ONE night stands

Contributor: Awby Awby
I am not morally opposed to one night stands and have no issue with the occasional one night encounter between two single adults who take precautions and go into it with eyes wide open.

I think that, in general, they are not as great as sex with a partner you are comfy with and committed to... Having said that though, there's something about balls out, screaming sweaty sex when you don't have to worry about impressing the other person or the stilted morning after chatter with someone you just fucked and let them get a good hard look at your freaky side.
Contributor: Mr.RightNow Mr.RightNow
Contributor: ud328 ud328
When I've been out of a relationship for a while I can handle it. Too close to a relationship though and my brain won't quit.
Contributor: jazz4me jazz4me
If you know what you are in for and want just sex then they are perfectly fine in my opinion. Just two grown ups doing something they both agree on.
Contributor: lkb lkb
I've had more one night stands than anything else. Sex is sex, to me. It's just a bit better when you have an actual attachment to the person, or when you have physical compatibility. That could work in a one night stand, too.
Contributor: wetone123 wetone123
In the past I had a few. They were ok, but not fullfilling in the long run.
nowadays there is alot more to consider about sex(or even being alone with) strangers...disease, serial killers, rapists, etc. You really can't tell with a stranger what goes on in their heads.
these days, if I can't find some sort of friendship with a man getting to know them,and have mutual attraction, I will not put myself into that situation. In fact, that is why I use toys now. But as others have pointed out--if you are on the same page, use protection and can handle the situation -why not? sometimes a warm body is just that- a warm body. Just be very, very careful.It is very risky behavior.
The best sex you can have is with someone you like very much or love especially if the feeling is mutual, and that's a fact.
Contributor: jaimijacklin jaimijacklin
Once in a blue moon

twice if they're lucky!
Contributor: Stephanie Marie Stephanie Marie
I love em!
Contributor: idunshire idunshire
I find absolutely nothing wrong with them. Two, consenting adults should be able to have one night of mindless sex if they so please!
Contributor: SerenityRed SerenityRed
I say no because I and people close to me have had nothing but bad experience with them. Some people I'm sure can handle them but I definitely wouldn't recommend them. Especially for your first time. Losing your virginity to a stranger is something I've been told by a few people is something they regret.
Contributor: BadgersRose BadgersRose
All depends on the situation and the people involved.
Contributor: link82 link82
That definitely depends on the situation.
Contributor: Linga Linga
If one night stands are what you want or are looking for an as long as you're being careful and being safe, as in not going home with an axe murderer and practicing safe sex.... then go for it!
Contributor: Enchantedkitty Enchantedkitty
I think it depends on the person. Not my thing, i wouldnt be able to.
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
Originally posted by Emma (Girl With Fire)
I don't think there is a problem with one night stands as long as it does not become a regular thing. Making a habit of sleeping with strangers on a regular basis is VERY risky behavior WITH or WITHOUT the use of condoms. Sex with strangers, or ... more
Contributor: *Ashley* *Ashley*
JUST BE SAFE! Try to choose your partner wisely.
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by luvmenot84
Are one night stands ok??
I think they are ok and I've had them although I'm not sure I would again.
Contributor: CarmenGore262 CarmenGore262
Originally posted by luvmenot84
Are one night stands ok??
Yes just where protection cause thats all I might need from that person..EVER
Contributor: buttmunch buttmunch
As long as you're fine with it, I see no problem with them.
Contributor: Menarae Menarae
For me, no. Just the way I'm wired to think and relate to people. But I don't have a problem with other people doing it. As long as they're smart about it (ie condoms, birth control.) If they're being dumb about sleeping around, I wanna smack 'em.
Contributor: EvilHomer EvilHomer
Depends on what you mean by OK.

For me, no.

For someone I am with in the past, not a deal breaker by any means, but is does show a difference in values between us.

For others, I have no objection to how other people choose to act.
Contributor: KrazyKandy KrazyKandy
Its up to the person to choose what they want to do in their life. I personally wouldnt enjoy one night stands.
Contributor: cheetahpita cheetahpita
I don't think there's anything wrong with them at all. Be responsible about it: understand the health risks (STDs, pregnancy) and the safety risks (make sure someone knows where you are in case something goes wrong)... but those things apply to sex in a normal relationship too.
Contributor: CreamySweet CreamySweet
Originally posted by luvmenot84
Are one night stands ok??
One night... one day... hell somewhere between breakfast and lunch for that matter if he's hot enough!
Contributor: Breas Breas
I think there okay if you feel they're okay. It shouldn't really matter what anyone else thinks as long as you are comfortable with it.
Contributor: LilLostLenore LilLostLenore
it depends on the situation.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Although they're certainly not for me, if both parties are willing and it doesn't hurt anybody, it's their business.
Contributor: Sublime Sublime
Originally posted by PassionQT
So long as you both are on the same page, why not.
Took the words right out my mouth.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by luvmenot84
Are one night stands ok??
Sure, so long as you practice safer sex, why not?
Contributor: sweetiejo sweetiejo
I have been on both sides of the coin for one night stands, both being the one night stand and being the one looking for one. I think that they can be both hard and fun at the same time. There is the chance of having the emotional connection creating a problem when the truth of it being a one night stand comes out, but they can also be alot of fun i think.

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