Are we going overboard and perhaps temping fate with all the flame testing?

Contributor: jmex83 jmex83
Originally posted by P'Gell
OK, Toy Time Tim aside (and folks, he's a professional, don't try this at home) I'm starting to wonder if the infatuation of flame testing toys "to see if they're what it says they are" is getting a little out of hand. Am I ... more
Wow, I didn't even know that folks did this! That seems pretty dangerous if you ask me, for all the reasons that you listed above!
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
I've got that phrase in my head, "so if everyone jumped off the CN tower you would too?" (shhhh! I am Canadian!)

Just because you can flame test, doesn't mean you should.

I never could figure out why a person would do such a thing. I mean, that is what reviews are for right? That is why we put what something smells like into the review so we don't burn down our homes.

Thank-you P'Gell for posting this!!! Can we start an awareness club, "Masturbators against Flame Testing!" or "Toys are our friend stop burning them"?

Now I have to go look at TIm's profile. Fire equipment you say??? LOL!!!

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