I was using a shoe box but I had to upgrade to a Devine Toy Box.
What do you use for storage?
I have a clear plastic storage box that I just bought that fits under my bed (really wish it wasn't clear though). For some of my nicer toys (like my MiMi and Uma), I did keep the box but I don't plan on storing the toys in them. If they came with pouches, I put them in there. I hand stitched some simple drawstring pouches for all my others that came naked.
Right now they are in my night stand cabinet but I'm getting the lockable case. When my collection grows I don't know what I'm going to do.
We use a bag that's in a drawer.
Originally posted by
Just curious as to what everyone does for storage. Do you spend a lot of money on a souped up storage box just for toys? Or are you like me and just throw them in a tote? Do you keep them in the original packaging? How important is storage to you?
I use a suitcase for my toys. I definitely need to figure something else out!
Random plastic box now, but I'm eying a toibox.
underwear drawer or in a box in the closet.
there is no way I could have all that!! I'm at drawer or two status at most.. Wow that is a ton of toys!
We use a zip up bag stashed in the drawer
Originally posted by
Just curious as to what everyone does for storage. Do you spend a lot of money on a souped up storage box just for toys? Or are you like me and just throw them in a tote? Do you keep them in the original packaging? How important is storage to you?
we keep all of ours in an old shoe box under a covered table next to the bed. what we keep them in is not important to us, so much as keeping them together and hidden out of site.
OH! That is a BRILLIANT idea!!!!
Originally posted by
Carrie Ann
I use...
Two Devine Playchests, a Devine Satchel, Two Toi Tissue Boxes, Two Original Toi Boxes, three plastic drawered carts of different dimensions from Target and an over the door shoe holder with 24 pockets.
*pant pant ... more
Two Devine Playchests, a Devine Satchel, Two Toi Tissue Boxes, Two Original Toi Boxes, three plastic drawered carts of different dimensions from Target and an over the door shoe holder with 24 pockets.
*pant pant ... more
I use...
Two Devine Playchests, a Devine Satchel, Two Toi Tissue Boxes, Two Original Toi Boxes, three plastic drawered carts of different dimensions from Target and an over the door shoe holder with 24 pockets.
*pant pant pant*
I'm rabbid about keeping things organized how I want them and for easiest finding of what I want, when I want it, though. less
Two Devine Playchests, a Devine Satchel, Two Toi Tissue Boxes, Two Original Toi Boxes, three plastic drawered carts of different dimensions from Target and an over the door shoe holder with 24 pockets.
*pant pant pant*
I'm rabbid about keeping things organized how I want them and for easiest finding of what I want, when I want it, though. less
Over the door shoe holder.
You are so clever Carrie Ann!!!!!
I wonder if EF would sell them in neat patterns?? We've only got HellofriggenKitty and ugly stripes.
They are kept in their protective cases that are then kept under the bed.
I have a deep drawer of my nightstand designated as the Naughty Drawer. It doesn't hold all of the toys, but it holds the ones most often used. The BDSM gear is in an under bed drawer (with dessicant packets - I lost a lot of leather to mold once. ) and there's a box in the closet with some of our less used toys.
I put my toys each in their own individual freezer baggies and then put those in a mesh bag I got from SAAF (an organization that gives out condoms at gay pride festivals).
To be perfectly honest, I throw my sanitized toys in clean plastic zip lock bags and store (most) of them alongside each other in an Angry Birds tote bag hanging up in my closet. The exceptions are the toys made of cyberskin or similar material that need to be stored apart from the others. Those get a cushioned space in my bottom dresser drawer, nestled gently between my linens and spare curtains, in larger sealed plastic baggies.
I use a pink steel tool box. I bought that one because I was afraid if I had purchased one of the sex toy boxes, someone might recognize it and I would die of embarrassment!! Some items I keep in original packaging, some have pouches and some I just put in there as they are.
Originally posted by
Just curious as to what everyone does for storage. Do you spend a lot of money on a souped up storage box just for toys? Or are you like me and just throw them in a tote? Do you keep them in the original packaging? How important is storage to you?
drawer with clothes

we keep them in a tote but kind of keep them separated with zip lock bags keeps them clean and from sticking to any other toys
The two top drawers of my lingerie drawer are taken over by toys. I also have the ones that I don't like in a shoe box at the top of my closet shelf. I also store some in my Black EF bags.
i have a toy drawer
ina box
I use plastic drawers that have three drawer in them.
Constantly changes as I get new additions
I currently use one large and two medium-sized gift boxes for mine and I have each of my toys individually wrapped in organza or satin drawstring bags to keep them all clean and safe. If a toy comes with its own storage bag or case then I don't like to separate them. Having it all individually wrapped takes up a lot of space though, I could use more storage! I have my eye on a Devine playchest, they're so classy.
I'm thinking someone should pick up the ball and start making more storage! the cases eden does carry also come in a larger size. those would be nice
i use:
the above mentioned, cardboard boxes I get from dollar stores with tight fitting lids- sometimes metal on the corners. I have one for batteries and bullets, one for lube samples, one for lube and stim gels etc etc plus my neighbour asked if we were interested in some unused boxes he was throwing away- now I have like 40 small boxes. nothing bigger than a fun factory bi mini fits in them tho
i use:
the above mentioned, cardboard boxes I get from dollar stores with tight fitting lids- sometimes metal on the corners. I have one for batteries and bullets, one for lube samples, one for lube and stim gels etc etc plus my neighbour asked if we were interested in some unused boxes he was throwing away- now I have like 40 small boxes. nothing bigger than a fun factory bi mini fits in them tho
I have a cardboard storage box from IKEA meant for office stuff that I use as my toy box. I keep most of my toys in little cloth bags to keep them from touching (and potential melting issues) inside the box.
i use a large orange makeup bag that i got from ikea
Dresser drawer, but too many to fit in my underwear drawer so they're on their own.
I keep mine in my bra drawer - they get a drawer all their own, they're so big. I can hide toys in the breasts.