Toys on Your Period

Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
There has been plenty of talk about sex on your period. But what about using toys while on a period (Forgive me if this was started before, but I have not seen it)? I bring this up because SIGH...I just got like 20 items and half of them are insertable. I don't use insertable toys on my period. you? And if so, what kind?

Guys you can answer too...will you use toys on your partner if she is on her period? Which kind?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I'm a male and...
ToyTimeTim , Sir , shepegsME , jakjak , harohunter , BrokeNHorny , jreed24 , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , leatherlover , dv8 , Oddity , Stujen , Keegski , Xavier7 , Solar Ray , slynch , streetshark182 , Xiel , The Unnamed , Erotica Explorer , Drifter86 , Purpleducklings , Adam02viper , angel142stx , Rightya , mb , ToyBoy , Lio , Reyes , newfoundlust , That Man from Mars , Lucky21 , Endocott , The Curious Couple , Churga57 , EdenJP , GONE! , JackRaiden , rom323 , Pi , Nkev , greed , bison , DiamondKoala , BurntToast , Falsepast , Sauceboss , treefrog88 , Ain't lookin for nothin but a good time , Stagger13
I'm a female and...
~LaUr3n~ , MuffysPinguLove , Freckles , Miss Cinnamon , ♥ Amanda ♥ , Elodie , TitsMcScandal , Kayla , sarahbear , KBToys24 , RainbowAmoeba , Splendwhore , Tori Rebel , Hannah Savage , *Ashley* , sophie2229 , Liz2 , Not here , Annemarie , Crystal_Rose , Angel deSanguine , Newlyinclined , Rayne Millaray , Kyra Saunders , Love Buzz , JPito , AlexLady , Alicia , Rossie , Sapphires13 , Jill Ingoff , joja , Airen Wolf , 00 , omgmegg , bzzingbee , Envy , SleepyPanda , Illusional , Blinker , Nefarius , P'Gell , Pleasure Piratess , HevansS , Kim! , buzzvibe , Lady Venus , sweet sally , Midway through , kck , Sapphire Pet , removedacnt , clp , SexyySarah , Carrie Ann , Darling Jen , Apinkjellybean04 , Owl Identified , Red Riding Hood , brokenangel , Maiden , Tara T , Misfit Momma , Geekhyena , doowop , kcordie , Peach Girl , Naughty Student , DemonicXKitten , null , I'll Miss You EF :( , LikeSunshineDust , LittleBoPeep , RadRach , DeliciousSurprise , CleverKitty , Selective Sensualist , Madeira , LaFemmeMystique , EndlessFrost , Adriana Ravenlust , VampKitty , SomewhatSomewhere , Dusk , gothikstars , V.T.T , hollie87 , The Girl With No Name , sasweetheart89 , SexyTabby , Andromeda , the bedroom blogger , liljeepr , Sebmissive , Taylor , thegoldilocksincident , Lavendar Menace , meganthomas , Tart , tits only , ToyGeek , Hot'n'Bothered , Bunnycups , DustBunny , BBW Talks Toys , lovehurts , BluePixi , *HisMrs* , firekitten , PinkPedal , BadassFatass , toxie m , EvaChangeN , darthkitt3n , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , sixfootsex , Shellz31 , girl next door , IndependentlyHappy , idunshire , teeny <3 , BeautiFullFigured , REDRUM , hisgirl61612 , alliegator , TheSinDoll , Coralbell , Linga , Fuck it. , nicky51679 , indiglo , UrNaughtyaAngel , PersonalAngel , jankit , liilii080 , Kaltir , naughtyjo , DCorrelle , EvilParfait , zeebot , jfree , BlueDog , C4ss , bunny love , ichwillwaffels , cburger , THUMPER , Anjulie , LavenderSkies , M. Roth , ninaspinkturtle , potstickers , sexyintexas , larkr , tigerkate , Stephanie Marie , kinky girlfriend , Kdlips , miamortis , w-o-name , froggiemoma , padmeamidala , Noira , Rachel Nunez , MaryExy , cherryredhead88 , Eva Schwaltz , Ms. Spice , Miss Anonymous , tokensgirl , Eucaly , Epicurean , cec578 , Ivy Wilde , ZenaidaMacroura , FreeAsMyHair , sarki , ybe1986 , CAKES , uu , salaciousrex , Rin (aka Nire) , Starrr , kittychilla , link82 , sapphire4223 , K101 , ap-the-aper , ElleMNOP , krisvida , Vegan Silk , ichigostrawberry , Rhazya , oohlookasquirrel , Nothere , Shaelote , AlaskanBeauty , Jesse , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , cherrykisses , Antipova , zracer , The Mother of a SiNner , Bignuf , Diabolical Kitty , AncoraImparo , amandaco2011 , Noira Celestia , Kari , themaddhatter , v23 , Cora Jane , northstar , Wild Orchid , AU , Love Perpetua , BlackxxxRose , miss-miss , biancajames , spiceboy , dudemeister , Ms. N , Curiouscat , dezzydezire , True Pleasures , Peggi , shinypinkstars , bayosgirl , Masokisti , Jazz , Sinfully , SMichelle , anpcool , wrmbreze , whitness , Silverdrop , Dirminxia , NarcissisticLust , boobookittyfuk , StarbucksAddict , voenne , winterseve , LAndJ , Cherrylane , Nazaress , wafflewendy , Jake'n'bake , Apirka , SaraU29 , Lizzy , loveme10402 , sweetpea12 , Buttercup Green , UnknownGirl , FleurDevereux , Positwist , Zombirella , Tess , November , Kitka , MGDavicnigirl , Deidrenicole , aliceinthehole , LaSchwartz , Djiffy , Woman China , Mwar , unfulfilled , Spring , Beck , FemmeFlo , CanadianChick , Harpina is gone , sexxxkitten , BeachyKeen , Mrs.Giggity , roskat , marrythenight , SJ88 , Gone (LD29) , TdotY , ghalik , ciderspider , Bzz , Bittenflame , KrissyNovacaine , bh253 , pasdechat , britanny0620 , WhoopieDoo , AlianneCimorene , Rey , Double Analysis , SkinFlute , Girly Juice , Mikhaila , ArsenicAlice , Lady Bear , elli , brighteyesbeautiful , Nirelan , lacybutton , Megan Jean , never shy , tunacan75 , TJtheMadHatter , Lildrummrgurl7 , ashboo32 , snowminx , Crystalline , kaylajoy89 , Robespierrethecat , hillys , angel42539 , Vanille , dawnkye , lalapetitee , Wicked Wahine , GirlOnGirl , melissa1973 , Rawr4483 , Pastafariette , The Kitty , LoneOokami , karenm , brandi2009 , icyqueen , KitKat16
I will use insertable toys with I or my partner is on her period
~LaUr3n~ , MuffysPinguLove , Freckles , ♥ Amanda ♥ , ToyTimeTim , Elodie , TitsMcScandal , sarahbear , Sir , KBToys24 , Splendwhore , Tori Rebel , Hannah Savage , jakjak , sophie2229 , Liz2 , Fearsome , Annemarie , Angel deSanguine , Kyra Saunders , JPito , AlexLady , Jill Ingoff , joja , Airen Wolf , 00 , SleepyPanda , Blinker , P'Gell , Pleasure Piratess , buzzvibe , sweet sally , BrokeNHorny , Midway through , kck , Sapphire Pet , Owl Identified , Red Riding Hood , brokenangel , Maiden , usmcwife99 , Misfit Momma , kcordie , Naughty Student , DemonicXKitten , null , RadRach , DeliciousSurprise , CleverKitty , Selective Sensualist , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , LaFemmeMystique , Adriana Ravenlust , gothikstars , V.T.T , hollie87 , The Girl With No Name , SexyTabby , the bedroom blogger , leatherlover , liljeepr , Lavendar Menace , dv8 , Oddity , firekitten , Xavier7 , BadassFatass , toxie m , EvaChangeN , sixfootsex , IndependentlyHappy , teeny <3 , TheSinDoll , Coralbell , Linga , Fuck it. , indiglo , jankit , streetshark182 , Xiel , BlueDog , Erotica Explorer , C4ss , bunny love , Purpleducklings , Anjulie , M. Roth , ninaspinkturtle , potstickers , phunkyphreak , tigerkate , kinky girlfriend , aphroditelady , Adam02viper , miamortis , angel142stx , Pinkhare , Noira , cherryredhead88 , mb , Ms. Spice , Eucaly , Epicurean , ybe1986 , uu , Lio , Rin (aka Nire) , Reyes , link82 , sapphire4223 , K101 , ap-the-aper , ElleMNOP , Vegan Silk , oohlookasquirrel , Nothere , Shaelote , Jesse , Antipova , The Mother of a SiNner , Bignuf , Diabolical Kitty , AncoraImparo , Lucky21 , Noira Celestia , Endocott , themaddhatter , The Curious Couple , biancajames , EdenJP , Peggi , Masokisti , Sinfully , GONE! , JackRaiden , whitness , NarcissisticLust , rom323 , StarbucksAddict , wafflewendy , Jake'n'bake , Nkev , Lizzy , Buttercup Green , FleurDevereux , Positwist , November , Kitka , MGDavicnigirl , aliceinthehole , Woman China , unfulfilled , FemmeFlo , sexxxkitten , BeachyKeen , DiamondKoala , Serena Shirley , Gone (LD29) , ghalik , Khanner , Bzz , Bittenflame , KrissyNovacaine , pasdechat , britanny0620 , WhoopieDoo , AlianneCimorene , SkinFlute , Girly Juice , Mikhaila , ArsenicAlice , elli , nosrslylol , TJtheMadHatter , Lildrummrgurl7 , kaylajoy89 , Robespierrethecat , ChaiMocha , Wicked Wahine , GirlOnGirl , Ayogirl230 , Ain't lookin for nothin but a good time , Rawr4483 , The Kitty , karenm , Stagger13 , icyqueen , KitKat16
I will use only exsternal toys while I or my partner is on her period
RainbowAmoeba , Not here , Crystal_Rose , B & M , Newlyinclined , Kyra Saunders , Love Buzz , Alicia , angsaysrawr , Sapphires13 , Jill Ingoff , omgmegg , bzzingbee , Envy , Nefarius , Pleasure Piratess , HevansS , Kim! , Lady Venus , Waterfall , BrokeNHorny , kck , removedacnt , clp , SexyySarah , Carrie Ann , Darling Jen , Geekhyena , doowop , Peach Girl , DemonicXKitten , I'll Miss You EF :( , LikeSunshineDust , LittleBoPeep , Madeira , jreed24 , moomoo89 , VampKitty , Dusk , Sohotdinosaur , sasweetheart89 , Andromeda , Taylor , meganthomas , Tart , ToyGeek , Oddity , DustBunny , BBW Talks Toys , Stujen , BluePixi , Xavier7 , Shellz31 , girl next door , REDRUM , hisgirl61612 , alliegator , nicky51679 , Kaltir , zeebot , cburger , LavenderSkies , sexyintexas , larkr , chidoll , Stephanie Marie , Kdlips , Eva Schwaltz , Britt&Daniel , tokensgirl , ToyBoy , cec578 , ZenaidaMacroura , FreeAsMyHair , sarki , ybe1986 , CAKES , kittychilla , newfoundlust , That Man from Mars , krisvida , ichigostrawberry , Jesse , cherrykisses , Diabolical Kitty , I'mNotYourToy , anonymouse58 , amandaco2011 , northstar , Wild Orchid , The Curious Couple , AU , Love Perpetua , spiceboy , dudemeister , blackbunny , Ms. N , Jazz , SMichelle , wrmbreze , Silverdrop , voenne , winterseve , Cherrylane , Nazaress , Pi , Apirka , Boobs and Lubes , sweetpea12 , UnknownGirl , FleurDevereux , tortilla , Zombirella , Tess , fufucat , Djiffy , Woman China , Mwar , Beck , Harpina is gone , Mrs.Giggity , roskat , marrythenight , SJ88 , ciderspider , MissManners , KrissyNovacaine , britanny0620 , chuckthompson453 , Rey , Sauceboss , Lady Bear , Nirelan , lacybutton , giggles26 , Pumpk1nPatch , ashboo32 , hillys , Vanille , wicked48 , LoneOokami , OH&W, Lovebears
I will not use any toys while I or my partner is on her period...gross
Miss Cinnamon , Rayne Millaray , Rossie , Tara T , XXXXXXXXXXXXX , thatonegirl , Jenniae09 , EndlessFrost , SomewhatSomewhere , Sebmissive , tits only , Hot'n'Bothered , lovehurts , *HisMrs* , SapphirexIce , darthkitt3n , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , idunshire , liilii080 , DCorrelle , jfree , magicmac , ichwillwaffels , THUMPER , w-o-name , froggiemoma , Rachel Nunez , BabyL0ve , Starrr , emiliaa , Rhazya , AlaskanBeauty , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , dogsrule , AU , Highmaintenancegirl916 , miss-miss , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Curiouscat , dezzydezire , shinypinkstars , Miaever , bayosgirl , Dirminxia , LAndJ , LaSchwartz , Spring , CanadianChick , TdotY , FHeemz , Double Analysis , brighteyesbeautiful , tunacan75 , snowminx , angel42539 , melissa1973 , Pastafariette , brandi2009
I will not use any toys while I or my partner is on her period...other reason (explain)
Kayla , Illusional , Sera , lamira , thegoldilocksincident , Bunnycups , Solar Ray , BeautiFullFigured , ninaspinkturtle , padmeamidala , MaryExy , Ivy Wilde , zracer , callsignhusker , v23 , Cora Jane , BlackxxxRose , Churga57 , anpcool , boobookittyfuk , Apirka , SaraU29 , LaSchwartz , BurntToast , bh253 , treefrog88 , Megan Jean , giggles26 , lalapetitee
Total votes: 795 (422 voters)
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Contributor: Freckles Freckles
I always wondered about this and if I was the only one who did. Thanks for making this survey!
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Freckles
I always wondered about this and if I was the only one who did. Thanks for making this survey!
LMAO i voted wrong on my own poll. I meant to vote that I don't. I only use external toys.
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
LMAO i voted wrong on my own poll. I meant to vote that I don't. I only use external toys.
I'm an external-only girl during that time of the month too. It's not that I find it unsanitary (I use most of my toys in the shower as it is), it's just that it's not something I care to see.
Contributor: ♥ Amanda ♥ ♥ Amanda ♥
Well.. let me pop the cherry lol... I use external or internal toys any time of the month. Of course during my period I do have to make room for a little mess by using a towel or taking playtime to the shower, but other than that it is really the same. It is the same as having intercourse while blessed with the monthly gift. I don't know. Maybe I am weird... but I have needs I tell ya! A little blood could never stand in my way of pleasure. Also an orgasm during my period is very good at helping cramps. Strange.. I know... just the way it is.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
It hasn't happened a hole lot, but women have needs.
My wife only uses silicone or her plastic toys. On the plastic she will put a condom on it just to make it easier to clean.
We have a special old shirt of mine for the bed or just hop in the shower.
Also like AKAme said, an orgasm or two really helps the wife with cramps. It also helps with her mood. I am always ready to help out when I can.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by ♥ Amanda ♥
Well.. let me pop the cherry lol... I use external or internal toys any time of the month. Of course during my period I do have to make room for a little mess by using a towel or taking playtime to the shower, but other than that it is really the ... more
Oh I agree orgasms help a ton! Sometimes I am even hornier on my period too! I get really sensitive vaginally though and this is the main reason. I don't bleed a lot. It started like 1 day ago and its done now. I barely bled. I have used a toy internally once while bleeding more and I just was turned off by the site of it because I couldn't stop thinking about the clean up.
Contributor: Elodie Elodie
Yep, all the time. I play in the shower and bath a lot, but it's not necessary. I'm not grossed out by my own period in any way. Happily, my boyfriend isn't either.

And orgasms during one's period help with cramps immensely.
Contributor: sarahbear sarahbear
When I have a sex drive... I use toys and have sex during my period. Unless the toy might be stained by blood. The tub/shower or the Liberator throe are great at containing the mess, though it does look like a murder might have occurred in the tub afterward.
Contributor: Freckles Freckles
Originally posted by ♥ Amanda ♥
Well.. let me pop the cherry lol... I use external or internal toys any time of the month. Of course during my period I do have to make room for a little mess by using a towel or taking playtime to the shower, but other than that it is really the ... more
I'm right there with you!

I get really bad cramps, orgasms generally help the most with them.
Contributor: shepegsME shepegsME
she = externals only.
Contributor: Hannah Savage Hannah Savage
I use both internal and external toys during my period because of how much an orgasm (appears to) help with not only cramping but the length of my period. I'm on the pill so I don't have a very heavy flow, and if I did my opinion of it may be different. Regardless, I will only use internal toys that are able to be sterilized.
Contributor: *Ashley* *Ashley*
I’ve actually never really gave it any thought. Id use toys or have sex while I was on. Only if I was light though. If it was a heavy day.. eh, Id rather not. just too mess and its a turn off to see all the mess and thinking of the clean up. But it is a natural thing, nothing I’m really grossed out about. but if I'm really in the mood and don’t feel like cleaning it up, in the shower I go
Contributor: sophie2229 sophie2229
I only use nonporous toys, then I wash them really well. I also don't use really light colored toys because then it looks a little bit like a murder scene when I'm finished.
Contributor: sophie2229 sophie2229
but I won't base the review for an insertable toy on a "period" try because my opinions usually change during that time ie I might be more or less sensitive
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
My real answer is sometimes. I am not grossed out but I am aware of the mess (and I have a throe). It helps with my cramps and tends to move things along quicker. At times I just use a clit type vibe witha tampon in place.
Contributor: Fearsome Fearsome
Once you get over the 'GROOSSSSS' sort of preschool reaction where everyone runs away because you have a caterpillar in your hair, using waterproof toys in the bathroom tub or shower fixes any issue you might having using a toy on your period. you don't even have to have water in it at the time, and if you don't mind the laundry, you can even tote in an old sheet or pillow.

I enjoy using my cone in the shower when I'm on my period, but I can't turn the water one until after I've put the cone away because it's not waterproof.
Makes me feel better, and my flow is normally more even if I masturbate when the mood hits me. Sure it's a mess, but I can clean it up with a smile on my face.
Contributor: Annemarie Annemarie
I won't use insertables on my heavier-flow days, but on the first day or two and then on the last day or two, sure, why not? I do, however, avoid extremely textured toys (i.e. something that's really ribbed, because it's difficult to clean) and opt for smooth or tossing a condom on.

I recently had a strange bout of a 3 month long period, and I wouldn't have been able to survive with only clitoral orgasms.
Contributor: Crystal_Rose Crystal_Rose
External only. Anything being inserted is just not comfortable.
Contributor: B & M B & M
Personally I'm not a fan of insertable toys during my period, I'm not a fan of cleaning up afterwards, and I just seem to find that I am repulsed by it.

I have inserted toys on my period, but I limit it to the times that I am in the shower.

Most of the time, I stick with my external toys during my period.
Contributor: Angel deSanguine Angel deSanguine
I do, very occasionally, use insertables on my period but they're always glass... I hadn't realized that trend until just now.
Contributor: Love Buzz Love Buzz
I love my laya spot when I've got my period. I'm not afraid of mess, but my partner has a fear of blood, soI got it alone. I get so horny when I have my period that I would nearly go insane before I got my laya spot. I bought it for specificly this reason and it's become one of my favourite toys.
Contributor: AlexLady AlexLady
A lot of toys are sanitizeable. May as well make use of that.

Besides, I don't really think it's nasty in the first place.
Contributor: angsaysrawr angsaysrawr
I've never used an insertable toy while on my period, but I have used one externally. I'm not sure how I'd feel about it to be honest-- which is odd since the hubby and I do have sex on my period on occasion, though it's usually shower sex.
Contributor: joja joja
I've never had a problem with any sort of penetration on my period... in fact, I find it more pleasurable than usual.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
I chose that I do use insertable toys while on my period but it also depends on the easw with which I can clean the toy afterward. I find that orgasm and gentle thrusting gives my uterus a massage that eases the cramps.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Angel deSanguine
I do, very occasionally, use insertables on my period but they're always glass... I hadn't realized that trend until just now.
makes clean up very easy and doesn't carry the smell...I have that tendency as well
Contributor: SleepyPanda SleepyPanda
Orgasms definitely make the cramps lighter! Glass or silicone in the shower...mmmmm. I don't have any problem with insertables during my period.
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
I defeinitely use toys when it's that time of the month, because that's when I'm the horniest! I wouldn't use any dildos or dongs that were porous, though, just to be sure that the toys I'm using can be fully sterilized. But as for glass dildos, hell yeah! When I'm on my period though I do prefer vibrators for clit action. My clit always feels more sensitive, and honestly I don't need insertable toys when I can just satisfy my clit's needs and cum.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
We use toys when I have my period. I don't see what the big deal is, if the toy is either a nonporous material (like glass or silicone or steel) or you cover it with a condom. If we can get a good round of orgasms in before the cramping start badly, we can offset the pain quite a bit. I've suffered from endometriosis, so the cramps can be phenomenal, and I when I first had the endo, about 15 years ago, I used to NOT want to have sex during the first few days,(after always having sex during my period before that) and now we are back to usually daily sex play and the cramps are MUCH better. If I don't come, however, the cramps are awful, as I get "Girl Blue Balls" on top of the cramps, so orgasm is pretty important then.

We lay down a maroon sheet and towel on the bed, My Man resigns himself to an after sex shower, that "second day" (The Deluge) and I to a before sex hot bath, and our sexual activities change little, unless I have bad cramps, then we may actually skip a day, but not usually. But, I am usually more horny than usual when I have my period. I couldn't imagine going my 4 to 7 days with no sex, or with no toys.

Like Nina Hartley says, "There's nothing that doesn't wash off."

Your mileage may certainly vary.