What should you do when you notice typos in a review?

Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
Personally, I want to receive a PM, but I'd do it in a nice manner. I wouldn't care if it said something like I was reading X review and noticed paragraph 2 had X mispelled if you wanted to change it. Just thought I'd let you know. That'd be fine with me, but each person is different. I was a copy editor for a publication in another life and had to nicely critique others work. Plus, we all make mistakes and fingers type so fast at times.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Jul!a
If it's a lot of typos in a review that was supposed to have gone through an editor, make sure to let Sammi know about it since we need to know what editors aren't doing their job. If it's typos in a review that auto-published and it was ... more
You are so right! I myself end up with typos that do not show up on spell check, so please send me a message. I often have trouble re-reading my reviews, since everything starts to blend together after a while. If you notice an error on mine, leave a comment or send me a message, either way I will fix it. I hate when I find one after I can not edit it.
Contributor: Girly Juice Girly Juice
I just leave the editor a lower rating.
Contributor: *Camoprincess* *Camoprincess*
Typos don't bother me all that much if they haven't been edited by an editor. We all make typos but if it's been edited then it is a little annoying. I would personally PM the contributor if the review can still be edited.
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
PMs or comments I suppose...just be polite about it.
Contributor: Lady of the Lab Lady of the Lab
The few times I've addressed a typo has been in a comment of the review; however I try to only do this if it is the same/similar typo throughout several reviews. Otherwise I let it be in regards to notification. I feel I am polite & friendly about it.
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
If I did anything, I'd probably comment.