Ever have an editor botch your review?

Contributor: Crystal1 Crystal1
Originally posted by SMichelle
That would frustrate me, too. I always like to know if I made any errors, but I find that most editors don't send notes telling you what they changed.
I can only speak for myself, but I usually don't include notes on what I changed unless the reviewer asks, they make the same error over and over (like its vs. it's) or there was something else unusual. However, if someone included a note asking to know what is changed, I'd be happy to let them know.

I can't imagine how much longer reviews would take to edit if we had to keep track of every change made and let the reviewer know, but I don't mind some extra effort if the reviewer is really looking for ways to improve. (Although the mentor program would probably be much more help!)
Contributor: Beck Beck
If I change anything aside from basics (adding in commas or removing them, changing dont to don't, or anything that is obvious) I leave a message at the end of the review. I have to question what it says and reword things then it is being sent back to the reviewer to fix not me.
Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
It would annoy me, but thankfully It didn't happen to me.
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
Oh hell that would kill me :\ I'm an absolute grammar nazi, so if I had someone "correct" me to something wrong I might blow a gasket
But really, I'd just correct it and probably vote them down. I'll have to read through my reviews again to see if I got something like that and missed it...
Contributor: MrGoodTool MrGoodTool
That would bother me, but it has never happened.
Contributor: SaraU29 SaraU29
It's never happened to me, but it would pester the heck outta me!
Contributor: sweetiejo sweetiejo
I have never had this happen to me, but I think I would just contact the editor and see the reasoning they had behind the changes.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
I don't think I've ever had ANYTHING in my review changed.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I've never had anything like this done before, but if I did, I'd totally contact sammi on this and she will fix it! I wouldn't contact the editor, because that could somehow cause conflict. An admin is always your best choice, and if you're REALLY not sure who to contact, you can also submit a support ticket to reach someone
Contributor: MamaDivine MamaDivine
Originally posted by jc123
I've had editors make stylistic changes to some of my reviews, and I've had editors change a word or two here and there. But I recently had the experience of an editor changing a word so it had the wrong meaning (in a there/their situation), ... more
Everyone has their own style of what is "detailed" or "acceptable" when it comes to reviews. I think that some folks tend to have a more extensive knowledge and/or like as much as humanly possible being put into a review....some more than others. If its something that needs to be fixed because it grammatically incorrect or a misrepresentation of the product, then I would ask the editor why and try to do research on it to find out what the best way to solve the issue is OR just change it to what it should be. We all make mistakes and forget or leave out things. And of course not everyone knows everything about all their toys they review. I think that discussing things with the editor not only helps that reviewer to be more aware of what they are doing but it also allows the editor to do their job and makes them accountable to their student or reviewer. Make them work for those points Ask questions! Gain more knowledge
Contributor: Willow Wand Willow Wand
I had an editor change my post entirely! Using words I would never use, changing it to wrong spelling....you name it...it was horrendous! I changed it back, gave them a bad rating and contacted admins. It was really bad!
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
I had this happen and it definitely bothered me. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just rewrote the entire sentence, and the editor didn't send back a second round of revisions so it worked out.
Contributor: AnotherBrother AnotherBrother
My first review here was given a horrific chop job by the editor. Comma splices were thrown in everywhere, ellipses were abused, and the word flow was hacked to the point it felt like reading lolcats. I was astonished and upset when I saw what happened to my words. Thankfully, I found the edit button and spruced things up again.
Contributor: MistressDandelion MistressDandelion
This hasn't happen to me yet, but it would enrage me, because english is not my mother tongue and I take an awfully bad time writing reviews because I check EVERYTHING. I am very afraid to make mistakes, so I double-double check.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by jc123
I've had editors make stylistic changes to some of my reviews, and I've had editors change a word or two here and there. But I recently had the experience of an editor changing a word so it had the wrong meaning (in a there/their situation), ... more
Nope, this has not happened.
Contributor: Chami Chami
I honestly don't check what the editor edits for all of my reviews....maybe I should start paying more attention
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
An editor changed a bit of my grammar to make it incorrect, but I just changed it back. It wasn't too much.
Contributor: RomanticGoth RomanticGoth
This hasn't happened to me, but if it did I would contact the mentor or editor that did it.
Contributor: animepanda89 animepanda89
I've only had good luck with my editors
Contributor: Artishok Artishok
I did/would just give the editor a poor vote and move on.
Contributor: Mikemanz Mikemanz
i had an editor suck all the fun out of a review. i didn't know then that editors are not supposed to correct style and content - oh well
Contributor: Checkmate Checkmate
I've been lucky to this point. What changes I do notice are usually an improvement.
Contributor: MzGreenEyedLady MzGreenEyedLady
I haven't had this happen, that I have noticed.
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Coralbell
Sammi is in charge of the editing program, so I would suggest letting her know about it (sammi@edenfantasys.co m, or send her a message through the site.)
Contributor: amazon amazon
Wouldn't be too bad
Contributor: MrsHouseWife MrsHouseWife
I have had this happen before, not badly but still. I wouldn't do anything about as I don't think my raking is high enough to question it.
Contributor: kkizzee05 kkizzee05
Originally posted by jc123
I've had editors make stylistic changes to some of my reviews, and I've had editors change a word or two here and there. But I recently had the experience of an editor changing a word so it had the wrong meaning (in a there/their situation), ... more
That would defiantly bother me... I have never had this happen though. You might tell them so that they understand that they made the mistakes... It's just a suggestion though.
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
I've never had this happen.
Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
Never had that issue
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
Definitely contact the editor! I've handled it that way in the past and it was really nice and they fixed it for me