Do women get turned on by anal sex?

Contributor: MidnightStorm MidnightStorm
I don't, actually... Honestly, the sensation of something going IN is fine, but the sensation of things going in and out of me kind of bothers me. So anal sex doesn't really do it for me D:
Contributor: OOOLaLa5 OOOLaLa5
Originally posted by nohiosomewhere
Does any other women get turned on by anal sex?
yes! most definitely!!
Contributor: JennSenn JennSenn
I'm just starting to delve into anal, but it seems ok. It's good sometimes, but that sort of thing that comes and goes.
Contributor: AMorris89 AMorris89
I do get turned o by it. I have had anal sex with my husband penetrating me and I have used toys alone. I love the sensation. After the birth of our second child it was the one thing that made me have an orgasm. It is amazing if you find the rite spot.
Contributor: Alyxx Alyxx
I enjoy it a lot. First few times were with someone who really didn't know how to do it right, but even then I enjoyed it.
Contributor: Vaginas Vaginas
everyone's different. but I enjoy it
Contributor: moongirl moongirl
Originally posted by nohiosomewhere
Does any other women get turned on by anal sex?
Contributor: travelnurse travelnurse
Yes, I like it and the plugs too, it takes time and patience and lots of lube!!
Contributor: Wonderstruck Wonderstruck
I do
Contributor: Pudyqat Pudyqat
One word. NO.
Contributor: hall5885 hall5885
I love it.
Contributor: Laurinnichole Laurinnichole
I don't. It hurts wayy wayy too much.
Contributor: Shortc8ke Shortc8ke
If we take it slow then its fine.
Contributor: zinazum zinazum
Love it and cant imagine to do without
Contributor: Rraine Rraine
I enjoy anal a lot. I get really wet when my boyfriend and I do anal. I love the feeling. Some people don't enjoy it; but I really think as long as you do it right it can be enjoyable.
Contributor: froggygal91 froggygal91
I love anal sex
Contributor: froggygal91 froggygal91
it really depends on the woman and her mood
Contributor: NorthBayLady NorthBayLady
Not for me. Nothing goes in there.
Contributor: froggygal91 froggygal91
I do most of the time.
Contributor: lucyntheshy lucyntheshy
i have to be in the mood for anal by that i mean extremly horny with enough lube i actually quite enjoy it and nothing beats that look on my husbands face when i first told him yes to anal! made it all worth it
Contributor: Zandrock Zandrock
Some do
Contributor: Lowl Lowl
No I hate it!
Contributor: Experiment Experiment
Originally posted by nohiosomewhere
Does any other women get turned on by anal sex?
While I'm not as turned on by it as vaginal play, I do find the feeling of anal play to be nice. Nice, but not toe curling by any means.
Contributor: Martiniman Martiniman
My wife would say...Nooooooo!
Contributor: Gypsy69 Gypsy69
Originally posted by nohiosomewhere
Does any other women get turned on by anal sex?
Yes!! It hurts at first but once I get into it.. it becomes that "hurt feel great type of pain!" Becomes orgasmic!
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by CountryPrincess
I dont know... right now no but my bf really likes it and is trying really hard to get me to like it so maybe at some point
This would be the kind of answer my wife would give. Things are getting better and the mental hurdles are falling.
Contributor: zj22 zj22
Originally posted by nohiosomewhere
Does any other women get turned on by anal sex?
I certainly do, and I'm sure there must be other women who have experienced the same. It's because internally the wall between our vaginas and rectums is very thin, so for some (granted not all) we can receive intense pleasure from anal sex. I hope this answers your question.

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