Make or Buy Containers?

Contributor: KBToys24 KBToys24
I'm sure I can't be the only crafty wench here, so I figured I'd ask if you make or buy containers for your toys.

I've been on a spree making pouches for my various toys. I've made about half a dozen so far. Much prefer making them to buying them. Less money, cuter materials, and I get to make sure I won't have icky fibers on my toys
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
KBToys24 , Sir , Airen Wolf , Pleasure Piratess , Sera , HevansS , DustBunny , Kinky Skier , Yoda , leela , Miranda , K101 , ghalik , AlianneCimorene , SneakersAndPearls , BG529 , LoneOokami
17  (9%)
J's Alley , TitsMcScandal , Kayla , Sammi , Annemarie , Hollywood Chic , Beth D , sophie2229 , removedacnt , Coralbell , P'Gell , Selective Sensualist , leatherlover , Nightcrawler , Scension Earthbound , popples , Naughty Student , darthkitt3n , Xavier7 , Taylor , ellejay , Ajax , UrNaughtyaAngel , Love&War , Lithaewyn , sexygoddess , stlouisxxx , namelesschaos , Spring , kelaaa33wish , Owl , MissManners , AriaRN
33  (17%)
ToyTimeTim , Angel deSanguine , Luscious Lily , tim1724 , Kyra Saunders , Victoria , MuffysPinguLove , Miss B Haven , Rayne Millaray , Passionate Pastor , Jul!a , joja , Envy , Andromeda , fatesrelease , Lady Venus , Lustful Dreams , beautifulpierced , 00 , sarahbear , AU , Serafina Brightside , Chilipepper , ToyingCouple , Valyn , SexYnCute Couple , Avant-garde , Sensual husband , XXXXXXXXXXXXX , ScottA , OhMy! , NightNight , LikeSunshineDust , PassionQT , isisandshiva , Love Buzz , Lavender*Moon , Trashley , lamira , null , lovehurts , Robin Goodfellow , Jill Ingoff , ToyGeek , Kitty Kitty , Stujen , nolongerhere , Miss Morphine , Lummox , dv8 , tits only , cinnie0 , Emma (Girl With Fire) , deletedacct , Tart , married with children , KnK , vanillaSpice , Danielle1220 , RonLee , northstar , VenusianThunder , indiglo , BluePixi , toxie m , *HisMrs* , thedude , V.T.T , tigerkate , LavenderSkies , Sweet-Justice , Stagger13 , 0 , Kaltir , RedGoddess , BBW Talks Toys , *Huxley* , TumorCrunch , Drifter86 , jankit , MaryExy , potstickers , sexyintexas , It's a Hooker! , The Curious Couple , AgnesTrevejo , TexasBrat , uu , ybe1986 , That Man from Mars , Devz , Eucaly , Miss T , Chaotic Rantings , Breas , VampKitty , Lucky21 , Pink Jewel , AndroAngel , WetJenn , haley730 , SkinFlute , roskat , pootpootpoot , Do emu , clockwork451 , LolaAreola , misty82
108  (55%)
~LaUr3n~ , Alan & Michele , Heartthrob , *Ashley* , NY Toyfan , harohunter , Snappy , Newlyinclined , kck , SexyySarah , buzzvibe , Red Vinyl Kitty , Midway through , Blinker , deltalima , AVDisco , twistedheartsx , Rossie , Dusk , Sanjay , DeliciousSurprise , Alegria , Kindred , Shellz31 , Mr. E , Hot'n'Bothered , TiffyPixie , SexyTabby , Solar Ray , sbon , nicky51679 , wetone123 , The Unnamed , Eden C. , GravyCakes , ToyBoy , Love Perpetua , frell , Archery
39  (20%)
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Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
I use the packaging they come in, put toys together that can be put together, and store in regular furniture likes my 3 dressers of which I didn't buy lol. So I said neither. Way to be crafty
Contributor: Alan & Michele Alan & Michele
We use the packaging too, or stick them in Ziploc bags in various locations. If I had the time or the talent though, I'd probably make some nice bags for them.
Contributor: TitsMcScandal TitsMcScandal
I've bought a few containers and small cabinets to house my toys. I'm not cool enough to make anything to store them in.
Contributor: Sir Sir
Only thing that I'd buy in terms of containers is that wallet for condoms that MuffysPinguLove suggested a while ago. Other than that, I make my pouches.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
For me it depends on the packaging it comes in. Some can be used for storage some the packaging is not suitable. For those toys I will make something to store it in. I do upholstery and leather work so I can usually find scraps to use.
Contributor: KBToys24 KBToys24
I'm rather in love with the few I made last night. Just got a new toy and it needed a pouch. Ended up using a cute cherry print cotton Used some felt between the layers for padding and it turned out quite well. I may just have to start selling these lil buggers. lol

Glad to see I'm not the only one who's crafty!
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
By containers I mean cabinets . Inside, they're either in their packaging or separated on the shelves.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
I make boxes for my toys out of yarn and plastic canvas. I have made some bags out of both yarn and fabric but I prefer the boxes.
Contributor: Kyra Saunders Kyra Saunders
If a toy comes with a bag or in a form-fitted box, I will typically save and use that but if they are "naked", I tend to make them a bag of their own. Then they get stored in my toy storage bench
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
I only keep some boxes, I use the pouches the toys come with, and we use under the bed bins - so, for now, it works for us. Eventually, it would be good to have a 3 drawer bedside table.
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
I haven't had the time yet but I want to buy an un-finished small chest to keep my toys, in their individual cases, inside of. I figure that way it's more affordable AND I can make sure it matches and looks like it fits in w/ the rest of my bedroom furniture.
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
Originally I stored all my toys in a bureau drawer, all in Zip Lock bags and covered by my sweat shirts. I was pent up on hiding them as well.
I discovered those shoe storage containers with compartments and covered by see thru plastic which I slide under my bed.
The Lelo and NJoy toys I keep in thier boxes...they look both elegant and seductive.
Overall, I have given up on hiding toys, I have two rechargeable vibes on my bedside table.
The bathroom always seems to have toys lying around including my b/f's masturbation sleeve drying. This does mandate a quick sweep when we have company.
Contributor: *Ashley* *Ashley*
I just keep them in the packaging they came in or in a zip lock bag.. Ill store them either under my bed, depending on which one I’m using the most, or in my dresser. I’ve also thought about just storing them in a travel bag and keeping them in my closet.

I could make one but Id rather buy a cute looking one. I haven’t been creative in a long time; so I think I’ve lost some, if not most, of my creativity.. But the one I see are either too small or too expensive…
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
Originally posted by Liz2
Originally I stored all my toys in a bureau drawer, all in Zip Lock bags and covered by my sweat shirts. I was pent up on hiding them as well.
I discovered those shoe storage containers with compartments and covered by see thru plastic which I ... more
I am sewing impaired so making covers will not happen.
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Originally posted by Tori Rebel
I haven't had the time yet but I want to buy an un-finished small chest to keep my toys, in their individual cases, inside of. I figure that way it's more affordable AND I can make sure it matches and looks like it fits in w/ the rest of my ... more
That sounds like a good plan - I have seen really cute wooden chests at AC Moore.
Contributor: Miss B Haven Miss B Haven
I found beautiful wooden chests that are made to resemble nude female bodies and have hidden drawers from top to bottom (no pun intended ). I have been searching the internet like Crazy looking for a link but I can't find them. That's what I would keep all my toys in if I can ever find them again. Currently I keep my toys in various cases and make my own storage bags if they don't come with their own.
Contributor: Annemarie Annemarie
I have the For Your Nymphomation foot-long case in pearl white, and I love it. Holds just about everything I use on a semi-regular basis (except my glass toys which I store two-at-a-time in the cute pink Don Wands pouchies.

I hadn't ever thought of making my own pouches... Something to think about.
Contributor: Hollywood Chic Hollywood Chic
Originally posted by KBToys24
I'm sure I can't be the only crafty wench here, so I figured I'd ask if you make or buy containers for your toys.

I've been on a spree making pouches for my various toys. I've made about half a dozen so far. Much prefer ... more
I was actually thinking the same thing and looking at the variety of options that Eden has for sex toy storage, such as The Pink Corset Storage Box. I personally think I'll leave my fingers to much more useful things. I would recommend buying a nice storage box or three! Of course, depending on how large your collection is. I think it would be rather annoying to have to pick the fuzz/fibers from your favorite dildo. Who has that time!
Contributor: sweet sally sweet sally
As my collection grows, I've thought about this more recently. Right now they are in either the bag they came with, ziplocs, or crown royal bags.

All the "toy boxes" I've seen online are way too small. lol But, I went down the make up aisle the other day and zoned in on a caboodle. It's to hold all your "girlie" stuff right and some of them even have locks. They also have seperate little compartments for lube....but where to keep something so big?
It wouldn't fit under the bed or in the drawer beside the bed. (where they are now)

Such a Dilema!
Contributor: SexyySarah SexyySarah
I don't do either, I either use the thing they came in or just put them with the rest of my toys in a big bag, so I guess you could say I "buy" a big bag/box for them to go in.
Contributor: buzzvibe buzzvibe
I either keep my toys in their original packaging or a plastic bag.
Contributor: Red Vinyl Kitty Red Vinyl Kitty
I use a dresser that we've allocated to sex toys. Sometimes, if the toy comes with a fancy bag or something we'll use that too.
Contributor: Envy Envy
I tend to buy boxes, mostly tool boxes, and i also use shoe boxes as well. I'd make some but I don't have all the right tools.
Contributor: Midway through Midway through
I haven't made or bought anything to hold my toys yet. I keep them in a dresser drawer. However, I've been eyeing those catchy toyboxes on here that lock..Seems convenient..
Contributor: Beth D Beth D
I totally should make pouches for things that don't come with them, but my mind is craftier than my fingers; all my former projects have crashed and burned

Maybe I'll try again, though, because it would be much more frugally responsible than buying things. Though I really want a toy box that locks, because I'm paranoid like that...
Contributor: sophie2229 sophie2229
I "buy" ziplocs.
Contributor: AU AU
I like to do both, but sometimes I need something custom. I made a box a while back that opens like a book and has a velvet cushion inside! But then I realized after I glued the cushion down that some things didn't fit so well! I'm too busy with other crafts now to redo it. It will be reserved for my smaller toys.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
I make pouches for anything that isn't hard plastic, and all of it fits into a 'photo scrap' box that slides under the bed. Is there any material that's good for cyberskin/jelly/etc storage besides plastic bags? Or is this a moot question?
Contributor: Sir Sir
Originally posted by Chilipepper
I make pouches for anything that isn't hard plastic, and all of it fits into a 'photo scrap' box that slides under the bed. Is there any material that's good for cyberskin/jelly/etc storage besides plastic bags? Or is this a moot question?
No particular material is good, but maybe a cotton or tulle-lined pouch might work for it? I do not know. I always put them in plastic bags, though. You can always just make regular satin bags to put them in, after putting them in a plastic bag!