Would you have sex in a public place?

Contributor: momma22js momma22js
My husband is always begging me to have sex in a public place would you?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Peggi , wetone123 , mizzmilla , LilLostLenore , jakjak , -BillD , sasweetheart89 , Illumin8 , Wildchild , Waterfall , Lily Night , Gunsmoke , TitsMcScandal , EJ , Shellz31 , MrWishyWashy , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , slynch , XzombehxbearzX , CreamySweet , Rossie , southernlove85 , married with children , Sunshineamine , Jo Nana , aliceinthehole , wmann , Vinroe , DeliciousSurprise , Cruzer , karay123 , Kitka , Joie de Cherresse , lacybutton , Raym , NavyDoll87 , 2BudZ , Kendrir , RonLee , jedent , bayosgirl , tlaskowski , PassionateLover2 , Katelyn , BlooJay , MissCandyland , WetJenn , sexydelphia , Mr. E , HusbandandWife , chantalgiardina , sexykiss , lilgrump , authorzero , MaeGal , rnsice79 , Miss Anonymous , Howells , Mirachaya , konicaguy , milfstatus , luvslukin , TheirPet , jfuz , Princess-Kayla ♥ , Pennylyn , Stinkytofu10 , pizzahut , Airen Wolf , Leather & Lace , Volund , Ouroborean , Suzie , L&P3040 , SkylarrStarr , tetherhand , tortilla , sexytileena / absolutely love sex , Ganconagh , itismedi , RedKyuubi , Undecided , potstickers , lainebug , Jennifer87 , Trysexual , thesexiebunnie , ginnyluvspotter , amazon , Diablotin , twelve13 , Wet , BrittaniMaree , Soundside46 , aznbbgirl , Wickedly Yours , Dbond4 , Islamae , 3696369 , bob68128 , RJRoadie , dominatrixNY , Essential , SoloRebel , PfFlyer23 , FunnT , DanHarvey , wicked48 , dnb , Di's Guy , Domino's Brand Sugar Cubes , BobbieC. , GingerTesla , DenRu85 , hornyassdude , 4ever18 , Lavone , Robin Goodfellow , Paradocs , BeachRose , Redsfan73 , SpookyB , Yabaah808 , Matty9634 , The ~Pegging~ Meg , SophieWG , oneshinyhiny , BloodRaven93 , Arianne , ToyingCouple , JustTinMan , LuvinIT , vidoloco , JustMe2 , stevet2644 , Harleyryne , hardbodyactiv , Wantnsome , Luvluna499 , Old Still Married Geezers , babytarzan , Mrlovebutt11 , Devilish Asian , TheLicknDaddy , bjdrn98
145  (78%)
Ghost , cheetahpita , The Curious Couple , dhig , ksparkles16 , panthercat23 , shorejen9 , Lavendar , SneakersAndPearls , Beck , Rory , squire , sweetiejo , edenguy , 02e237 , Yoo1575 , godot , Whateverslides , MagneticDuke , Odogoo , louise83 , Helen31
22  (12%)
ily , IrishLassie , voenne , Falsepast , pirata , dontbackdown02 , bedorerc , Augustxsins , woodsdragon , SavingMyself , Darling Jen , Hummingbird , evie.amor , Orebe , Komitto , Amity88 , Lily Bee , SimpleTeaser , SeraphimSwordJR
19  (10%)
Total votes: 186
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Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I have, many times
Contributor: mizzmilla mizzmilla
It's fun
Contributor: LilLostLenore LilLostLenore
Originally posted by momma22js
My husband is always begging me to have sex in a public place would you?
i already have ive had sex in my car and ive had sex at the river.
Contributor: Illumin8 Illumin8
I have, and will do it again.
Contributor: Wildchild Wildchild
Originally posted by momma22js
My husband is always begging me to have sex in a public place would you?
Why not? It's exciting, unless the cops show up, thats happened a few times. Thank god they just say move on. Try a bathroom in a State Park, less of a chance of getting caught.
Contributor: MissStormRyder MissStormRyder
Originally posted by momma22js
My husband is always begging me to have sex in a public place would you?
Sex in public can be sooooo exciting...Done it several times...Like in the dance club...at the table!!
In a changing room in Dillards...hotel swimming pool and rooms balcony....there is more but...
Contributor: TitsMcScandal TitsMcScandal
Done it many many times. Will do it again.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Certainly - it's exciting and has a naughty element to it...hehehe.
Contributor: cheetahpita cheetahpita
no... the fear of getting caught is just too much for me, lol. I've been with guys who have wanted to, but I always freeze up.
Contributor: MrWishyWashy MrWishyWashy
Totally fun and spontaneous....adds to the excitement
Contributor: XzombehxbearzX XzombehxbearzX
Originally posted by momma22js
My husband is always begging me to have sex in a public place would you?
Yes I have with my fiance..Including a time at a hotel pool while ppl were in there.
Contributor: CreamySweet CreamySweet
Originally posted by momma22js
My husband is always begging me to have sex in a public place would you?
Done it several...hundred times and almost always its awesome! Watch out for mosquitos if your by a rice field... watch out for ants and if your on a butt naked on a bench behind a "closed" dentist office and someone unexpectedly walk up dont drop your panties and socks when you and your guy grab your clothes and run just a thought XOX
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Done that, but wouldn't do it again. It happened several times while we're dating, in some quiet parking lot in the middle of the night, I was so worried an officer might show up and shine a flash light on us!
Contributor: southernlove85 southernlove85
Originally posted by momma22js
My husband is always begging me to have sex in a public place would you?
we have a few times, although not lately since we had to switch to condoms...but heck yeah its a huge turn on for us. we've done it in our backyard (neighbors are real close), in a parking lot, outside a movie theater, etc.

always wanted to try a dressing room
Contributor: married with children married with children
as long as people are not watching us, I would do it.
Contributor: CreamySweet CreamySweet
Originally posted by southernlove85
we have a few times, although not lately since we had to switch to condoms...but heck yeah its a huge turn on for us. we've done it in our backyard (neighbors are real close), in a parking lot, outside a movie theater, etc.

always wanted ... more
I have sucked my husbands cock twice in store dressing rooms... and gotten it from behind once but not to completion. Gonna have to fix that!
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
Yes I would for sure and yes I have. So long as there is not an audience sure.
Contributor: Jo Nana Jo Nana
Obviously i would chicken out, but i know it would be awesome
Contributor: Vinroe Vinroe
Originally posted by momma22js
My husband is always begging me to have sex in a public place would you?
We have on several occasions. From time to time things need to shift gears and be spur of the moment. On the way back from a wedding Mrs. V got all mischievous and went down on me in the parking lot of an Applebees. Damn was it hot!
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
It's fun as long as you don't have to worry about mosquitoes!
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
We have many times! We love the thrill!
Contributor: Raym Raym
Many times, will again.
Contributor: Kendrir Kendrir
Would absolutely love to sometime. We both get a little hot and bothered making out in the car from time to time, but we're usually so close to home that we just hit the Pause button, head back to the homestead, and resume play
Contributor: IrishLassie IrishLassie
I have, several times and in many different places. It's like my husbands ultimate thing to do. He's always thnking of new places to do it in. Though to my husband's dismay, I dont like doing it in public.
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
I had done so many times but that's been many years ago. None of my partners for the last twenty years or so have been willing to engage in those kinds of adventures.
Contributor: The Curious Couple The Curious Couple
I would love to, but I'm too scared to get caught, so I voted no.
Contributor: voenne voenne
I have and I didn't like it (was uncomfortable and scared). It would depend on the circumstances if I did it again.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
would love to
Contributor: tlaskowski tlaskowski
alreaady have and loved it!