Pictures in a review, more or less, bigger or smaller?

Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
I'm starting to work on a review, and I have a LOT of pictures for it, all are relavent, and I am wondering...

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Any comments are appreciated.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
Bigger is better (Picture Size)
Medium (Picture Size)
Small (Picture Size)
MORE PICTURES! I can never have enough!
Really? I just need a couple
I don't need no stinkin' pictures!
Other (as always)
Total votes: 96 (55 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
I LOVE pictures! More so than text. I'm very visual. I'd be happy with a mostly pictorial review, actually. I suppose you could overdo it, but for the most part - the more the better.
Contributor: Kkay Kkay
It depends on what you're trying to show. I don't like pictures for the sake of pictures- I enjoy them when they are showing something specific. Size also is part of that for me as well- if it's showing a texture issues, then it needs to be bigger and clearer.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
My personal preferences are a little Spartan---I usually shrink pictures to be either 4" or 3" across (I voted "small," I don't know if that matches other folks' perceptions. I just don't like them to overwhelm the text, which is where I get most of my information.

I voted "really, I just need a couple" in terms of how many---but that definitely depends on the review. If each picture is relevant, or showing comparisons, or the thing has many parts (like my Saloon Girl outfit review), keep adding pictures til everything's shown. Especially you, Lucky21, I trust you to choose useful pictures. But, like, I don't need to see three different angles of the packaging.

Also, if there are lots of pictures in number, I like to see the size scaled down proportionally.

Another note---I like how Beck usually does pictures, too---she has a bunch, from lots of angles, but she makes a collage of them all and posts them at the bottom of the review. I think that's a good compromise, because it shows all the pictures that are useful, without breaking up the words.
Contributor: lacybutton lacybutton
I voted "other" for the number of pictures because I think it really comes down to posting as many as are helpful. Depending on the product, it could be 1 or 8. In the reviews I've seen with pictures, most seem to be done really well in a relevant, non-repetitive way.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I agree, it depends. I don't like pictures just for the sake of adding pictures, but if they're really showing a feature of a toy that's hard to describe or visualize - then they can be great. I think that making them as small as possible (while still being able to make out all the pertinent details) is also important, because while I have a fast connection, some users don't and it can take them all day just to load 1 image-heavy review.
Contributor: lilly555 lilly555
Usually I like medium pictures too small doesn't give all the details and too big is overkill. How many pictures depends on what you're reviewing and the dimensions of the product.
Contributor: DiscretionAdvised DiscretionAdvised
You could always do what I did in my review. For the giant pictures of the packaging and instructions, I put a thumbnail and then a link to the full-sized version underneath.

I think it worked out well.
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
I love pictures in a review! It's great to show off packaging, or texture, or especially with lingerie!
Contributor: Beck Beck
I tend to put in so many pics, to help with my describing, so I like to make a collage of them that way the review is neater.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Antipova
My personal preferences are a little Spartan---I usually shrink pictures to be either 4" or 3" across (I voted "small," I don't know if that matches other folks' perceptions. I just don't like them to overwhelm the ... more
I am glad you like it! I did not read the rest before posting! Thanks
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
I love pictures in a review, they are very helpful. How many that are necessary or helpful depends on the product though.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I also really like beck's collages. I try to limit the amount of pictures in my reviews, and also make sure that they aren't breaking up the flow of the words. Some things aren't bad to show a lot of pictures from, but I don't need every possible angle you can think of for most things. I try to stick with a front, side, back combination and a closeup of textures or patterns where needed.
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
So here is the reason why I am asking, I am almost done with my first installment of my new roundup, the Vixen/Vixskin roundup. In my comparison portion, I am showing the toys side by side, I also have a number of pics, that show measurements and some of the properties of the toy is important, but I'm up to 25 pictures for the review, and that doesn't include my charts... so I'm a little worried that it's a bit much, but I really want people to be able to get a good grasp of the toys.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Lucky21
So here is the reason why I am asking, I am almost done with my first installment of my new roundup, the Vixen/Vixskin roundup. In my comparison portion, I am showing the toys side by side, I also have a number of pics, that show measurements and ... more
Make a collage or a few. I just do it in paint. That way it only has a few pics, but a bunch at the same time. Check out my pics, all my latest reviews have them.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
Originally posted by Lucky21
So here is the reason why I am asking, I am almost done with my first installment of my new roundup, the Vixen/Vixskin roundup. In my comparison portion, I am showing the toys side by side, I also have a number of pics, that show measurements and ... more
For that many, you might consider a combination of DiscretionAdvised and Beck's approach.

You can make similar photos into collages (all sizing together, all angle-shots together, etc), and then maybe you'll have your 25 pictures broken into 5 collages. Unless it's a figure you're directly referencing in the text (in which case, include it in-line), put the collages at the end of the review, as thumbnails, with links to the full-sized collages wherever they're hosted. (imgur would be good for that, you get an automatically-generate d thumbnail).

I'd put all the charts in-line, but that's because I'm a nerd.

I'm really looking forward to seeing this comparison, however you decide to do it!
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
Originally posted by Antipova
For that many, you might consider a combination of DiscretionAdvised and Beck's approach.

You can make similar photos into collages (all sizing together, all angle-shots together, etc), and then maybe you'll have your 25 pictures ... more
Yeah, I can pretty much do that by making the pictures smallish, and lining them up side by side, and I've thought about doing that, but you almost loose some of the comparative aspects of it, as well as loose some of the ability to see the details and what not. I may go back and crop some of them, but the nice part is right now they do line up nicely side by side.
Contributor: eeep eeep
I love when people include pictures in reviews. More pics tends to be better, but there are also so many aspects you can capture in a pic.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I'm glad to see you're going to do another comparison thing! The lube one worked out great!

Unless it's a book or battery review, I have a hard time finding reviews without pictures "extremely useful". The written part would have to be really good.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
I think your review should be able to describe the product fully without pictures. They should not be the staple of a review, just like a video shouldn't. The writing is first. Lingerie pictures are most important to me, and size comparison pictures are second. But tons of random pictures of a product don't impress me. It's easy to take pictures...I'm not impressed by that.
Contributor: NarcissisticLust NarcissisticLust
I have trouble with spacial conception so I really appreciate picture and video reviews.
Contributor: Love Perpetua Love Perpetua
I like pictures that show something useful/interesting about the product, but I don't think they should overtake the text review.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
I really like seeing pictures in review. If they are not useful, then I can just scroll through them. I prefer the reviewers that add as much pictures as they think are relevant. I can determine which one of them are useful to me.
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
I like a few pictures, but nothing excessive. Just enough to get the point across.
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
Well, I posted my review that I was talking about all the pictures. Here it is. let me know what you all think.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Lucky21
Well, I posted my review that I was talking about all the pictures. Here it is. let me know what you all think.
Wow - you put a ton of work into that, but I'm sorry to say it's way too much - very repetitious.
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
Wow - you put a ton of work into that, but I'm sorry to say it's way too much - very repetitious.
How do you mean? The pictures, or the actual content of the review?
Contributor: PrettiGirlRock PrettiGirlRock
I like pictures, but in moderation. I also think they need to serve a specific purpose and not there just for the sake of being there. For example, if you really need to show texture and can't adequately describe it then post one. I think your review was ok, but had way too many pictures. You could have acheived the same effect with much less.

Not trying to be mean...
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
No worries about being mean, the whole thing is more or less an experiment to see what folks think.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I love seeing pictures b/c it allows me to see for myself the size comparison, packaging etc.