I Just Had To Post This. I Wouldn't Buy it, Though. Would You?

Contributor: Xavier7 Xavier7
I'm sure someone out there thinks it's adorable in some way. Come out, come out wherever you are. Would you buy this vibe?

Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Certainly not! No!
VieuxCarre , leatherlover , Darling Jen , Redboxbaby , Crash , 16one94@gmail.com , Xavier7 , Coralbell , UnknownGirl , lamira , married with children , kelseyy , gothikstars , joja , VanillaFreeSex , LikeSunshineDust , tigerkate , Herp , lordj2010 , Valentinka , That Guy , wetone123 , Keegski , Taylor Von , Mr.RightNow , Mya , Splendwhore , Bunnycups , swf , chantalgiardina , x cherri , Ajax , THUMPER , Joie de Cherresse , NaughtyButterfly , Elbert's Angel , mikebooks , racoons , Willis2011 , Snappy , Rossie , agf , mandiegk , brian691986 , EndlessFrost , Teaser , Howells , missymery , Anjulie , Eva Schwaltz , kjkitty , beemonkey , jjstick2 , joz , MeliPixie , Diablotin , Minamie , Princess-Kayla ♥ , Jon S , Chul , sekmetrn , Stagger13 , Kate , lalapetitee , LAndJ , Jake'n'bake , Silverdrop , Curiouscat , Dusk , MissCandyland , amie.snape , charletnarouh , Isola , Brandonn , Passion plum , Kitten has left the site , Sinfully , humpday , Ilovelingerie , ciderspider , sexystuffeve , Owl , L&P3040 , sexxxkitten , Love Obsessed , emiliaa , Supervixen , travelnurse , Sam The Bam , Feisty , jr2012 , Eugler , tortilla , Apple3192 , Wicked Wahine , Piña Colada
Awwww. It's kind of cute, but no.
Shellz31 , Kindred , Yoda , Liz2 , KnK , KatPawz2003 , Pleasure Piratess , namelesschaos , Tori Rebel , Alys , Airekah , Naughty Student , C4ss , Angel deSanguine , sbon , Gallowraven , ZenaidaMacroura , sweet seduction , Hallmar82 , Fun Lover , StrawberryEve , Twinkies , Mistress M. , Lily Night , null , Sebmissive , TiffyPixie , Lio , PassionQT , beeauctie2 , buzz , Adriana Ravenlust , I Wear The Pants , BeautiFullFigured , Cream in the Cupcake , loveshocks , nicky51679 , TarotLadyLissa , Solar Ray , sexyintexas , Emoushan , Fuck it. , streetshark182 , buzzvibe , Lummox , ichwillwaffels , indiglo , Pandahb , girl next door , jdloelo , Astia , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , funfunfun , 0 , AngelicaU , Drifter86 , Buttercup Green , Riley , jankit , tickle me pink , Septimus , sexyk515 , link82 , dhig , sexygoddess , Lithaewyn , MaryExy , Karakaten , eggiweg , SoBlue , PersonalAngel , AU , zracer , slynch , brian691986 , miss-miss , kelaaa33wish , Fullbeauty , Jolana Tredes , sarki , aphroditelady , EJ , The-IT-Guy-And-My-Secretary , Seth912 , Beck , phunkyphreak , anonomous , Miss Anonymous , The Mother of a SiNner , ToyingCouple , SiNn , hjtee , melissa1973 , Dr Anal , bayosgirl , Andersonda , novelnerdbc , MJ1337 , toysforall , Tart , Booktease , ~LaUr3n~ , ily , DeeDaw , Nothere , acessorie , Love Perpetua , FaerieLove , Breas , Sunshineamine , Katastophy , smartbabi92 , l'amour , Chul , Neurogasm , Missmarc , Bignuf , MidnightStorm , lacybutton , JackRaiden , QSBybakd , Badass , sweetpea12 , ninja250 , Katelyn , Kitka , wdanas , ksparkles16 , GONE! , CRAZYSEXYONE , Sam I Am , epiphanyjayne , Sangsara , elli , roskat , Gone (LD29) , Iceness , ghalik , Bex1331 , funforall7 , Do emu , padmeamidala , mmmmm , Form 7 , pirkit , Velocity , mindytheuberpony , Creepellah , AlianneCimorene , Kirill1171 , Robinhoood , 123joy , Eve. , Robespierrethecat , TicklingPink , Fluffy Snuggles , Inkkythesquid , tunacan75 , mdnght
Of course I would! I love this kind of toy.
the bedroom blogger , DustBunny , KatPawz2003 , Emma (Girl With Fire) , PussyGalore , fghjkl , Red Vinyl Kitty , ellejay , Airen Wolf , M121212 , Lucidity , REDRUM , al16 , fromazoo , Michelle Menace , dhig , Seharra , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , cburger , I'll Miss You EF :( , Starkiller87 , aliceinthehole , CAKES , Ms. Spice , JRabbits , G.L. Morrison , Jenyana , Ash1141 , Jessica Elizabeth , Willow Wand , jbknows , xilliannax , alittlebit , SkinFlute , jennifur77 , PDXlady , Lildrummrgurl7 , Voir
ToyTimeTim , Jobthingy , jfree , WHITEMIKE , Septimus , Love&War , AU , GravyCakes , M. Roth , Ninja Bunny , ~LaUr3n~ , Eucaly , WhoopieDoo , hyacinthgirl , MidnightStorm , Undead , SMichelle , Zombirella , mistressg , solitudinarian , Gone (LD29) , ghalik , Bex1331 , Form 7 , Sweet-n-Playful , Meltingfish , JennSenn
I can't make up my mind.
jfree , Eden C. , the other jo , allehcat , PinkPedal , Red Riding Hood , Ryuson , Sugarfina , Gone (LD29) , Meltingfish , improbableomnicide
It's creepy and adorable at the same time.
the bedroom blogger , DustBunny , Taylor , *HisMrs* , Liz2 , KatPawz2003 , sixfootsex , IndependentlyHappy , Jul!a , Alys , SexyTabby , Envy , toxie m , Naughty Student , sbon , Kim! , loopyliza , ZenaidaMacroura , TitsMcScandal , scosgurl , BluePixi , ellejay , Crystal1 , jfree , Lady Venus , StrawberryEve , BadassFatass , darthkitt3n , null , Vaccinium , Sohotdinosaur , Airen Wolf , Pixel , tigerkate , noel2rob , buzz , BeautiFullFigured , Cream in the Cupcake , loveshocks , PiratePrincess , LavenderSkies , SapphirexIce , Nathan von Minden , Fuck it. , streetshark182 , Taylor Von , aBeastlyLittleThing , mystepmotherisafish , Totogrl , fallenangelkhris , Checkmate , the other jo , indiglo , Pandahb , Kaltir , zeebot , Navigator , Wild Orchid , PinkPedal , M121212 , Astia , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , gladiola , SerenityRed , Buttercup Green , REDRUM , jankit , Septimus , dhig , Seharra , MaryExy , callsignhusker , The Curious Couple , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , SamsDelight , SoBlue , krisvida , AU , Kat Shanahan , miss-miss , Fullbeauty , M. Roth , dv8 , v23 , ThoughtsAblaze , SuperSarah116 , Lucky21 , lanky , Anjulie , Halfthere , Kkay , jjstick2 , Ms. Spice , Andersonda , One true love , Ryuson , RuMaRo34 , frisky069 , badk1tty , JRabbits , DeeDaw , Screen Door , G.L. Morrison , KittenPrincess , Jenyana , Love Perpetua , FaerieLove , Drakoni , Katastophy , LQ , ToyBoy , smartbabi92 , Jenimi , hyacinthgirl , sekmetrn , mpfm , spnkegrl , MelSC , Kikui , MidnightStorm , lacybutton , Jessica Elizabeth , KyotoAngel , SMichelle , Kitka , MAy86 , mistressg , Willow Wand , GONE! , Lindina , MissManners , solitudinarian , Sam I Am , Apate , elli , xilliannax , roskat , Iceness , ghalik , Bex1331 , funforall7 , KittyGoesRawr , Do emu , sexyfun , Velocity , mindytheuberpony , darkr , Sweet-n-Playful , AlianneCimorene , Robinhoood , Lildrummrgurl7 , ToyGeek , Meltingfish , Inkkythesquid , ashboo32 , mdnght
It's hideous.
sixfootsex , Gunsmoke , liilii080 , Xavier7 , Coralbell , lamira , cinnie0 , joja , LikeSunshineDust , Adam02viper , Splendwhore , x cherri , BlueDog , THUMPER , NaughtyButterfly , mikebooks , Lithaewyn , mandiegk , Eva Schwaltz , Avant-garde , MeliPixie , l'amour , Chul , Kate , Jake'n'bake , Silverdrop , MissCandyland , BuckeyeGal04 , Kitten has left the site , Sinfully , sexxxkitten , emiliaa , travelnurse , Robespierrethecat , absurda91 , Tango8976
Actually, I have something else to say.
Linga , P'Gell , Sebmissive , 34 , kinky girlfriend , Partygurl04 , jankit , purplekidney , Upskirt , Ryuson , ily , G.L. Morrison , clevernickname , bh253 , Velocity , Martiniman
Total votes: 539 (408 voters)
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Contributor: Linga Linga
I'd buy it just to have it sit on my cupboard! I think it's actually kinda cute and I love toys that don't look like traditional toys.
Contributor: Yoda Yoda
I wonder if Disney/Pixar know they design vibrators.
Contributor: VieuxCarre VieuxCarre
That thing is terrifying! No
Contributor: KnK KnK
I was scared from your description before I even clicked on the link. Lol. It doesn't look too bad as a kid's toy, but certainly not as a vibrator. I have a friend that would be disturbed and enthralled by this toy. I'm trying to get her on EF. Lol
Contributor: KatPawz2003 KatPawz2003
That is adorable! I go back and forth between wanting it and slightly afraid of using it.
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
I have already seen this guy and I totally love him. Kinda reminds me of Lur. REMOVE THE HUMAN HORN! I would totally just sit it on a shelf for kicks. Like my completely useless Pirate ducky
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
It is cute but I wouldn't buy it, at least not as a sex toy maybe just to have it set around.
Contributor: sixfootsex sixfootsex
Originally posted by Yoda
I wonder if Disney/Pixar know they design vibrators.
I'm gonna have to go through Toy Story 3 frame by frame. This guy is in there SOMEWHERE...
Contributor: IndependentlyHappy IndependentlyHappy
Wow. I'm relatively into sci-fi and cartoons, but it never really occurred to me to incorporate that into my playtime. It looks like something out of Monsters, Inc.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I'd buy this just because it's so freaking cute. Slightly creepy yes, but only because it vibrates too, lol.
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
I would definitely buy it as a conversation piece but I wouldn't use it.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
No. Just.....no.
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
I think it's cute but I wouldn't buy it because the shape just looks entirely ineffective.
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
That not exactly the one eyed monster I want in my bed Cute and all but it's a no too creepy. Course it could have entertainment value just to see what the Hubby would say lol
Contributor: Airekah Airekah
I literally just laughed, forever.
Contributor: liilii080 liilii080
Ew. I like cute and that is just creepy! And something tells me it would never do it for me. It is unique though! I could go as far as to say it's special.
Contributor: Red Vinyl Kitty Red Vinyl Kitty
I think it's adorable! Lol. Actually, I've heard a lot of good things about this toy, despite the odd design. I would definitely get it.
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
Originally posted by Airekah
I literally just laughed, forever.
So did , lol.

It sort of looks like a character from one of Pixar's movies. I think if people saw it they would want to to play with it and eventually find out what it is. I think it's a funny idea for a toy but I'm not sure I would buy this.
Contributor: sbon sbon
It's kind of cute and kind of creepy. I wouldn't buy it. I don't particularly care for toys that are shaped like animals or cartoons. It just weirds me out.
Contributor: 16one94@gmail.com 16one94@gmail.com
Originally posted by sbon
It's kind of cute and kind of creepy. I wouldn't buy it. I don't particularly care for toys that are shaped like animals or cartoons. It just weirds me out.
Yea, I agree toys that look like something else weird me out too. I prefer my toys to like abstract sculptures...
Contributor: Gallowraven Gallowraven
it is sort of cute in that only a mother could love it sort of way. I wouldn't buy it to use, but I would set it on the bookshelf, if it were cheaper.
Contributor: sweet seduction sweet seduction
not a chance
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
No, that's pretty odd.
Contributor: lamira lamira
It's ugly and scary looking. I wouldn't want that thing anywhere near my vagina.
Contributor: StrawberryEve StrawberryEve
Why? Just why? It did give me one heck of a laugh though.
Contributor: BadassFatass BadassFatass
It's definitely an interesting conversation piece?
Contributor: Mistress M. Mistress M.
Its....cute. But I wouldn't buy it either. I think it would probably give me nightmares.
Contributor: kelseyy kelseyy
hahah too weird!
Contributor: Sebmissive Sebmissive
I think it's really cute! But I'd buy it just for that reason. It would never get used.