Using lube with a clitoral vibrator?

Contributor: lana'sart lana'sart
Originally posted by CutiePatootie
It generally depends on my mood, but I do prefer the use of lube.
that is true mood is very important
Contributor: CinnamonNights CinnamonNights
I use lube with clitoral vibrators occasionally since a lot of them have drag and I move them around a lot. I wouldn't say it helps my orgasm feel better but it helps it happen faster.
Contributor: Ziva Ziva
I do not use lube but I do use clitoral simulator.
Contributor: TarotLadyLissa TarotLadyLissa
For me, lube is a must! I make a fair amount of natural lubricant on my own, but I like things to be very slippery. I find that unless I am very wet, I can't achieve a good orgasm.
Contributor: Otelia Otelia
I usually don't use a lube with a clit-vibe but occasionally do

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