Kind Upset With Some Of The Stuff I Am Seeing On Here!

Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
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This really has been bugging the crap out of me. This is the second time within the past couple weeks. I sat and worked my ass off for this last review I did on The Nexus iStim. I even did a video, which I was nervous about doing. Now the review is up and I got 15 votes, out of all the people that are on this site. Also all the people whom I sit and vote and comment on daily. My email flooded with alerts and I get to them all. To have 15 damn votes. Excuse my language but I wish I could say what I really want to say. This is just putting it mildly. I am starting to see a trend and I will not be part of it. If you can't return the favor for me, even if you don't comment at least vote. I am going to go through my alerts again and remove more people. Now I want you to tell me on this poll that if you don't vote and return the favor, I want you to let me know now. So I can stop wasting my precious time. For all those that want to get up there real fast well it won't be coming from my end. I will not help those out anymore. I am not trying to get up there with ranking status and all of that. I enjoy doing what I do. I actually put a lot of work into this last review and it was the only one that took me days to do. So with that being said leave your thoughts and comments and let me know if you vote or not.

Thanks that is all Kiki
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Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I only read and vote on reviews of products I'm interested in, and I don't care who the reviewer is, it can be written by someone I'm very familiar with, or by a brand new contributor. My belief is that it's the reviewer's responsibility to do their best and write good and helpful reviews, doesn't matter if people will read it or not. I didn't read your iStim review, because I'm not into electro stimulation, but I'm sure prospective purchasers of the product will find your review very helpful. Just keep up with the good work and continue getting great votes on your reviews!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I'm one of the guilty parties who reads more reviews than I rate, but I also assume that a lot more people read my reviews than rate them.

If it's about doing what you enjoy doing, then do it because you enjoy it and not because you're wanting to see votes. There's nothing wrong with being proud of what you've gotten done and the reviews you've written, but I would try to just be proud of having done them and knowing you did your best.

Rossie has a great point that it's on the reviewer to write helpful reviews, regardless of whether or not people are voting on them. So just keep doing your thing and don't worry about who is or isn't voting.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Now don't get me wrong, I LOOOOVE getting votes. I love knowing that, "Ohmygosh" I did a great review and other people think it's great but if that's all that I was writing for, I would've quit awhile back. There are TONS of reviewers which is really amazing actually, and if it something I'm interested in I totally would check it out but I don't just go scouring for reviews...
I want the information out there, regardless of its popularity.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by Rossie
I only read and vote on reviews of products I'm interested in, and I don't care who the reviewer is, it can be written by someone I'm very familiar with, or by a brand new contributor. My belief is that it's the reviewer's ... more
Thank you Rossie, I am just looking for answers from everyone on the way they vote and review on things. You do have a good point.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by Jul!a
I'm one of the guilty parties who reads more reviews than I rate, but I also assume that a lot more people read my reviews than rate them.

If it's about doing what you enjoy doing, then do it because you enjoy it and not because ... more
Thank you Sam. I will continue to do what I am doing and going to like it in the process.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by Illusional
Now don't get me wrong, I LOOOOVE getting votes. I love knowing that, "Ohmygosh" I did a great review and other people think it's great but if that's all that I was writing for, I would've quit awhile back. There are TONS of ... more
You have a point. If I did not like doing it, I probably would have quit myself as well. I don't scour for reviews either. I do have a number of alerts set for certain people that I see on my reviews as well. But I do notice too that if it is a same product that you review and someone else reviewed it yea you may get that vote but also they seem to be a useful one. I guess it all just depends on the person.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by PeaceToTheMiddleEast
This really has been bugging the crap out of me. This is the second time within the past couple weeks. I sat and worked my ass off for this last review I did on The Nexus iStim. I even did a video, which I was nervous about doing. Now the review is ... more
I have reviews that are getting rated 3 years after I wrote the review. It's never been an instant thing here at EF. I have reviews I took days to write that have less that 7 votes because they are for items that have several dozen reviews or are products that aren't all that mainstream.
Yelling at everyone in frustration because you aren't being stroked isn't the best way of getting peoploe to read or rate your reviews. Not meaning to be evil just saying what you know is true.

You make rank by voting and commenting on reviews faster than you do if your reviews are commentated or voted on so relax! We do appreciate your work but it's been a slow week for voting, I know because I have releasede 8 reviews and most have slipped off the community page with 3-4 votes.
I also work my ass off on each and every review but most of the time I am content to get a few votes because later I will get more as people look around the site.

Your time is no more precious that everyone elses and it would seem that right now everyone is's springtime in some areas and there's always a slump this time of year. There are no massive promotions on at this time for double points or such so no one is getting much in terms of votes. Thanks for the reviews you vote on and comment on but you are fairly compensated for the tme you spend doing this already...That being said I don't remember you voting on anything I have written recently but I have voted for yours should I be angry at you?
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I have reviews that are getting rated 3 years after I wrote the review. It's never been an instant thing here at EF. I have reviews I took days to write that have less that 7 votes because they are for items that have several dozen reviews or are ... more
Airenwolf for your information yes I have voted and commented on some things you have put out. Another thing you were one of the person's in my alert list.

I am not yelling at people I am simply asking a question and wanted some answers, is that not what the forum is for? Trust, like I said if I wanted to be nasty I could have and would not care. I am giving everyone a chance to explain why or why not they do what they do.

Another thing on your reviews I am still working on them one alert I got from you had three reviews in it. Like I said I am working on other people's as well. So it takes me time to get to them all.
Contributor: Starkiller87 Starkiller87
I have to agree in saying this thread is in really poor taste and might steer people away from wanting to read your reviews. You dont have to be negative and remove people from your alert list because they havent read your review, its being a little childish about it. The site does go in review slums and people dont vote or come on sometimes, it has nothing to do with how well your review is. I have barely been on in about a month because of personal family things, Im sure others have other reasons. People will read your review if you give it time, and not lash out in frustration. Try to be have some patience and not give people a reason not to read your stuff.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Airenwolf for your information yes I have voted and commented on some things you have put out. Another thing you were one of the person's in my alert list.

I am not yelling at people I am simply asking a question and wanted some answers, ... more
It certainly sounded and felt like you were not only yelling but acting like you were entitled to votes because of YOUR hard work. These forums are also a place for others to say that they don't agree with your I expressed FOR YOUR information!

I don't particularly care who votes on my reviews or how long it takes them I have been in the top five on the site but I don't get on the community bandstand and grouch if I think I'm being unfairly dealt with I write a personal message to the person or persons who I feel are doing me wrong. You could take a month or even five months to get around to reading or rating my reviews and it would be all the same to me and if you love doing this it should be all the same to you.

I'm a club manager I KNOW it's frustrating to work your ass off only to be ignored or have questions you have answered in 5 or 6 forums/sites asked again and again. You just answer and go me I was gentle in my reply to you I know that others won't be. Sometimes, however, seeing someone have the courage to stand up and ask another member what makes them so special stops the really easily angered members from responding.

You can ask whatever you want on the forums but we can also answer pretty rudely before the staff will get involved. I like and value your reviews and hope you will join us in some of the other clubs...we could use your imput and support. I'm just saying there are ways to get the answer to your questions and then there are less effective ways.

Yes, I felt personally attacked and accosted by your post, no I did not answer half as rudely as I wanted because I DO understand your frustration!
The thing is you answered your own question in the last three sentences of this recent post: "Another thing on your reviews I am still working on them one alert I got from you had three reviews in it. Like I said I am working on other people's as well. So it takes me time to get to them all."
Perhaps others are working on getting to your reviews as well...and they will be in a much happier frame of mind if they don't feel like they are OBLIGATED to read your reviews because you chose to read and rate theirs.
Contributor: js250 js250
I vote and read the reviews that are pertinent to what I would like to order first, and then try to get to some of the other contributors who either I am following (1003) or who are following me (525). I do try to spread the votes around, however, with that many people to keep track of and my students it does get pretty crazy!!

I have many reviews with low numbers of voters, but I also try to remember, it is the consumer that is important to reach, not the internal workers of the site, meaning us. Do the best you can, be patient and have fun...after all, EF is here for us to be productive with reviews and have fun in the process!!
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
Not everyone can read and rate every review that is published on the site. Most people pick the products they are interested in and read those. Considering the product you reviewed is an electrostim device, I'd say fifteen votes is pretty good. I have some reviews that have been up forever that don't have that because, as has been mentioned, they have been reviewed to death or are a niche item.

I have alerts set for three people if I recall. I review pretty regularly not just here but on my own site. Taking and editing the pictures for those reviews plus actually writing the review eats up most, if not all, of my spare time. If I set alerts for every person I spoke to on here, I would not have the time to review because I'd be reading reviews all day instead. Bear in mind that some people have a set amount of hours they can spend on Eden activity and have to choose how to spend it accordingly.

Coming on the forums and saying "if you're not going to read then I'm undoing my alerts!" sounds similar to "if you don't do X then you can't come to my birthday party!" There's really no need for getting so wound up in it. Perhaps I'm just getting old, but the whole un-friending thing seems to cause unnecessary drama. I left that behind in high school, where I didn't care much for it anyhow. We're all adults here. The best way to solve things is with a clear and rational outlook, not an emotional outburst.

Also seconding those that say you should be reviewing because you love to review, not for votes. I have many reviews with under the fifteen votes you have. Is it sad to get less votes? Sure. But many people read that don't vote. You still may be helping someone make an informed decision even if they never let you know by comment or vote. No matter if you get one vote or a hundred, you should review because you want to.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by js250
I vote and read the reviews that are pertinent to what I would like to order first, and then try to get to some of the other contributors who either I am following (1003) or who are following me (525). I do try to spread the votes around, however, ... more
I know you do Steph, you are a very busy girl. I always appreciate you stopping by when you can. Trust I always have fun. Even when something is bothering me. Thank you for commenting on here.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
i review on here because i love writing about products that really work for me, or letting others know about products that don't. i read and rate/comment on reviews that pop up in my wall feed whenever i happen to be checking it, or reviews on products i'm researching to buy. i don't rate or even comment on every review i read. it's not required. i dont' even consider it rude at all if folks read my reviews and don't rate and/or comment on them.

personally, i prefer comments/questions/com pliments on how hot my ass looks in the lingerie i reviewed or ponderings about how well a certain toy held up in water over ratings. i almost never look at how many folks have rated my reviews.

don't worry, just keep writing good reviews, and your rank will climb fast. as sam said, it is definitely more about writing reviews and being active on the site yourself than how popular your reviews are.

Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by - Kira -
Not everyone can read and rate every review that is published on the site. Most people pick the products they are interested in and read those. Considering the product you reviewed is an electrostim device, I'd say fifteen votes is pretty good. ... more
I did not say anything about un-friending anyone. I said I will remove alerts from certain people who I don't see on my reviews. I am getting why people would vote or not just from making this post. I understand people have busy lives. I do too, even though I may be home but I find time to get done what I can on here. Like I said it just bothered me for a little bit and I am only seeking answers. I will do what I feel is necessary on my part to where I don't have to worry about it no more and do what I enjoy to do.
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
i review on here because i love writing about products that really work for me, or letting others know about products that don't. i read and rate/comment on reviews that pop up in my wall feed whenever i happen to be checking it, or reviews on ... more
Alice, your ass always looks hot in your reviews!! Just sayin'.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
i review on here because i love writing about products that really work for me, or letting others know about products that don't. i read and rate/comment on reviews that pop up in my wall feed whenever i happen to be checking it, or reviews on ... more
Thank you Alice I will keep that in mind.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I did not say anything about un-friending anyone. I said I will remove alerts from certain people who I don't see on my reviews. I am getting why people would vote or not just from making this post. I understand people have busy lives. I do too, ... more
i think you're getting worked up over nothing!
i've never felt obligated to read the reviews of any of my EF friends, and some of them have become pretty close to me. i do feel obligated to write on their wall/write them a message if i see they've posted about going through hard times, or their status says they're sick/having a bad day.

i've also never gone and checked to see if any specific people have read or rated my reviews (unless it was JR ... it's hard to get an EU vote from him so i like seeing that i've gotten one!)

i'm not sure where your idea that folks had to return the favor of voting came from. it just doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
p.s. maybe you should masturbate and then you'll feel better!
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
Originally posted by PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I did not say anything about un-friending anyone. I said I will remove alerts from certain people who I don't see on my reviews. I am getting why people would vote or not just from making this post. I understand people have busy lives. I do too, ... more
I'm equating removing alerts as the Eden version of un-friending in this instance. I guess another way to say it is "if you don't read my reviews then I won't read yours!" which is silly. You should read the reviews you're interested in and not worry about if that person is reading yours or not.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
i think you're getting worked up over nothing!
i've never felt obligated to read the reviews of any of my EF friends, and some of them have become pretty close to me. i do feel obligated to write on their wall/write them a message if i see ... more
I am starting to see now that people don't return the favor, but you know what that is fine. It is just called common courtesy, but I guess not everyone thinks the way I do.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by - Kira -
I'm equating removing alerts as the Eden version of un-friending in this instance. I guess another way to say it is "if you don't read my reviews then I won't read yours!" which is silly. You should read the reviews you're ... more
Thanks Kira and I will do that from now on.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
p.s. maybe you should masturbate and then you'll feel better!
Lmfao Alice you may be right it has been a bit. I got a new toy to try out too.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I am starting to see now that people don't return the favor, but you know what that is fine. It is just called common courtesy, but I guess not everyone thinks the way I do.
i don't think of rating reviews as a favor to someone at all. it's not meant to be that way. it is a way of rating reviews as useful or not useful so that other folks can know which reviews have the best information. it's not about favors to people... that's really defeating the purpose of the system. if it was a popularity game, people whose reviews weren't even useful could be rated as super useful, and vice versa. the system is in place not for popularity, but for honestly rating a review based on usefulness. know what i mean?
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
Originally posted by PeaceToTheMiddleEast
You have a point. If I did not like doing it, I probably would have quit myself as well. I don't scour for reviews either. I do have a number of alerts set for certain people that I see on my reviews as well. But I do notice too that if it is a ... more
I will admit that I don't always hunt reviews down unless it is something I would want. I know you vote on my stuff so I will make sure to add an alert so I know when you post new reviews... Sorry , I am guilty of not always rating things..
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
You sound really frustrated, and I’m sorry to hear that. I thought I’d offer a few ideas that might help you, if that’s ok.

Sometimes the day or time of day you publish a review can make a difference in how quickly it gets bumped off the front page of reviews. If you publish reviews on the weekend, or in the evenings, they’ll get lost in the shuffle a little more quickly simply because a lot of people publish reviews those days and times. If you can publish them during the week, and maybe even during the day, they’re more likely to stay on the front page longer, thus giving them a bit more exposure.

If you’d like to take further steps to make your reviews more visible to the community, you can post about them in these threads: Post your latest review and rate the one above you or Post your published reviews for March 2012. (Mike seems to do a new one for each month, so keep an eye on those if you like!)

Also, when you do get comments on your review, try to reply to them regularly. When you post a reply on your review, that reply gets posted on the walls of everyone who follows you – so that gives them another chance to see your review and decide if they’d like to read it.

Also keep in mind that nothing on EF is instant. I have reviews that have been up for 6 months and only have 8 votes. The reviews and videos I did on them are great, they just aren’t high profile toys, so they don’t get investigated a lot. My reviews that have 30 or more votes are reviews that have either been up a really long time, are highly coveted or new toys, or were nominated for a Rumble or a Round Up. All those things gave them more notoriety, but they also took time. If we do a good job on the review, and our video… and then get our $25 gift card… we can’t really ask for more.

I think sometimes too it’s good to reexamine how realistic our expectations are. If you make it a point to vote and comment on certain reviewer’s reviews, but you’ve never explained to them that you would appreciate a vote and comment in return… I can guarantee you that they are not aware of that expectation you have. So of course you’ll be disappointed, because you’re expecting them to do something for you that they are completely unaware of. So maybe mention that to the people you follow, and ask if they would like to make a pact to vote on each other’s reviews. Otherwise, I’m afraid you’ll continue to be disappointed, and the other people will continue to be clueless.

I mostly only read reviews on items I’m interested in, or on items I’m reviewing too (to make sure I don’t include all the same info as the other reviewers). Occasionally, if I have time and energy, I’ll just go through and read random reviews, but that’s a rarity anymore. Life is so hectic, and when I get a spare minute I like to spend it doing other things.

I know it’s hard, but try to be patient, and consider discussing your expectations with your EdenFriends before writing them off completely. I would be willing to bet $1 million that they have no idea what you are expecting them to do. I’d also be willing to bet that they’d be willing to consider scratching your back if you scratch theirs… if you’d only mention it to them.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by indiglo
You sound really frustrated, and I’m sorry to hear that. I thought I’d offer a few ideas that might help you, if that’s ok.

Sometimes the day or time of day you publish a review can make a difference in how quickly it gets bumped off the ... more
i second this. this is the first time i'm hearing in my 9 months of being on eden of voting on eachother's reviews as favors.

i still think this is kind of unfair and clique-y and will defeat the purpose of the honest system we have in place.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
i don't think of rating reviews as a favor to someone at all. it's not meant to be that way. it is a way of rating reviews as useful or not useful so that other folks can know which reviews have the best information. it's not about favors ... more
Yes I get what you are saying now Alice. I did not think about that part of it.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Originally posted by wrmbreze
I will admit that I don't always hunt reviews down unless it is something I would want. I know you vote on my stuff so I will make sure to add an alert so I know when you post new reviews... Sorry , I am guilty of not always rating things..
You are fine Breze. When you don't get to my reviews you always hit me up some way either wall or in the forums, so I am not worried.