If you had to go 3 days without either sex or sleep, which would you choose?

Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by kittycatgirl
I saw a poll recently on the news that women would rather give up facebook than sex. I figured that was an easy one, but what about sleep and sex? Which would you choose to go without for three days? I'm guessing there at least have to be some ... more
When I was younger I would have gone without sleep...and frequently did! The problem is that with a toddler and two teenagers I really, really, value my sleep and I can slide a quicky in a shower if I need to...or let the tension build so that after that third day we simply explode into some really nasty and satisfying sex! LOL
Contributor: palindromic palindromic
Originally posted by kittycatgirl
I saw a poll recently on the news that women would rather give up facebook than sex. I figured that was an easy one, but what about sleep and sex? Which would you choose to go without for three days? I'm guessing there at least have to be some ... more
I mean, I pretty routinely go three days without sex. Three days without sleep would be hellish!
Contributor: Mwar Mwar
I'm useless unless I've had my sleep.
Contributor: hyacinthgirl hyacinthgirl
Definitely sex. I'm a cranky critter if I don't get sleep, and if I tried to do a no-sleeping sex binge, I wouldn't have a partner for long.
Contributor: Chami Chami
i only get to see my man on the weekends at this time due to us both being so busy during the week so im used to going without sex for a few days.....sleep i cant go without
Contributor: VelvetDragon VelvetDragon
After three days without sleep, I wouldn't want sex anyway! I've gone that long without sleep and I was HALLUCINATING by the end. So yeah, health comes first.
Contributor: Fawkes Fawkes
Originally posted by kittycatgirl
I saw a poll recently on the news that women would rather give up facebook than sex. I figured that was an easy one, but what about sleep and sex? Which would you choose to go without for three days? I'm guessing there at least have to be some ... more
as an insomniac the choice seems clear.
Contributor: Jenn (aka kissmykitty) Jenn (aka kissmykitty)
Sex is a-fucking-mazing, but I just can't function without sleep - so I'd go without sex.
Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
i already don't have any sex so i would be accustomed to 3 days without sex
Contributor: Upyourreviews Upyourreviews
Lol sleep is for the dead!
Contributor: lisasharrer lisasharrer
Originally posted by kittycatgirl
I saw a poll recently on the news that women would rather give up facebook than sex. I figured that was an easy one, but what about sleep and sex? Which would you choose to go without for three days? I'm guessing there at least have to be some ... more
i would go with out sex i need my sleep for the sex lol
Contributor: prettynpink prettynpink
Lol I knew my husband would be one of the few to vote for no sleep
Contributor: spineyogurt spineyogurt
Sex fore sure no question why would you torture yourself with no sleep
Contributor: CindyH CindyH
i would go with out sex
Contributor: Bex1331 Bex1331
I wish I had sex more frequently than every three days, I'm going on four WEEKS, so yea, I'd have to choose sleep, I know I can make it without sex for that long, though I don't like to.
Contributor: Short Cake Short Cake
I love sex but I need sleep!
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
Rather have sleep, since frankly my performance would suffer in everything
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
Rather have sleep, since frankly my performance would suffer in everything
Contributor: gloomybear gloomybear
when i go witout sex for like a week (which i do often because im in college) sex is ten times more enjoyable for me and my partner because i get tighter and its like haveing sex for the first time minus the pain
Contributor: WD40watcher WD40watcher
I love sex, but for 3 days I can live without it. Sleep is a must.
Contributor: giftdgecko giftdgecko
sleep is so much less fun
Contributor: pasdechat pasdechat
Missing a lot of sleep is really, really bad for your body--like, you can start having hallucinations. Not having sex for a few days might be annoying, but it won't hurt you.
Contributor: KrissyNovacaine KrissyNovacaine
Originally posted by Illusional
I suffer from insomnia and stay up anyways.. I'd love to get laid though.
Same here
Contributor: Owl Owl
I love sleep way too much.
Contributor: Do emu Do emu
Originally posted by kittycatgirl
I saw a poll recently on the news that women would rather give up facebook than sex. I figured that was an easy one, but what about sleep and sex? Which would you choose to go without for three days? I'm guessing there at least have to be some ... more
I'd go without sleep!
Contributor: Melan!e Melan!e
I would never make it 3 days without sleep.
Contributor: jennifur77 jennifur77
Originally posted by kittycatgirl
I saw a poll recently on the news that women would rather give up facebook than sex. I figured that was an easy one, but what about sleep and sex? Which would you choose to go without for three days? I'm guessing there at least have to be some ... more
I'd be too tired to enjoy it!
Contributor: meezerosity meezerosity
I have insomnia and have gone 3 days without sleep. I'd rather sleep for sure. I can go without sex for much longer and be content but my libido isn't very high.
Contributor: Librarian Librarian
Originally posted by kittycatgirl
I saw a poll recently on the news that women would rather give up facebook than sex. I figured that was an easy one, but what about sleep and sex? Which would you choose to go without for three days? I'm guessing there at least have to be some ... more
If I don't get sleep no one is going to want to come near me for sex. LOL
Contributor: indiechick indiechick
Originally posted by kittycatgirl
I saw a poll recently on the news that women would rather give up facebook than sex. I figured that was an easy one, but what about sleep and sex? Which would you choose to go without for three days? I'm guessing there at least have to be some ... more
As of today i've gone 7 weeks without sex. 3 days would be a cakewalk

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