Thanks for another awesome video, Tim! You rock.
I, too, was horrified to see the Amethyst going from boiling water to ice water (poor thing . . . what did it do to offend you? ). While I don't have the Amethyst, I do have the Don Wands Bent Graduate, which is identical except in color, and it is a fabulous toy. I've boiled mine (and just about every other glass toy that I own) with no troubles, though I start out with it in a pot full of room temperature water and then allow it to cool enough for me to reach in to retrieve it.
Sometimes a piece of glass has internal stress points that can cause it to shatter when going from one extreme temperature to another, so just because one glass object is fine when pushing the limits does not mean that another identical glass object made by the exact same company will be (just look at the many stories about people whose Pyrex glass baking dishes have exploded when going from one extreme temperature to another--though it is supposedly manufactured to do just that).
I know you already mentioned this, but I just want to reiterate it so that hopefully no one will be impatient enough to want to cool their toy too quickly after boiling and suffer an unpleasant surprise.
I love how your videos have shown how durable and safe glass is by demonstrating how well it holds up under extreme conditions (conditions under which no one would actually use the toy). Kudos and many thanks to you for risking your treasured toys to reassure the uncertain multitudes of future glass toy users! <-- That's a glass rabbit, BTW. Be nice.