PLEASE HELP! Small Bump Found in Boyfriend's Anus

Contributor: MeliPixie MeliPixie
Originally posted by xOhxSoxScandalousx
Oh wow that sounds scary. Try going to a free clinic.
I'm in the process of looking for one, but where we are, there are a lot of homeless, and at our clinics, the homeless and impoverished take precedence over people like us who just don't have insurance and aren't in any trouble.
Contributor: MeliPixie MeliPixie
Originally posted by Beck
Sounds like he really needs to look into private health insurance.
Yeah... Wish I could convince him of that. He tried soon after he learned how much he owed, don't know what happened to that.
Contributor: MeliPixie MeliPixie
So we didn't get home from work until about 2:30 in the morning (working at a franchise means my closing procedure takes a LOT longer than his does) so we skipped the butt feel and went straight for dinner and bed. Tonight maybe.
Contributor: WD40watcher WD40watcher
Possibly could be internal hemorrhoids.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by MeliPixie
Hah, not where we live. Last year, he contracted H1N1 (swine flu) and almost died of dehydration and malnutrition before he would go to the hospital. In the ER, they gave him fluids via IV, X-rayed his chest, gave him a tetnis (tetanus?) booster ... more
He did need to go to the ER that time. When you take a UC (urine culture) there is a little capillary tube in the cap, the capillary tube has urine in it, after the cap is put on the cup. The nurse will take the cap, put the fluid from the capillary tube into a test tube and leave the rest of the urine in the cup for someone else to clean up. My guess is the nurse grabbed the small amount of urine needed for a culture without your seeing.

I was in the ER last week for a severe UTI, and my husband got upset because the cup was sitting on the counter. I had to explain to him that nurses are fast when they do this, the test tube was gone (it's usually in the kit with the cup, the cleaning toweletttes and the test tube) and they came back with a positive preliminary within half an hour.

Your BF probably didn't have any urinary involvement or they would have told you. I can pretty much guarantee they tested his urine, though. Also, they often will look at the urine to get an idea of how dehydrated someone is. A dehydrated person has dark yellow, smelly, sometimes sticky urine. If dehydration is really bad, the urine can be brown. They probably took a small culture as well as a visual examination of the contents of the cup. They don't need the entire specimen for most tests.

I'd keep an eye on that bump, whatever it is, and if it's still there in a week, he really needs to see a doctor. Chances are seeing a doc at a doctor's office is going to be a lot cheaper than the ER. They usually charge you $ 500.00 just to walk in the door of the ER.

He really should see a doctor if it's still there in a week, though. I am not going to even take a guess at what it is. Most likely nothing to worry about, but he still needs someone to examine him.

Good luck.
Contributor: MeliPixie MeliPixie
Originally posted by P'Gell
He did need to go to the ER that time. When you take a UC (urine culture) there is a little capillary tube in the cap, the capillary tube has urine in it, after the cap is put on the cup. The nurse will take the cap, put the fluid from the capillary ... more
Wow, that was very thorough! Unfortunately yes, I did see the test tube in the kit (my mom's a nurse, so I know how some of this stuff works) and it was still sitting there on the other end of the counter from where he put the cup. They never tested it, at least while we were there, but it was still charged. Plus, when he called to dispute the urology charge, he was basically told, "prove it."

He's reluctant to let me check it out, and I wish I knew why. He's not worried about it, he referred to it jokingly as his butt cancer when I brought up checking it tonight. Last night it was just too late and we were both way too tired.

On the plus side, he says it's not uncomfortable at all, even when he has a bowel movement.
Contributor: sweetpea12 sweetpea12
Originally posted by MeliPixie
Hi everyone, I have a very serious subject to discuss with you. My boyfriend and I enjoy engaging in pegging and other woman-on-top sort of activities about once a week, and usually it's all fun and games, laughter, pleasure, you get the gist. ... more
I would go to a free clinic, definitely look into this because it could be something serious.
Contributor: MeliPixie MeliPixie
Sorry everyone, I completely forgot to update you! A week or so after finding the bump, we were playing around in like fashion, and I took the opportunity to check out the situation. (He was opposed to me doing regular checks because he felt it's nothing to worry about, grump. ) What I found was that most of the bump was gone, and it had softened considerably, what was left of it. I believe next time I check it will be gone... But I'm not nearly as nervous about it as I was before. I'll try to remember better to keep you all updated. Thank you all so much for your help and support in this scary ordeal.
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
Could have just been a hemorrhoid, then. They sometimes just heal on their own. Make sure he gets enough fiber and water.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Lumps and bumps in the colon, rectum or anus should be checked out. Odds are in it nothing to worry about, since it came up so suddenly. Could be a small hematoma (blood blister), a small site of infection (which should be treated, or it could "tract" and become an anal/rectal fistula) or a hemorrhoid. I notice where it resolved, which is GOOD, but if something like that happens again, especially on the same spot, PLEASE have a GASTROENTEROLOGIST check it out. If you use your tail ends as a playground, then KEEP THE PLAYGROUND IN GOOD REPAIR..healthy and happy. Then you KNOW you are safe and all is well.

Be well, be happy, be healthy and enjoy!