This is crazy because I was just talking about this same thing with my parnter! I never knew that most dildos were molded or whatever from an actual penis! Lol. How stupid I felt, but I didn't know it til the other day.
Anyways, I've never cared for the realistic dildos because I really only care a lot about the vibes and stuff because I'm never away from my partner too long and when I really want to do it, he's there so I've never felt the need for one and it also just doesn't settle with me well for some personal reason. I don't think anything bad of them at all, but they are not for me. I'm more of a vibrator girl. And I feel like I wouldn't ever use a realistic dildo unless it was a "replacement" and I certainly would NEVER choose a fake one over my partners. No siree! So for me, it's not my thing.
Now for him, he's NOT into the male sex toys. I even told him that I found a thingy I guess it was a sleeve or whatever here on EF and it was clear with little pink balls inside. I figured it was for his pleasure, but as I've been reading I think they're for both. I asked him if he'd want the sleeve thingy and kind of thought it was a nice idea just to give him extra fun, but he was not liking the idea. He said he didn't want it. He's more of a sex only kind of guy. He never has liked the idea of masturbating, it really doesn't do much for him, I've even tried myself! It's just tiring and after an hour, I just don't care and neither does he so we just stick with sex, sometimes crazy stuff, but he just prefers doing it. I think I could warm him up to the idea of other things, but he absolutely refuses those pocket "pussy" things! I guess I am glad for that though, because then I'm not being replaced in any way. Now, if I turned it down a lot, I don't know how much refusing he'd do. Lol JK
He said he just doesn't like the idea of having sex with something that isn't real or something that's been made from another females privates. That does make me feel special though