What is your “go-to” lube? What is your favorite? Why?

Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
We all have our favorites and I was wondering what you like to use and why. If you use a lube with glycerin for your favorite, please state that this chemical doesn’t cause irritation (I am assuming it wouldn’t, of you wouldn’t use it.)

If your go-to lube is a silicone based lube, what do you use when you use silicone toys?

Is your lube selection different for PIV, toys or anal? Or do you use the same lube for all activities?

Other lubes or silicone or oil based lubes, please explain why you prefer these, and what you use when you use toys that are not compatible with these lubes.

Obviously, I couldn’t include all lubes that Eden carries, so please let us know what you like and why
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
P'Gell , namelesschaos , Redboxbaby , ZenaidaMacroura , Tuesday , DeliciousSurprise , MaryExy , sexygoddess , Ajax , Pinkhare , sarahl , Gracie , falalena
Shellz31 , Andromeda , CSEA , bunny love , Taylor , Willis2011 , The Girl With No Name , Love Perpetua , BeeSquared , VSgirl , solitudinarian , TarotLadyLissa , AmberLeigh , spiced , LoneOokami , ashboo32 , foxinlace
I'll Miss You EF :( , GTXecutive , Artificial.Sugar , Creepellah
Darling Jen , Liz2 , BadassFatass , pinkcupcakes , Jimbo Jones , ColorSplash , *Ashley* , sixfootsex , EdenJP , ToyTimeTim , tigerkate , SexyStuff , Redboxbaby , Lithaewyn , Lummox , Xiel , REDRUM , bobowaxer , Kindred , Astia , UnknownGirl , Screaming Violet , BadgersRose , jankit , The Curious Couple , Stinkytofu10 , RonLee , MelSC , bbfujv , Silverdrop , coconut1 , BiJess , DiamondKoala , Ciao. , funforall7 , mmmmm , Creepellah , Trysexual , UsArmyGuy , Fluffy Snuggles , iabicpl09 , PropertyOfPotter , Alchemagician
Astroglide Some contain glycerin and other chemicals. Which one and why do you like it?
soyandapplecrisp , ichwillwaffels , BSJ , melianofvalinor9 , hornypoet69 , Ivy Wilde , Masokisti
Good Clean Love, water based contains glycerin
KY Jelly or do you prefer KY “Mine and Yours”
pinkzombie , PersonalAngel , liilii080 , sexyk515 , ap-the-aper , McTavishes , darkkitty , Sapphires13 , pokefan15 , gloomybear , woofcub , SexyWalrus
Toy Fluid Fun Factory contains glycerin
Airen Wolf , dovahkiin
System JO products which one and why
wetone123 , Adriana Ravenlust , lovemuscle n cookie , Katelyn , sweetpea12 , KrissyNovacaine , Gone (LD29)
Other lubes or silicone or oil based lubes, please explain why you prefer these, and what you use when you use toys that are not compatible with these lubes.
ShadowKitten , darthkitt3n , ToyTimeTim , tigerkate , Naughty Student , AmandaA , Redboxbaby , Hallmar82 , Lummox , DeliciousSurprise , Kindred , Rainbow Boy , bunny love , Pleasure Piratess , jankit , cburger , Libra , callsignhusker , Upskirt , rdytogo , Checkmate , Ajax , dv8 , mistressg , Rin (aka Nire) , Silverdrop , EnterTheFist , Artificial.Sugar , PeachieClean , LavenderSkies , padmeamidala , Girly Juice , ghalik , icelandia , SexyWalrus , steph0119 , karenm , UsArmyGuy , Fluffy Snuggles , Bleu , 1001 Pleasures , PropertyOfPotter , Gimme More , Aishiteru , foxinlace
of course, other
Tart , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , markeagleone , Ansley , That Guy , lovin , MR Chickhabit , ColorSplash , zracer , potstickers , ZenaidaMacroura , Kinkypixie , toxie m , *Huxley* , Astia , Adriana Ravenlust , Bunnycups , JustYourAverageGuy , Selective Sensualist , Kdlips , Seharra , EndlessFrost , K101 , null , mistressg , leatherjacket , Mxd , Katelyn , jc123 , Eva Schwaltz , PeppermintFuntimes , Artificial.Sugar , Doah , alistair , WhoopieDoo , carenautilus , mmmmm , llellsee , srexom , Trysexual , True Pleasures , PropertyOfPotter , Pandwhora , Rawr4483
Total votes: 194 (166 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by P'Gell
We all have our favorites and I was wondering what you like to use and why. If you use a lube with glycerin for your favorite, please state that this chemical doesn’t cause irritation (I am assuming it wouldn’t, of you wouldn’t use it.)

If ... more
Sliquid H2O Ride is our favorite. We may, on occasion, grab LELO Personal Moisturizer or even Hathor's "premium" lube, but Sliquid H20 Ride seems to be the lube we go back to again and again and use more than any other.

It's thick, it only has four ingredients, it is completely non-irritating (for us) it lasts a long time and it doesn't get sticky. I actually prefer the Hathor for hand jobs, (as some of the herbs in it tend to cause anal or vaginal irritation in me, but it works well for hand jobs) but for everything else, we go with the Sliquid H2O Ride.

We've come a long way since our Astroglide days, as we've learned more about chemical ingredients, lube viscosity and irritation and how to avoid it.

What is your favorite?
Contributor: ShadowKitten ShadowKitten
I use Wet Light (biggest bottle I can find which is 553ml for about 28 bucks and lasts me by myself about 2-3 months although I don't masturbate daily or use a whole lot), it's very thin and feels cold on your skin (like cold water) but makes everything a breeze for inserting toys. It's water based so it works with all my toys as well as being great for masturbation, It stays wet a decent amount of time and doesn't evaporate quickly (on toys about 15-20 minutes per small bit of application, masturbation varies on how fast I'm masturbating but around half the time most of the time). I've used Astroglide (I found it far too sticky and it evaporates way too quickly), the "Platinum" version of Wet (Silicone based but a pain to clean up and feels warm when using it for masturbation which I don't really like, hence why I don't use it much anymore), as well way back in the day I used a lot of ID water based stuff which was OK but not the best.
Contributor: markeagleone markeagleone
Originally posted by P'Gell
We all have our favorites and I was wondering what you like to use and why. If you use a lube with glycerin for your favorite, please state that this chemical doesn’t cause irritation (I am assuming it wouldn’t, of you wouldn’t use it.)

If ... more
My wife and I prefer Climax Bursts Cooling. It is water based and feels great!
Contributor: ❦Angel Of Music❦ ❦Angel Of Music❦
I purchased Topco's Climax bursts aphrodisiac enhanced and use it every time now. It isn't an aphrodisiac for me, but it's a really nice lube and it is water-based.
Contributor: ❦Angel Of Music❦ ❦Angel Of Music❦
Originally posted by markeagleone
My wife and I prefer Climax Bursts Cooling. It is water based and feels great!
I want to try this one so bad!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
I prefer Sliquid Sea.
Contributor: Crash Crash
We are still trying to find our go to lube. We tried maximus and didn't like it much for handjobs but it works well for us otherwise. I'm going to have to do some research.
Contributor: lovin lovin
I have been using Moist personal lubricant, it is water based works well so far not sticky like other lubes.
Contributor: BadassFatass BadassFatass
Currently, I'm in love with Maximus. It seems to work well for everything for us.
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
Perhaps I am in a rut but I now use Maximus for everything and I so totally love the pump dispenser.
Contributor: pinkzombie pinkzombie
I love KY. I have used the jelly, yours and mince ect. and I love the plain old regular KY lube the best. It has no odor, and seems very natural to me. Very slick and a little goes a loooonnnggg way!
Contributor: Jimbo Jones Jimbo Jones
We love Maximus for everything but water play and oral play and it doesn't even get in the way for oral play, it just doesn't enhance the experience like a better flavored lube. For water play we go with a silicone lube like Eros Original Bodyglide.
Contributor: MR Chickhabit MR Chickhabit
Originally posted by P'Gell
We all have our favorites and I was wondering what you like to use and why. If you use a lube with glycerin for your favorite, please state that this chemical doesn’t cause irritation (I am assuming it wouldn’t, of you wouldn’t use it.)

If ... more
SYLK is the best lube in the world, nontoxic silicone safe, and lasts FOREVER.

too bad eden doesn't carry it.
Contributor: I'll Miss You EF :( I'll Miss You EF :(
I swear by pink water, but actually I have become quite fond of California Exotic's Premium lubre. But I think that has glycerin/parbens in it. I don't have the bottle with me to check. But for the price Premium Lube is AMAZING!
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
I love Bodyfluid, which is silicone based. When I need a water based lube, I usually just pick whichever one I pull out first.
Contributor: soyandapplecrisp soyandapplecrisp
We usually don't need it, but I like the water-based lubes best in general.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
Sliquid H20 Ride is my go to lube because it work well in any application. Non-irritating thick and water based. Although I find Maximus is a bit thicker and perfumes a bit better.
Contributor: PersonalAngel PersonalAngel
ky his and hers is theeee best
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
I like the naturals without parabens or other nasties.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Shellz31
I like the naturals without parabens or other nasties.
That's the reason I never tried Maximus, despite the good reviews.

We used to use Astroglide, before I realized what a chemical dump it was, and that it was causing some health issues for both of us.

I'm surprised only namelesschaos and I prefer Sliquid Ride H2O as our favorite. It only has 4 ingredients, no "nasties" and it lasts a long time.

I'd love to see some of these lubes in samples, so people can try them without putting out 12 to 25 bucks for something that may not suit them.

I think that would be a good seller. A Sample Pack of 5 to 12 lubes, enough for two or three tries for each one, so people could try them.
Contributor: *Ashley* *Ashley*
Maximus is where it's at!
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
For me Maximus is all I have been using. Anal lube from Cal Exotics works good too, but I like the pump top. It does not agree with the wife though, so it is all mine.

Most of the time the wife does not need lube but when she does we use Probe thick and rich. It does dry up at times but a little water/spit fixes that.

We have also use Better Sex Essentials Silicone a time or two for PIV and it works good and it did not bother her at all. We just tried JO Premium (silicone) and it has given her some problems, not sure if it is a UTI or just a rash or something.

I use the Better Sex Essentials for bath/shower fun but I only use glass and stainless toys for that. Tried a few times with a condom on silicone toys but it did not seem to work very good.
Contributor: tigerkate tigerkate
For a while, I was all about Maximus. But having Better Sex Essentials Silicone Lubricant means that I bounce between the two.

I really like the Better Sex because it's got a good consistency and never irritates me. However, for silicone toys and for anal, I stick with Maximus.

Now that I'm reading about these others, though, I'm considering trying a few new ones.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
For me Maximus is all I have been using. Anal lube from Cal Exotics works good too, but I like the pump top. It does not agree with the wife though, so it is all mine.

Most of the time the wife does not need lube but when she does we use ... more
The parabens in the Maximus probably bother her. Cal Exotics Anal Lube has glycerin and parabens, so that's probably why that one bothers her.

Really, try the Sliquid H2O Ride. It works for PIV (on the rare occasion that we need it for that) anal, toys and it has no glycerin or parabens, so your wife will probably be cool with it.

I have too many silicone toys to even have silicone lube in the house. Plus, I hate having to shower or bathe after nighttime sex, so, we don't use it ourselves.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
For me Maximus is all I have been using. Anal lube from Cal Exotics works good too, but I like the pump top. It does not agree with the wife though, so it is all mine.

Most of the time the wife does not need lube but when she does we use ... more
The parabens in the Maximus probably bother her. Cal Exotics Anal Lube has glycerin and parabens, so that's probably why that one bothers her.

Really, try the Sliquid H2O Ride. It works for PIV (on the rare occasion that we need it for that) anal, toys and it has no glycerin or parabens, so your wife will probably be cool with it.

I have too many silicone toys to even have silicone lube in the house. Plus, I hate having to shower or bathe after nighttime sex, so, we don't use it ourselves.
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
We like playing with a lot, but the maximus has a permanent position by the bed. Love the pump dispenser!
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
I really love Pjur's silicone lube.

I love it bcs I can grab it, bring it into the shower for those sweet wet quickies. But I also love it bcs it is thin and feels more natural to me than some waterbased lube I have tried.
Contributor: AmandaA AmandaA
I like Climax H20
Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
I am on the hunt for better lube all the time, and we are desperate right now! I apparently am, all the sudden, sensitive to Maximus, which has always been our go to vaginal sex lube. Unfortunately, I can't even use it anally because it burns bad! That really sucks, since I have a whole unopened bottle. At P'Gell's suggestion, I went looking for Sliquid's H2O Ride at the local sex shop, they unfortunately did not have Ride, but they have the H2O.

Should I try the H2O instead or should I wait and just order the Ride H2O from Eden? Have you tried the other one?

For anal, we use Gun Oil Silicone. Seems to work best for us thus far. My body seems just fine with things for awhile and then all the sudden, WHAMMO! and I can never use whatever again without more, WHAMMO! Not good.

Suggestions are greatly appreciated.