it's important for me to have my family like who i'm dating.
Do you consider your familys opinion when picking out a boy/girl friend?
I only care about my opinion when choosing a boyfriend. If I'm seeing someone and my friends or family think that they are wrong for me, I try to listen to their opinions then.
Hell to the no. It's ultimately my happiness on the table, not theirs. If they can't be happy for whatever makes me happy, screw em', much as I love my family.
My family is generally correct about good and bad girlfriends, so I do take their opinion. Thankfully they love my fiancee!
it depends
Originally posted by
I get alot of opinions from family that just make it feel like they are laying down the law on the person. If momma don't like them, they don't tend to last. Just curious if anyone else has this issue in their family.
Ditto. I agree with this! I'm the same way.
Originally posted by
Jessica Elizabeth
I date whomever I want to. My parents are not in my relationship. I firmly believe that the only person who should have a say in who is involved in the relationship is someone who is in that relationship.
I'd consider my family's opinion before bringing anyone home and introducing them as a boyfriend, but not so much up until that point.
no because if i listened to my family at all, i would be with a super religious virgin (nothing wrong with you if you though). it's just not my cup of tea
My family has never involved themselves with my personal life since I was 15, and I'd prefer it to stay that way.
No, I am the person in the relationship and even though I do consider other people, the final decision is mine. It will work out how it is supposed to in the long run.
Originally posted by
I get alot of opinions from family that just make it feel like they are laying down the law on the person. If momma don't like them, they don't tend to last. Just curious if anyone else has this issue in their family.
To some degree yes, but I do not let them tell me what is right for me. Only I can make that judgment.
Ideally I wouldnt but I live with my parents and they are all very outspoken and most likely would scare the poor guy away if they don't like him. My happiness be damned.
Originally posted by
I get alot of opinions from family that just make it feel like they are laying down the law on the person. If momma don't like them, they don't tend to last. Just curious if anyone else has this issue in their family.
sometimes my family sees things I can't. I think I should at least pay a little bit of attention to them.
If they don't like my mate they will just have to deal lol, my love life is my own, and not theirs.
i get their opinion, but it's not based on their opinion either. Also even if my family don't care for them too well, they still treat my partner really good.
Originally posted by
I get alot of opinions from family that just make it feel like they are laying down the law on the person. If momma don't like them, they don't tend to last. Just curious if anyone else has this issue in their family.
My family has never approved of or supported my past 'relationships', and that hasn't really changed with my current one. They were invited to come meet my fiance of over two years recently and refused, mandating that I come down to visit them, WITHOUT inviting my fiance along at all.
So my family can go fuck themselves. ^__^ My love is my family, and we have a life and a home of our own up here.
So my family can go fuck themselves. ^__^ My love is my family, and we have a life and a home of our own up here.
my family give me their opinion and while ill listen because everyone has opinions i only make my own choices
Originally posted by
I get alot of opinions from family that just make it feel like they are laying down the law on the person. If momma don't like them, they don't tend to last. Just curious if anyone else has this issue in their family.
Of course I consider their opinion. I love my family, I am very family oriented, and any partner of mine who would like to stay in my life would appreciate the fact that I DO consider what they feel. It means that I'll make a good family member one day. However, that being said, I do not let them rule my decisions. I appreciate and listen to their opinions, but I take my own path, keeping those in mind.
I do but than I don't. all that matters to me is that I'm happy.
I'd take their opinion under consideration, but it wouldn't dictate whether I continued to date someone
I try to, though my ex-husband charmed almost all of them (despite being a lying, cheating, manipulative scumbag). My oldest brother told my dad that he would never again allow my ex in his home after we came to dinner, but he didn't say anything to me. My sister had a sort of sibling rivalry thing going, and would go between hating him and telling me how glad she was that we were going to be married. My dad liked him, though he saw some red flags, the same with my stepmother. My other brother said he got a bad vibe from him, but he saw how crazy I was about him and decided to let it rest.
So I think in my next relationship, I'm just going to take him to meet my brothers and ask their opinions before I let it get into the "dating" stage. They have good instincts.
So I think in my next relationship, I'm just going to take him to meet my brothers and ask their opinions before I let it get into the "dating" stage. They have good instincts.
I by no means believe that a family should be able to pressure or decide for an individual, but I think that the family's opinion may be very valuable in this context, as they are most likely the people who know you the best.

No I make my own choices in men. There has been times where family have not approved, but it never drove me away from the man.
Whenever I date someone, I always wonder what my parents will think of them, and hope that they will all like one another, or at least show each other respect. I've been lucky enough not to bring someone home they don't like. But I've never introduced them to a girlfriend, I'm not "out" at home, so the only ones they've met are boyfriends. Which is fine, because I'm with Wolfie now and have been for two years, and we love each other so much, and my family loves him too! ^_^
I trust my family's judgment, and if they really don't like them as a person, I'd reconsider. If they were just being judgmental and didn't "approve" of them, I'd go by my own reasoning.
I would never date anyone my family didn't approve of mainly for two reasons; 1)my family and I usually have the same opinion on people anyways and 2)the main problem would be my family making fun of them for being ugly if they think that and no one should have to deal with that. (I can't say anything about it as I've done it to them as well.)
I think it really depends on your relationship with your parents. With my mom I'm always willing to listen to what she has to say, but I'd never make a choice solely on that information/
Not really their business. Maybe when getting married, or after being together for some time...
I've thought about it but never made it a serious issue that I would stop from making me date a person.
my families opinion is very important to me but it depends on the situation