I'm this way as well with the BDSM toys. If I think about the product while trying to be in scene it throws me off and I can't focus on the sex.
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For BDSM toys? I rarely use them "in scene" if that's what you mean. I'll ask the boyfriend to bend over and I'll try out the toy, then write my review. Maybe a couple times of that before I'll post it. Most toys to use for
For BDSM toys? I rarely use them "in scene" if that's what you mean. I'll ask the boyfriend to bend over and I'll try out the toy, then write my review. Maybe a couple times of that before I'll post it. Most toys to use for BDSM would be distracting to review while trying to do a scene, so I try them out-of-scene.
I use the toy as many times as it takes to form a good opinion of it. As for writing the reviews some I can sit down and write all at once and others it takes me a few days for all the thoughts to form.