loud vibrations: turn-on or turn-off?

Contributor: freda freda
Loud vibrations are distracting and annoying
Contributor: fredacarl fredacarl
Loud vibrations are distracting and annoying
Contributor: charletnarouh charletnarouh
For discretion and lack of distraction, i prefer my quiet toys.
Contributor: Gracie Gracie
I do love my hitachi, and you would think I would get conditioned to like that sound, but not so. I find it distracting even when I am home alone! Quieter toys help me stay in the moment.
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
I wish there was the infamous other here. Hearing the noise in general is a turn on, if it was so loud it was actually loud, it would probably be a turn off, but all in all it's not that big of a deal.
Contributor: Grace Gray Grace Gray
As someone who lives in a dorm, I need my vibes to be as quiet as possible.
So yeah, a definite turn-off!
Contributor: freda freda
I hate loud toys!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I hate loud toys. I can't concentrate nor can I relax when a toy is loud. We live with children and we don't need them to know, or wonder, what we're doing. (I mean, obviously, they know we have sex. But, they don't need to know at the very moment.)

I have a toy which I have taken the batteries out of and we use almost exclusively as an anal probe. Neither of us miss its loud noise or its buzzy vibrations. It's a nice probe without all the distractions.
Contributor: 425shark 425shark
It's a bit too much of a bother
Contributor: Lano4ka Lano4ka
Turn off, it's distracting
Contributor: calliope calliope
I got a toddler and a not very sound proofed appartment. Turn off!
Contributor: wildorchid wildorchid
Icky noises...
Contributor: NurseKitty NurseKitty
I dont mind a good buzz but some of the vibrators out there have some really obnoxious sounds.
Contributor: TexasFire TexasFire
Total and complete turn-off. Even when we're in our own house so nobody else can hear...the noise is distracting.

Especially bad if it is a plastic-type of vibration sound (currently experiencing when I use my Triple Orgasm ring.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
I don't like them usually. They make me feel like everyone can hear me.
Contributor: KinkyKatiya KinkyKatiya
Originally posted by AndromedaJane
Do you like noisy vibrators? Why or why not?
I don't really have an issue with being open about my sex life... so it doesn't make a difference to me if my roommates hear. Then again depending on who you live with definitely factors into this... I'm lucky to have openly sexual roommate...
Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
Kind of annoying since others can pretty much guess what youre doing.
Contributor: SimpleTeaser SimpleTeaser
If I want to spend some time with just myself, I don't want to worry about if anyone else is going to hear it.
Contributor: Lizzy Lizzy
If a toy is to loud it can break my concentration.
Contributor: icyqueen icyqueen
Huge turn-off! I don't want anyone to hear my vibe...