Are you happy with your sex toy storage?

Contributor: madame macbeth madame macbeth
Originally posted by Antipova
Running a forum search of "storage" turns up practically hundreds of results of threads of people asking each other about storage. Asking for ideas, some people even making their own... None have too many responses.

I thought a poll ... more
We just had to buy drawers because the collection is getting a bit over flowing. But hey they are labeled and my go to toys are in the satchel.
Contributor: Wickedly Yours Wickedly Yours
Originally posted by Antipova
Running a forum search of "storage" turns up practically hundreds of results of threads of people asking each other about storage. Asking for ideas, some people even making their own... None have too many responses.

I thought a poll ... more
I definitely need more space and something discreet.
Contributor: MagneticDuke MagneticDuke
I just got a plastic file crate from Staples yesterday. $7, and I was able to fit my attachments for the auto fuk, masturbators with hard cases, and my date night go-box in it with no issue.

Just need to find a good woman so I can actually use my date night go-box. Someday, but not today.
Contributor: Luvluna499 Luvluna499
I’d love a couple ideas on storing my toys. I’ve got a nice collection started I’m just not sure where to put them.
Contributor: DenRu85 DenRu85
I don't have a special storage, and I don't need it for one toy.
Contributor: godot godot
Just have a giant ass shoe box under my bed right now, and honestly, I'd like to get something more specially purposed--like the zip up case they sell on here.

Also need some more little pouches to put toys that need to be separated from each other in! It works for now because I only have a few TPE toys, but that's gonna change soon.. What am I gonna do then!?
Contributor: abee abee
My storage is decent; I got a couple plastic bins that fit under my bed, which are easy to pull out when I want to go through my toys and easy to hide from view when there's a chance guests might see them. Aside from that my toys aren't very organized; while I don't mind a little rummaging, it could definitely get inconvenient, especially as my collection grows. Perhaps at some point I will appropriate a drawer or two in my dresser to house them, but for now I'm sticking with my bins.