year max (twice this year and it's late September), but weed makes me ultra horny and sex amazing.
He's not lying. There are two completely different strains of marijuana: indica and sativa. Sativa strains act like anti-anxiety meds and indicas are more stimulating and are usually responsible for creative bursts of energy.
Originally posted by
no offense but he was lying to you.There is no such thing as 2 different kinds of weed...weed is weed.Some is better than others(grown different,stronger,etc .)If he was having sex for hours on end when he smoked the "upper" then it was
no offense but he was lying to you.There is no such thing as 2 different kinds of weed...weed is weed.Some is better than others(grown different,stronger,etc .)If he was having sex for hours on end when he smoked the "upper" then it was laced with something.possibly coke.-good thing your not with him anymore! Anyways to answer the question at hand,it is true that drugs affect people differently.I personally have never seen weed affect a guys sexual ability besides being lazy and not wanting to have sex.I dont think smoking pot is a bad thing,there is ALOT worse drugs and I think alcohol is way worse than pot! Maybe he has other underlying issues going on and you just seem to think its the weed.Unless he's lying to you and he is doing alot more than smoking pot.How does he act when he's stoned?Im sure you've been around people that were stoned before..does he act any different?Its good to know..I had the same issue along time ago.A guy I was seeing said he smoked,okay whatever,but I smoked and didnt act like him when he was "stoned",and he couldnt stay hard either and he would"doze"off alot.Well being the naive person I am(even though i believed him)I figured it was just the way it was affecting him.Nope!-I found out down the road that ya he smoked pot but everytime I thought he was just stoned he was actually high on herion!!He admitted it to me AND THAT IS WHY HE COULDNT STAY HARD!!So just watch how he acts and stuff..Im not saying thats going on with you but just to be safe because Ive never heard of a guy going soft from just being "stoned".-good luck on it,and just talk to him about it..if it is just weed tell him to not be smoking when your around because you want his dick longer than a minute and your starting to get offended by it.He should respect you after and not do it after you tell him.
Everyone has a different reaction and experience while smoking pot. Some people are just as lucid and capable of going through everyday life as if they were sober and you'd never know the difference. Others become complete wastes of space and it's extremely obvious what they're doing.
I think you need to dump him and find a guy who has better things to do with his time than do drugs.
I think it maybe something other than the use of marijuana. It effects everyone differently but my husband has been smoking it since he was 14 and he is 42 now. He still gets it up just fine all the time. If you do not like the marijuana use then, you need to find someone who does not smoke it.
Wow.... People lay off the poor girl, she may love this guy & all I'm seeing is negitive negitive negitive, dump him, lose the druggie... It's not like he is a crackhead !! He smoke pot, gods drug.... Not mans made death shit..
Ok girl I'm gonna be 100% honest & I don't care if I get ripped apart for this or whatever..
My husband & I both smoke, we have both smoked for 10+ years, I'm not a burnout, lazy or forget shit & my hubby is the same. No one would ever think we smoke DAILY & many times a day. We have a house, kids, nice things so not all potheads are losers or worthless ect... As far as sex goes we have never had issues as far as him going soft or anything but we also smoke really good shit. $25 a gram shit. One thing I do know is a friend of mine, her guy smokes but he smoke cheap shit that 9 out of 10 is sprayed with Raid or some bullshit just cuz it sux & won't get you high alone. Somewhere down the line of hands it's passed it gets messed with, his dealer may not do it but whos to say his guys guy doesn't do it.... Following me?
Now her guy has that issue with going soft at random and among all us smoking friend only they have the issue & only they smoke the cheap bud. So we came to think that is the reason they have an issue.
Does your guy smoke Good killer shit? Cheap shit? Ok shit? Or as most would say... Reg? Mids? Headies? KB? Or what?! That may have something to do with it. The more pure the strain the less nasty crap that comes with it..
Don't let people get you down about him smoking pot, more than half the world smokes & half won't ever admit they do or did!! Half the haters of weed never even smoked it, how can you knock it if you haven't tried it?? The rest didn't like it (I bet it was cheap shit that made them feel crappy, panic-ish, sick or whatever, not chill & happy like the world is easy & loving)... Have you ever heard of someone Overdosing on weed?? Nope!! It's next to impossable, it would take close to 2 pounds of it & you would have to eat it to get THC poisoning.. How many drunk drivers kill people every day?? How many potheads do you hear about killing people while driving?
Anyway point is... Potheads are not bad people, hell if everyone smoked I bet there would be no war!! Look into what he is smoking & let me know then I could help more.
Keep your head up girl
Ok girl I'm gonna be 100% honest & I don't care if I get ripped apart for this or whatever..
My husband & I both smoke, we have both smoked for 10+ years, I'm not a burnout, lazy or forget shit & my hubby is the same. No one would ever think we smoke DAILY & many times a day. We have a house, kids, nice things so not all potheads are losers or worthless ect... As far as sex goes we have never had issues as far as him going soft or anything but we also smoke really good shit. $25 a gram shit. One thing I do know is a friend of mine, her guy smokes but he smoke cheap shit that 9 out of 10 is sprayed with Raid or some bullshit just cuz it sux & won't get you high alone. Somewhere down the line of hands it's passed it gets messed with, his dealer may not do it but whos to say his guys guy doesn't do it.... Following me?
Now her guy has that issue with going soft at random and among all us smoking friend only they have the issue & only they smoke the cheap bud. So we came to think that is the reason they have an issue.
Does your guy smoke Good killer shit? Cheap shit? Ok shit? Or as most would say... Reg? Mids? Headies? KB? Or what?! That may have something to do with it. The more pure the strain the less nasty crap that comes with it..
Don't let people get you down about him smoking pot, more than half the world smokes & half won't ever admit they do or did!! Half the haters of weed never even smoked it, how can you knock it if you haven't tried it?? The rest didn't like it (I bet it was cheap shit that made them feel crappy, panic-ish, sick or whatever, not chill & happy like the world is easy & loving)... Have you ever heard of someone Overdosing on weed?? Nope!! It's next to impossable, it would take close to 2 pounds of it & you would have to eat it to get THC poisoning.. How many drunk drivers kill people every day?? How many potheads do you hear about killing people while driving?
Anyway point is... Potheads are not bad people, hell if everyone smoked I bet there would be no war!! Look into what he is smoking & let me know then I could help more.
Keep your head up girl
Wow.... People lay off the poor girl, she may love this guy & all I'm seeing is negitive negitive negitive, dump him, lose the druggie... It's not like he is a crackhead !! He smoke pot, gods drug.... Not mans made death shit..
Ok girl I'm gonna be 100% honest & I don't care if I get ripped apart for this or whatever..
My husband & I both smoke, we have both smoked for 10+ years, I'm not a burnout, lazy or forget shit & my hubby is the same. No one would ever think we smoke DAILY & many times a day. We have a house, kids, nice things so not all potheads are losers or worthless ect... As far as sex goes we have never had issues as far as him going soft or anything but we also smoke really good shit. $25 a gram shit. One thing I do know is a friend of mine, her guy smokes but he smoke cheap shit that 9 out of 10 is sprayed with Raid or some bullshit just cuz it sux & won't get you high alone. Somewhere down the line of hands it's passed it gets messed with, his dealer may not do it but whos to say his guys guy doesn't do it.... Following me?
Now her guy has that issue with going soft at random and among all us smoking friend only they have the issue & only they smoke the cheap bud. So we came to think that is the reason they have an issue.
Does your guy smoke Good killer shit? Cheap shit? Ok shit? Or as most would say... Reg? Mids? Headies? KB? Or what?! That may have something to do with it. The more pure the strain the less nasty crap that comes with it..
Don't let people get you down about him smoking pot, more than half the world smokes & half won't ever admit they do or did!! Half the haters of weed never even smoked it, how can you knock it if you haven't tried it?? The rest didn't like it (I bet it was cheap shit that made them feel crappy, panic-ish, sick or whatever, not chill & happy like the world is easy & loving)... Have you ever heard of someone Overdosing on weed?? Nope!! It's next to impossable, it would take close to 2 pounds of it & you would have to eat it to get THC poisoning.. How many drunk drivers kill people every day?? How many potheads do you hear about killing people while driving?
Anyway point is... Potheads are not bad people, hell if everyone smoked I bet there would be no war!! Look into what he is smoking & let me know then I could help more.
Keep your head up girl
Ok girl I'm gonna be 100% honest & I don't care if I get ripped apart for this or whatever..
My husband & I both smoke, we have both smoked for 10+ years, I'm not a burnout, lazy or forget shit & my hubby is the same. No one would ever think we smoke DAILY & many times a day. We have a house, kids, nice things so not all potheads are losers or worthless ect... As far as sex goes we have never had issues as far as him going soft or anything but we also smoke really good shit. $25 a gram shit. One thing I do know is a friend of mine, her guy smokes but he smoke cheap shit that 9 out of 10 is sprayed with Raid or some bullshit just cuz it sux & won't get you high alone. Somewhere down the line of hands it's passed it gets messed with, his dealer may not do it but whos to say his guys guy doesn't do it.... Following me?
Now her guy has that issue with going soft at random and among all us smoking friend only they have the issue & only they smoke the cheap bud. So we came to think that is the reason they have an issue.
Does your guy smoke Good killer shit? Cheap shit? Ok shit? Or as most would say... Reg? Mids? Headies? KB? Or what?! That may have something to do with it. The more pure the strain the less nasty crap that comes with it..
Don't let people get you down about him smoking pot, more than half the world smokes & half won't ever admit they do or did!! Half the haters of weed never even smoked it, how can you knock it if you haven't tried it?? The rest didn't like it (I bet it was cheap shit that made them feel crappy, panic-ish, sick or whatever, not chill & happy like the world is easy & loving)... Have you ever heard of someone Overdosing on weed?? Nope!! It's next to impossable, it would take close to 2 pounds of it & you would have to eat it to get THC poisoning.. How many drunk drivers kill people every day?? How many potheads do you hear about killing people while driving?
Anyway point is... Potheads are not bad people, hell if everyone smoked I bet there would be no war!! Look into what he is smoking & let me know then I could help more.
Keep your head up girl
Don't know why that posted twice, oops
![Contributor: MissStormRyder](https://cdn2.edenfantasys.com/Images/Contributors/Modified/977994_50x50.jpg?v=17055)
You made some good points!!
Originally posted by
Wow.... People lay off the poor girl, she may love this guy & all I'm seeing is negitive negitive negitive, dump him, lose the druggie... It's not like he is a crackhead !! He smoke pot, gods drug.... Not mans made death shit..
Ok ... more
Ok ... more
Wow.... People lay off the poor girl, she may love this guy & all I'm seeing is negitive negitive negitive, dump him, lose the druggie... It's not like he is a crackhead !! He smoke pot, gods drug.... Not mans made death shit..
Ok girl I'm gonna be 100% honest & I don't care if I get ripped apart for this or whatever..
My husband & I both smoke, we have both smoked for 10+ years, I'm not a burnout, lazy or forget shit & my hubby is the same. No one would ever think we smoke DAILY & many times a day. We have a house, kids, nice things so not all potheads are losers or worthless ect... As far as sex goes we have never had issues as far as him going soft or anything but we also smoke really good shit. $25 a gram shit. One thing I do know is a friend of mine, her guy smokes but he smoke cheap shit that 9 out of 10 is sprayed with Raid or some bullshit just cuz it sux & won't get you high alone. Somewhere down the line of hands it's passed it gets messed with, his dealer may not do it but whos to say his guys guy doesn't do it.... Following me?
Now her guy has that issue with going soft at random and among all us smoking friend only they have the issue & only they smoke the cheap bud. So we came to think that is the reason they have an issue.
Does your guy smoke Good killer shit? Cheap shit? Ok shit? Or as most would say... Reg? Mids? Headies? KB? Or what?! That may have something to do with it. The more pure the strain the less nasty crap that comes with it..
Don't let people get you down about him smoking pot, more than half the world smokes & half won't ever admit they do or did!! Half the haters of weed never even smoked it, how can you knock it if you haven't tried it?? The rest didn't like it (I bet it was cheap shit that made them feel crappy, panic-ish, sick or whatever, not chill & happy like the world is easy & loving)... Have you ever heard of someone Overdosing on weed?? Nope!! It's next to impossable, it would take close to 2 pounds of it & you would have to eat it to get THC poisoning.. How many drunk drivers kill people every day?? How many potheads do you hear about killing people while driving?
Anyway point is... Potheads are not bad people, hell if everyone smoked I bet there would be no war!! Look into what he is smoking & let me know then I could help more.
Keep your head up girl less
Ok girl I'm gonna be 100% honest & I don't care if I get ripped apart for this or whatever..
My husband & I both smoke, we have both smoked for 10+ years, I'm not a burnout, lazy or forget shit & my hubby is the same. No one would ever think we smoke DAILY & many times a day. We have a house, kids, nice things so not all potheads are losers or worthless ect... As far as sex goes we have never had issues as far as him going soft or anything but we also smoke really good shit. $25 a gram shit. One thing I do know is a friend of mine, her guy smokes but he smoke cheap shit that 9 out of 10 is sprayed with Raid or some bullshit just cuz it sux & won't get you high alone. Somewhere down the line of hands it's passed it gets messed with, his dealer may not do it but whos to say his guys guy doesn't do it.... Following me?
Now her guy has that issue with going soft at random and among all us smoking friend only they have the issue & only they smoke the cheap bud. So we came to think that is the reason they have an issue.
Does your guy smoke Good killer shit? Cheap shit? Ok shit? Or as most would say... Reg? Mids? Headies? KB? Or what?! That may have something to do with it. The more pure the strain the less nasty crap that comes with it..
Don't let people get you down about him smoking pot, more than half the world smokes & half won't ever admit they do or did!! Half the haters of weed never even smoked it, how can you knock it if you haven't tried it?? The rest didn't like it (I bet it was cheap shit that made them feel crappy, panic-ish, sick or whatever, not chill & happy like the world is easy & loving)... Have you ever heard of someone Overdosing on weed?? Nope!! It's next to impossable, it would take close to 2 pounds of it & you would have to eat it to get THC poisoning.. How many drunk drivers kill people every day?? How many potheads do you hear about killing people while driving?
Anyway point is... Potheads are not bad people, hell if everyone smoked I bet there would be no war!! Look into what he is smoking & let me know then I could help more.
Keep your head up girl less
I have never been with a guy that has had performance problems while high....I get very horny when I smoke marijuana...And personally I would rather be with a guy..or girl that gets high sometimes rather than someone that gets drunk all the time.
Same here !! People don't get high & beat the shit out of their lovers... Drunks do !!
Originally posted by
You made some good points!!
I have never been with a guy that has had performance problems while high....I get very horny when I smoke marijuana...And personally I would rather be with a guy..or girl that gets high sometimes rather than ... more
I have never been with a guy that has had performance problems while high....I get very horny when I smoke marijuana...And personally I would rather be with a guy..or girl that gets high sometimes rather than ... more
You made some good points!!
I have never been with a guy that has had performance problems while high....I get very horny when I smoke marijuana...And personally I would rather be with a guy..or girl that gets high sometimes rather than someone that gets drunk all the time. less
I have never been with a guy that has had performance problems while high....I get very horny when I smoke marijuana...And personally I would rather be with a guy..or girl that gets high sometimes rather than someone that gets drunk all the time. less
Just sayn
I beg to differ.
Originally posted by
Same here !! People don't get high & beat the shit out of their lovers... Drunks do !!
Just sayn
Just sayn
Haha! Great answer!
Originally posted by
I generally deal with it by dumping the druggie.
Easy there...generalization s like that have never lead to anything positive. That's like saying all women who dress provactively are off-duty streetwalkers or that all gay men have AIDS. Neither of those statements is accurate and both are hurtful.
Originally posted by
Same here !! People don't get high & beat the shit out of their lovers... Drunks do !!
Just sayn
Just sayn
I believe the basic issue was the guy loosing his erection when he smokes weed. It doesn't affect everyone this way but if it effects your guy this way, it is 100%. So it depends on what you can toor want live with.
I believe the basic issue was the guy loosing his erection when he smokes weed. It doesn't affect everyone this way but if it effects your guy this way, it is 100%. So it depends on what you can toor want live with.
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