Does your partner get jealous of your dildos?

Contributor: libbyv libbyv
Originally posted by captainsgirl
Does your partner ever get jelous over your dildos? Either non realistic or realistic?
i'm really luck, and he buys me most of my toys. so no jealousy
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
Never. I'm pretty sure he likes sex toys more than me.
Contributor: bibeatrice bibeatrice
My boyfriend does not get jealous. He likes to watch me use them.
Contributor: TJtheMadHatter TJtheMadHatter
He doesn't get jealous. I think that he's thankful for them, actually. He does hard, physical labor, and falls asleep on the couch, a lot. The toys get me off and they let my husband sleep in peace. lol