Do you think reviews on gag items can be truly useful?

Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
I see a lot of reviews lately on gag gift type items and I rarely find them to be Extremely Useful. There is just so much you can say about a feather tickler, penis mold, shotglass or nude deck of cards. For me, personally, they're useful at best and sometimes not even that.

Your thoughts? Can this type of review really be truly useful? As useful as the review of an item meant as more than a gag?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
Yes, reviews on gag gift items can be SUPER useful!
15  (15%)
No, due to the nature of the product, this type of review cannot be immensely useful to me
17  (17%)
Maybe? It depends on the item and the reviewer.
63  (64%)
Other. Nothing you say makes sense at all.
3  (3%)
I thought you stop making polls last year? Can you go away again? Thanks!
1  (1%)
Total votes: 99
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
I think that if a person is looking for a gag gift having a serious review on the product can make the difference, at least it does for me. Even if I am looking for something under $5 there are things I want to know about the product before I buy it. Some products meant as gag gifts are cheap but look great and won't fall apart before you can even gift it...some aren't worth the crap they are made of.

Now I know ticklers aren't meant to be serious toys like Siri or others but for us they are just as serious as a vibe or massager. We use them more than we use some of the other more expensive ones. If a review is well written and includes the sort of information that would help me decide whether a product is worth the money being charged then I think it's extremely useful...or at the very least useful.

That's just my opinion.
Contributor: Not here Not here
For me personally, they aren't all that useful. But, if the review is well written and descriptive, then I'm sure it could be useful for someone who is looking into buying a gag gift. All depends on what a person considers useful, I guess.
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
I've voted Extremely Useful on the reviews themselves, because some of the reviews have gone into quite some detail, as much detail as some sex toy reviews. But I do see your point in that, hey it's a fake squeezy-booby, does it need an elaborate review?

I recently bought the squeezy-booby for my boyfriend as a joke and just couldn't really think about writing a review for it. The product description speaks for itself. But like Airen said, if you're searching for party favors and want something that has been tested and reviewed, not some cheapity-cheap thing that will break, reviews can be quite useful. I guess I just don't see penis tiaras as being a good party favor...

Dude. I need to go to better parties.
Contributor: Sir Sir
I do not need a review with most gag items to know how they work or how good they are, you know? So I vote extremely useful, but usually they do not help me at all since I have no questions about the product to begin with.
Contributor: PassionQT PassionQT
I wouldn't spend my money on any of them, so for me the reviews don't really matter, but they are entertaining!
Contributor: tigerkate tigerkate
I voted for the Maybe/Depends option. I think that it DOES depend, and some reviews do go into a lot of detail- which to me shows the person took time to think about the product and write on it.
If I'm spending money on any product, I do want to know a bit about it. If it's going to break instantly, even as a gag gift for someone, I want to know. Or if it's slightly different than its picture, or description, etc. And like Lucille mentioned, if I'm buying party favors... I don't want to buy in bulk for something that's cheaply made when I want my friends do have something that will last for a long while & remind them of a fun night out.
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
I was thinking reviews on the other type of gag items. In that case reviews dictated while using the item wouldn't be very useful ("Umfef fmmempf, muuummmgh rerrher" and all that...).

I'd say they can be useful if you speak to the quality of the items and whether or not you can actually do anything with them. A gag gift with some use is much better than a gag gift that doesn't work for anything.
Contributor: Envy Envy
I think they can be. Would help me not pick up what I would consider junk, like candles that don't even light, or eating utensils that break with the slightest use.
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
I think a lot depends on the product itself. However, in general if I'm interested in buying a product and I see a review, I'm going to read it.
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
I say it depends. You mentioned a feather tickler. I own two different ones. One is of a shoddy quality, the feather is barely glued in with regular glue and has clumps of glue in it. The feather's "stick" has no handle, is light white plastic, and has sparkles that are chipping off all over it. The other feather is made from a strong, black plastic for a handle, glued in with superglue while plastic "covers" it so it doesn't look ugly, and the feather is soft - there's even two feathers-back-to-back to make it stand up better.

So to me, yeah, there's a huge difference in quality that a picture wouldn't really show, but a review would.

But for something like a "penis feather boa", no, I'd say I don't really give a crap.

A deck of cards I would. Since there are tons of different ways the cards could go. EF only shows a picture of a couple. I bought a deck of cards from another site, and it showed a gorgeous asian on the front, but half of the girls were spread in really awkward positions, from the 90s, and most werent Asian. So those things really could use a review.

So it depends on the item. And the review. A review that says "lol. These cards are fun to play with!" Not so useful, but if it describes the cards and what they look like as well as other aspects, it's more useful.
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Originally posted by Kayla
I say it depends. You mentioned a feather tickler. I own two different ones. One is of a shoddy quality, the feather is barely glued in with regular glue and has clumps of glue in it. The feather's "stick" has no handle, is light white ... more
Lmao @ penis feather boa.

Oh lord, I nearly peed.

I guess what I mean in the poll was not so much whether having a review at all is useful but whether any review of a notepad or soap on a rope can be rated extremely useful.

Can we really consider them as useful as a review on something more serious?

I mean, sure, there are good party hats and not so great party hats but when I see a review of a party hat voted extremely useful I compare it to, say, your latest review of the Midnight Twist...

And I just cannot see that they can be compared equally, said to both be of the same usefulness.

Maybe it's just the way my mind works. I don't expect a $4 bag of penis confetti to be anything more than a $4 bag of penis confetti, review or no review, and so the reviews are, in my head, not ever extremely useful. Useful? Yes, usually. Extremely useful? Hells no.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
I think so. I think they are more useful if they are negative or the item isn't very described in the product page. For example I have gotten gag items that I expected to be totally different sizes. The penis cookie cutters are a great example.

It's just like any other item. It depends on the audience. To most, they aren't useful simply because you are not seeking that item, but just because the item isn't useful to you doesn't mean the review isn't.

I do agree it can depend though. Some are definitely more useful than others simply based on the item. I have opted to just comment on some gag items because I don't think a review would add more than the already given info.

They are really fun to review though!

I don't think most gag items should have video reviews though. I don't find that they add anything if there is a good review.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by ScottA
I was thinking reviews on the other type of gag items. In that case reviews dictated while using the item wouldn't be very useful ("Umfef fmmempf, muuummmgh rerrher" and all that...).

I'd say they can be useful if you speak ... more
Your second paragraph is exactly what I try to aim at when decided if I should write a review for a gag item.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
Lmao @ penis feather boa.

Oh lord, I nearly peed.

I guess what I mean in the poll was not so much whether having a review at all is useful but whether any review of a notepad or soap on a rope can be rated extremely useful.

Can ... more
It's an interesting point that you brought up about them being comparable. At first I was thinking, yea that's true. Of course it is much harder (typically) to write a review on a vibrator or something else with more functions, but those typically also get many more votes. evens out.

When I vote, I vote as if I was buying the item even if I never would. I see your point though.
Contributor: petite-n-sweet petite-n-sweet
I don't know, finding out that adult mad libs were not explicit in a review before I bought them saved me a lot of time and drama... even if they are just for kicks, I still look to reviews.
Contributor: VieuxCarre VieuxCarre
It depends, honestly. Some reviews are highly useful while others aren't. It depends on what I'm looking for and what I'm comfortable using. I usually don't read reviews on gags just because what works for one person's mouth may not necessarily work on mine. Does that makes sense?
Contributor: VieuxCarre VieuxCarre
Wow, I totally read THAT wrong. *headdesk*
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
Lmao @ penis feather boa.

Oh lord, I nearly peed.

I guess what I mean in the poll was not so much whether having a review at all is useful but whether any review of a notepad or soap on a rope can be rated extremely useful.

Can ... more
I can see your point but it's subjective. If the review told me something I didn't know or helped me make a decision about whether or not to buy the item, then regardless of the price or quality of the item it WAS extremely useful to me. Maybe I AM in the market for a relatively cheap priced penis feather boa (Oh gawd I wish I WAS in the market for one of these, I would so totally do video reviews with it on)if I have all my questions answered by the reviewer then the review is extremely useful to me. An amusing and serious review of a penis tiara might come in handy if I'm planning a staggette party or I want to completely humiliate, errrr embarass someone on their birthday. I don't plan swing parties but if I did I would appreciate a good review on the quality of a penis ice tray again it would all be extremely useful to me. That's the way I judge the usefulness of a review.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I can see your point but it's subjective. If the review told me something I didn't know or helped me make a decision about whether or not to buy the item, then regardless of the price or quality of the item it WAS extremely useful to me. ... more
Makes total sense and I also agree. I'd say that it is harder to make an ext. useful review for cheap, gag, or simple items, but it totally can be done by adding any of the info you suggested. Like I said, these types of items have limited blurbs or details. So a review can really help. But...not always.

This time I knew what staggette meant .
Contributor: onehotmomma onehotmomma
To me, I look at reviews of gag items to see how well they are made, and what the reception was of the people they were used for. There's only so much information about gag items that can be useful. I do appreciate the reviews though, and they are helpful.
Contributor: TitsMcScandal TitsMcScandal
I think they can be extremely useful. Are all of them? No, of course not. But not all vibrator reviews are either. Just because I'm not in the market for a squeezeable stress zombie pussy doesn't mean that someone else isn't. I've read reviews on gag gifts that were truly awesome. Not to mention, most of the stuff is cheap, and there is a big difference between cheap and inexpensive. I want to know that just because something is only 4 dollars doesn't mean that it will fall apart in my hands. Reviews come in handy. However, it is extremely easy to not write an extremely useful gag gift review. It is a fine line between useless and useful.
Contributor: SexyySarah SexyySarah
I don't think they are that useful, only because it's usually something that is given as a joke, so usually the person buying it doesn't really care how it preforms or does. But I think occasionally it can be depending on the gift.
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
I think they're useful if you're looking to purchase them, but I tend to skip them simply because I'm not interested in owning any. However, if I were going to stock up on little trinkets for some kind of themed party or something I would definitely check out the reviews.
Contributor: new southern girl new southern girl
I guess I think the one who got the gag gift should be the one to write a review.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
Originally posted by VieuxCarre
Wow, I totally read THAT wrong. *headdesk*
Ha! You slayed me with this, VC.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
For me it really depends on the item. I think my weed card game is a gag gift, but it was really fun to play and review. If I remember correctly, I believe one person left a comment saying my review had sealed the deal on a present she was planning to give her husband.

But, yeah, some seem kinda pointless to me. I would only vote one as extremely useful if it provided information that wasn't already readily available or not intuitive.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
As one of the main, uh, offenders here I guess you could say, lol, I write them for the people like me who while I already have a pretty good idea of what kind of quality I'm going to get in something it's still nice to have a confirmation one way or the other. That being said, I don't take it personally if those reviews don't get an ext. useful vote. Well, I don't take a useful vote vs. ext. useful to be anything bad either, lol.

I've found some to be extremely helpful in whether or not I would actually want to invest the money in something, even if it's a few bucks.
Contributor: Trashley Trashley
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I think that if a person is looking for a gag gift having a serious review on the product can make the difference, at least it does for me. Even if I am looking for something under $5 there are things I want to know about the product before I buy it. ... more
Agreed, I'm not gonna pay $10 for penis straws if I can't even get fluid out of them. I think they can be useful in certain respects, but there definitely isn't as much interest in the little details of gag gifts because, well, they're just gags.