If it works just fine, whats the point of correcting anything?
Featured by EdenFantasys
Hidden Penis
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Personally, I would never ask someone to have a surgery for that. If it works fine, who cares how it looks when it's flaccid? Seems purely cosmetic, and that's an area where I wouldn't go poking about just for cosmetic
Personally, I would never ask someone to have a surgery for that. If it works fine, who cares how it looks when it's flaccid? Seems purely cosmetic, and that's an area where I wouldn't go poking about just for cosmetic reasons.
We watched these documentaries quite awhile ago, but I thought you might enjoy checking them out! His situation is different from yours, but the topic still seems very relevant.
My Penis and I (on Documentary Heaven)
and the sequel...
My Penis and Everyone Else's (also on Documentary Heaven) less
We watched these documentaries quite awhile ago, but I thought you might enjoy checking them out! His situation is different from yours, but the topic still seems very relevant.
My Penis and I (on Documentary Heaven)
and the sequel...
My Penis and Everyone Else's (also on Documentary Heaven) less
I saw a guy on TV who had this, but he was also quite overweight, a lot of the surgery seemed to involve sucking all the fat out of his pubic region.
My ex husband had this issue. i had no idea that it was an "issue" or had any kind of surgery to correct it. Honestly, if it works just fine when "in the moment", I don't see why on earth you would be willing to do any kind of surgery. I would be afraid that something with surgery could go wrong, or could possibly scar you from there on out. Don't fix it if it isn't broken! good luck with whatever you choose to do though!
Originally posted by
How many of you have or know of someone who has a Hidden Penis.
This is basically where the penis retracts inside the body where no part or just a small part of the head is visible, when flacid.
I have this condition, and my wife and I ... more
This is basically where the penis retracts inside the body where no part or just a small part of the head is visible, when flacid.
I have this condition, and my wife and I ... more
How many of you have or know of someone who has a Hidden Penis.
This is basically where the penis retracts inside the body where no part or just a small part of the head is visible, when flacid.
I have this condition, and my wife and I are looking into corrective surgery but not sure if anyone is aware of this condition.
Was it an issue sexually? or a turnoff?
My equipment works just fine. she wants it to hang like a normal penis and mine hides. less
This is basically where the penis retracts inside the body where no part or just a small part of the head is visible, when flacid.
I have this condition, and my wife and I are looking into corrective surgery but not sure if anyone is aware of this condition.
Was it an issue sexually? or a turnoff?
My equipment works just fine. she wants it to hang like a normal penis and mine hides. less
Correction seems necessary, especially if its and aesthetic thing.

I agree.
Originally posted by
If it works just fine, whats the point of correcting anything?
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
i dont think u need surgery
I have no idea why you would want to go under the knife to change the way your penis looks when it's flaccid! I've never heard this described as a condition. I always thought it was just the way some guys were built. It makes absolutely no difference in the way your penis functions when you're hard, so where's the problem? If your wife really wants to see more of your penis when you're naked, there are MUCH easier ways to oblige her!
Do what YOU think is best.
Whatever makes you feel comfortable, I've never heard of this but its interesting.
My husband's does this, but I always chalked that up to him being on the overweight side. It never even occured to me that other people had this!
Personally, I'd be too afraid to consider surgery, simply because I think it would have too much potential to make matters worse, especially knowing my luck!
Personally, I'd be too afraid to consider surgery, simply because I think it would have too much potential to make matters worse, especially knowing my luck!
lol I made that mistake. He just told me I'm weird.
Originally posted by
I hope you never call it "cute" to his face! That can be a huge kick in the ego for a guy.
As long as it works and everyone is happy, why mess with it? More harm could come out of it than good.
As long as it works and everyone is happy, why mess with it? More harm could come out of it than good.
Anyway, I agree with you. If it ain't broke, don't attempt to fix it.
I agree.
Originally posted by
Personally, I would never ask someone to have a surgery for that. If it works fine, who cares how it looks when it's flaccid? Seems purely cosmetic, and that's an area where I wouldn't go poking about just for cosmetic
Personally, I would never ask someone to have a surgery for that. If it works fine, who cares how it looks when it's flaccid? Seems purely cosmetic, and that's an area where I wouldn't go poking about just for cosmetic reasons.
We watched these documentaries quite awhile ago, but I thought you might enjoy checking them out! His situation is different from yours, but the topic still seems very relevant.
My Penis and I (on Documentary Heaven)
and the sequel...
My Penis and Everyone Else's (also on Documentary Heaven) less
We watched these documentaries quite awhile ago, but I thought you might enjoy checking them out! His situation is different from yours, but the topic still seems very relevant.
My Penis and I (on Documentary Heaven)
and the sequel...
My Penis and Everyone Else's (also on Documentary Heaven) less
My hubby has a hidden penis. I don't see a problem with the way it works. I also thought it was just him overweight until I saw this post.
Originally posted by
My husband's does this, but I always chalked that up to him being on the overweight side. It never even occured to me that other people had this!
Personally, I'd be too afraid to consider surgery, simply because I think it would have ... more
Personally, I'd be too afraid to consider surgery, simply because I think it would have ... more
My husband's does this, but I always chalked that up to him being on the overweight side. It never even occured to me that other people had this!
Personally, I'd be too afraid to consider surgery, simply because I think it would have too much potential to make matters worse, especially knowing my luck! less
Personally, I'd be too afraid to consider surgery, simply because I think it would have too much potential to make matters worse, especially knowing my luck! less
I always say it is a good thing cause when the kids play rough with him they cant hit him in the penis.
Yeah, never call a penis cute lol.
Originally posted by
I hope you never call it "cute" to his face! That can be a huge kick in the ego for a guy.
As long as it works and everyone is happy, why mess with it? More harm could come out of it than good.
As long as it works and everyone is happy, why mess with it? More harm could come out of it than good.
I have never heard of this condition, or seen a penis like that.
So long as it works fine, why change it?...
If it is something you don't personally like, or your wife/fiance/girlfriend doesn't like I guess change it, but oherwise I don't see a reason you should have to.
So long as it works fine, why change it?...
If it is something you don't personally like, or your wife/fiance/girlfriend doesn't like I guess change it, but oherwise I don't see a reason you should have to.
I'm a nurse so I have seen this, but my boyfriend doesn't have this issue.
I don't know anyone personally who has it, but if I did, I wouldn't want them to get a surgery, as long as everything functioned normally for them!
My SO likes being cute and being called cute/having his penis called cute. I think this varies from guy to guy.
Originally posted by
I hope you never call it "cute" to his face! That can be a huge kick in the ego for a guy.
As long as it works and everyone is happy, why mess with it? More harm could come out of it than good.
As long as it works and everyone is happy, why mess with it? More harm could come out of it than good.
Who cares if it hangs!!!
I personally have been with someone like this and it doesn't bother me at all I mean it has been like that forever so why would I want to change that not to mention if it doesn't hang no one but me knows what my man is working with I would NOT do surgery if nothing is broken!!! If its NOT broken don't fix it!
I personally have been with someone like this and it doesn't bother me at all I mean it has been like that forever so why would I want to change that not to mention if it doesn't hang no one but me knows what my man is working with I would NOT do surgery if nothing is broken!!! If its NOT broken don't fix it!
i have that.
Seems like whenever you can spend money to change something about your body, it becomes a "problem." Unless it's hard to pee, I don't see the point if it comes back out during an erection.
i think surgery could do more harm than good plus honestly if she wants you go get it done for her that's kind of selfish in my opinion
I would not let anyone cut on my penis if it wasn't medically necessary or necessary for sexual functioning. I agree with Chami--it could do more harm than good. You always take the risk of damaging nerves and ending up with ED. As the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
We say that thing from that Dana Carvey movie... "Turtle turtle turtle!" LOL Yeah it happens to me sometimes too, lol its not a big deal
Originally posted by
How many of you have or know of someone who has a Hidden Penis.
This is basically where the penis retracts inside the body where no part or just a small part of the head is visible, when flacid.
I have this condition, and my wife and I ... more
This is basically where the penis retracts inside the body where no part or just a small part of the head is visible, when flacid.
I have this condition, and my wife and I ... more
How many of you have or know of someone who has a Hidden Penis.
This is basically where the penis retracts inside the body where no part or just a small part of the head is visible, when flacid.
I have this condition, and my wife and I are looking into corrective surgery but not sure if anyone is aware of this condition.
Was it an issue sexually? or a turnoff?
My equipment works just fine. she wants it to hang like a normal penis and mine hides. less
This is basically where the penis retracts inside the body where no part or just a small part of the head is visible, when flacid.
I have this condition, and my wife and I are looking into corrective surgery but not sure if anyone is aware of this condition.
Was it an issue sexually? or a turnoff?
My equipment works just fine. she wants it to hang like a normal penis and mine hides. less
My boy friend penis could be described as hidden it also "retracts" into his body when flaccid he calls it a grower not a shower... it is not a turn off. I would say don't go though a surgery bc nothing needs to be corrected. I kinda don't like that you call it a "condition" condition makes the mind think that there is something wrong or as if its a disability.
Originally posted by
How many of you have or know of someone who has a Hidden Penis.
This is basically where the penis retracts inside the body where no part or just a small part of the head is visible, when flacid.
I have this condition, and my wife and I ... more
This is basically where the penis retracts inside the body where no part or just a small part of the head is visible, when flacid.
I have this condition, and my wife and I ... more
How many of you have or know of someone who has a Hidden Penis.
This is basically where the penis retracts inside the body where no part or just a small part of the head is visible, when flacid.
I have this condition, and my wife and I are looking into corrective surgery but not sure if anyone is aware of this condition.
Was it an issue sexually? or a turnoff?
My equipment works just fine. she wants it to hang like a normal penis and mine hides. less
This is basically where the penis retracts inside the body where no part or just a small part of the head is visible, when flacid.
I have this condition, and my wife and I are looking into corrective surgery but not sure if anyone is aware of this condition.
Was it an issue sexually? or a turnoff?
My equipment works just fine. she wants it to hang like a normal penis and mine hides. less
To be honest I like it alot.. I like watching it grow... lets me know I'm doing the right thing. I'm doing my job and getting his dick hard
your wife needs to stop making you feel like there is something abnormal about your body... bc its natural and normal...
it sounds like she wants YOU to change your body.
This can happen to MOST guys if 1. They are very COLD, 2. Very stressed, 3. Obesity causes a fat pad to exist surrounding the cavernous chambers of the penis.
Originally posted by
How many of you have or know of someone who has a Hidden Penis.
This is basically where the penis retracts inside the body where no part or just a small part of the head is visible, when flacid.
I have this condition, and my wife and I ... more
This is basically where the penis retracts inside the body where no part or just a small part of the head is visible, when flacid.
I have this condition, and my wife and I ... more
How many of you have or know of someone who has a Hidden Penis.
This is basically where the penis retracts inside the body where no part or just a small part of the head is visible, when flacid.
I have this condition, and my wife and I are looking into corrective surgery but not sure if anyone is aware of this condition.
Was it an issue sexually? or a turnoff?
My equipment works just fine. she wants it to hang like a normal penis and mine hides. less
This is basically where the penis retracts inside the body where no part or just a small part of the head is visible, when flacid.
I have this condition, and my wife and I are looking into corrective surgery but not sure if anyone is aware of this condition.
Was it an issue sexually? or a turnoff?
My equipment works just fine. she wants it to hang like a normal penis and mine hides. less
This is not something rare or odd.
Well said. ALL surgery has risk, and doing surgery when things are working fine, opens you up to nerve damage, scar tissue (which could prevent or cause painful erection) or even vascular damage to the penis itself.
Originally posted by
i have never heard of this before... but i'm not sure surgery would be the answer, especially if it works perfectly fine. why fix something that isn't broken!
If it doesn't hurt don't worry about it- I mean geez it's safer in there isn't it!