Originally posted by
Adriana Ravenlust
Without trying to be insulting - because some of the descriptions are very good and helpful. They're useful but they're not as interesting for me to read than regular reviews. It's good to know but not necessarily entertaining and I
Without trying to be insulting - because some of the descriptions are very good and helpful. They're useful but they're not as interesting for me to read than regular reviews. It's good to know but not necessarily entertaining and I don't want perusing reviews to feel like work.. but maybe I'm just burned out on reviews.
I also think that some of the descriptions tend to be too long because people are still thinking of them in terms of reviews and that actually is a hindrance than a help. Yes, they give more information than a manufacturers blurb but if you're not talking about your personal experience, there's only so much you can and should say.
That's not insulting at all. What's insulting is calling them dry or boring.
As far as length goes, that's my problem. I tend to drag things on and on, I did write one short description review for nipple clamps because there wasn't a whole lot I could say. But I know for most toys there's always more that I could say based on features, vibrations, settings, if it's rechargeable and so forth.
They aren't as juicy as verified reviews, that's plain to see. They're just a glorified summary of a toy. One thing is, that maybe we don't rate them. We describe what they do, what features they had when we tested them, how the material felt, if they were powerful comparatively to similiar toys- but by rating them that's PERSONAL, it's like a "me" statement. By ranking a toy with 3 stars or 5 star's that's Sleeping Dreamer's opinion of how the toy was- if we want them to be objective, than personal ratings don't follow guidelines of objectivity.