When it comes to inserting things anally, do people really just try any ol' thing up there?

Contributor: Loriandhubby Loriandhubby
Originally posted by Rhazya
This wasn't meant to offend anyone by the way, was just curious why all the warnings. And no I haven't used a Coke Bottle, it was a joke.. heard it before and wondered if it was an urban myth. Thanks everyone for their replies so far.
i put the warnings for new people to toys or for those who just did not know. I put a lot of safty info in my reviews if it is needed. I just love to be overly informative.

Contributor: Arch600 Arch600
I can't say just how frequently ERs have to perform, er, extractions, but with the number of stories out there, it is pretty certain it can happen. For me, the risk to health and possible humiliation simply makes chancing an unsafe object a non-starter.
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
Originally posted by MrWishyWashy
I'm with everyone else on this one. If there are clear warnings on a toy not to stick it your ass, it's staying out!
I complete agree!! The warnings are for your safety! If you head it, you will be sorry.
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
Originally posted by Rhazya
I've seen a million warnings, on reviews and other places not to insert x toy anally due to not having a flared base or what have you. I haven't really done a lot of inserting. But why do you think the warnings exactly? Is it really that ... more
The warnings are for your safety! If you don't head it, you will be sorry. Are you so naive to think otherwise?
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I have also had some friends do stupid stuff anally. One tried a frozen hot dog and it broke off up there ouch. I am already scared of trying anal. I know I like when reviews say that to be careful and not use it if there is no flared base. I am still looking for the right one to try once I get over my fears.
Contributor: Melan!e Melan!e
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
You must watch this video by Ducky Doolittle. You will absolutely flip at what has been found in peoples rectums.
WHAT! That is wild!! I knew there were some dumb people out there but that's really gotta be the cream of the crop.
Contributor: squire squire
Originally posted by Beck
I'm going to say google one guy and a glass jar, but this is for adult eyes only. And not for the weak stomach. People put the craziest things in their ass. Be safe and only insert what is designed to go inside there.
That video made me shutter the first time I watched it.
Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
Originally posted by Melan!e
WHAT! That is wild!! I knew there were some dumb people out there but that's really gotta be the cream of the crop.
There are a lot of people out there who don't know about/have access to sex toys, who try putting something up there once, and when nothing bad happens, they try other stuff, and then... you've got a bottle of Mrs. Buttersworth stuck in there.
Contributor: Melan!e Melan!e
Originally posted by DeliciousSurprise
There are a lot of people out there who don't know about/have access to sex toys, who try putting something up there once, and when nothing bad happens, they try other stuff, and then... you've got a bottle of Mrs. Buttersworth stuck in there.
It's sad that there isn't better sex-ed that includes sex-toy-ed out there. I didn't know much, if anything, about all the great toys available to me until very recently. I surely didn't have anyone around to tell me about this stuff in school or growing up at home. I just never stuck anything up there that should be either.

I didn't mean to sound offensive.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
You must watch this video by Ducky Doolittle. You will absolutely flip at what has been found in peoples rectums.
Contributor: Tork48309 Tork48309
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
You must watch this video by Ducky Doolittle. You will absolutely flip at what has been found in peoples rectums.
Good one T3! Thanks for sharing the vid.
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
The "warnings" that are there to keep companies from being sued are the ones that say "for novelty use only. Not for insertion." Which kind of takes the point out of a sex toy.
Contributor: meezerosity meezerosity
Safety first, like everyone else said you really don't want to have to make a trip to the ER.
Contributor: BlooJay BlooJay
I wouldn't put anything up there that wasn't intended for that purpose. I'd only use anal toys with a base or handle. Wouldn't chance anything else...
Contributor: Dangerous Lilly Dangerous Lilly
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
You must watch this video by Ducky Doolittle. You will absolutely flip at what has been found in peoples rectums.
Yeah, Ducky's video highlights that people WILL shove anything they can get their idiotic lil paws on just for the sake of some off-the-wall pleasure. Of course, I suppose it wouldn't look quite as stupid if you had a trip to the ER for vibrator removal as opposed to lightbulb removal.
Contributor: Why Not? Why Not?
That is not a situation that I would ever want to have to explain. Besides, the reason there is such a variety of toys on this site is because some people have put a lot of thought in to designing things that feel GREAT.
Contributor: Bzz Bzz
I'm pretty sure someone put out a novelty book of the 100 strangest things found in people's asses.
Contributor: SiNn SiNn
Originally posted by Rhazya
I've seen a million warnings, on reviews and other places not to insert x toy anally due to not having a flared base or what have you. I haven't really done a lot of inserting. But why do you think the warnings exactly? Is it really that ... more
ive heard a few interesting stories about inserting and er trips so now I read all warnings out of fear of something bad happening
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Originally posted by Rhazya
I've seen a million warnings, on reviews and other places not to insert x toy anally due to not having a flared base or what have you. I haven't really done a lot of inserting. But why do you think the warnings exactly? Is it really that ... more
We only use toys designed for anal sex.
Contributor: crazycouple7281 crazycouple7281
I voted for the warnings being there to keep others safe.
Contributor: JennSenn JennSenn
They are there for peoples safety, but I think some companies might just put labels on to keep from being sued. People do stupid things and then try to sue others for their mistakes.
Contributor: Mikemanz Mikemanz
Originally posted by Kitten has left the site
*facepalm* coke bottle? really? go watch a certain episode of 1000 ways to die. one of them show that a man stuck a bunch of thermometers up his arse that had MERCURY in them. not bright at all.
whoa, really?
Contributor: Undecided Undecided
Yeah people do very stupid things and obviously the warnings are there because someone has tried this before. The rectum sucks things in where as your vagina pushes things out. I don't out anything up my rear unless it is for anal play
Contributor: Two Grand Two Grand
There was a guy who put a mouse in his ass and had to go to the E/R to have it remove, also there was a popular TV news anchor who had to have something removed from her ass, she retired from TV after the news got out. Me I want something I can reach back and pull out by myself.In a small community gossip spreds like wildfire,
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Rhazya
I've seen a million warnings, on reviews and other places not to insert x toy anally due to not having a flared base or what have you. I haven't really done a lot of inserting. But why do you think the warnings exactly? Is it really that ... more
Yes, people do show up with umbrella's, tooth paste tubes, flashlights, light bulbs (oh yes, glass light bulbs) and a host of things inside themselves....vaginall y (it's just stuck) and anally. Men and woman.

However, for the most part, care and common sense will keep you out of trouble. Using flared bases is just the safe way to go, period. Then there are no worries.
Contributor: nosrslylol nosrslylol
The warnings are probably both their for both A. and B. D: I'd never put anything without a flared base up my bum.
Contributor: spiced spiced
There are just too many reasonably-priced toys designed for safe anal. I would never try anything else. Why?!

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