Service Dog (harassment)

Contributor: LunaLuthor LunaLuthor
Originally posted by Sex Positivity
Anxiety plays a huge role in my life. At times, it is completely debilitating and leaves me in bed for days at a time or having panic attacks in school parking lots.* On February 14th, 2010, I became partners with my service dog, Liberty, for PTSD ... more
OMG how terrible i am truly sorry for people's stupidity
Contributor: phoenixfire phoenixfire
I have an invisible disability too--or at least, one you don't see unless you know me well. Some days, I feel like being the poster child for my condition, and some days I just want to be treated like a normal person. I completely understand where you're coming from. When I was 4 or 5 I lived in an area where service dogs were trained, so my parents taught me never to pet them. They were working, and working time was not petting time. Not everyone gets that there is a difference between assistance dogs and pets. I may have to have a service animal one day, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Thank you for reminding me how lucky I am that I can still choose to cover my disability, if I am with the sort of people who will not be accepting. That may not last forever.
Contributor: Jaimes Jaimes
It makes me very sad that it's not a one time or an every-once-in-a-while issue. I really had more hope that people used their brains a bit more frequently than that. I think there is a shortage on common sense filters, and people are just a bit too comfortable saying every little thing that comes to mind, regardless of their audience or message.

On the positive side, I'm really happy that Liberty is in your life, and making a difference. Animals truly are amazing that way.

Here's to hoping that more people will learn to take Liberty's example and simply be more sensitive and caring to their fellow man.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Sex Positivity
As much as I'm sure it really was her attempt at back peddling, it was still a completely inappropriate and offensive thing to say that violated my rights.

Your silence/admiring smile is really appreciated by people with service animals. ... more
I'm sorry this happened to you. You are right, you do NOT have to educate every person you run across, nor do you owe them an explanation as to why you have a Service Dog.

I run into a lot of Service Dogs in my area, I have never asked anyone why they have them. I think it's rude to ask someone, "What's wrong with you?" which is basically what asking what someone's Service Dog is for. In our area, the dogs all wear vests that say, "I'm a Service Dog. I'm Working! Please do not pet or talk to me, as my work is important and I need to concentrate!" or something similar. Maybe you could get Liberty a pinny or vest with something like this on it so people will leave you alone!

Good luck. I'm glad you have Liberty to share your life with. I think it's fantastic that you have her and that she has you.

You owe the Public NO explanations. Liberty knows why she is there and that's all that matters.
Contributor: Nanuk Nanuk
i donn't have a dog, but a good friend of mine does. when we were out one day, at the LIBRARY, of all places, a librarian comes and asks if it's a service dog, etc. and asks what disability she has/ what purpose does the dog have. She very calmly explained that it's against the law to ask. it felt like it happens quite often. I sympathize.

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