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I don't think cheating is the be-all, end-all horrible thing for relationships. I would be hurt if the boyfriend cheated - but because he didn't trust me enough to communicate what the actual issue is. It depends on how long the extra
I don't think cheating is the be-all, end-all horrible thing for relationships. I would be hurt if the boyfriend cheated - but because he didn't trust me enough to communicate what the actual issue is. It depends on how long the extra relationship went on, what he feels for the other person, and if they'd leave the other person no questions asked, but it's pretty unlikely I'd leave just because someone cheated. After we strengthed our communication again, I think it'd be time to figure out what the underlying issue was and see if we needed a new type of relationship though.
I'd be more concerned about the possible STDs than any sort of emotional thing.
The fact that they could be exposing you to possible std's is part and parcel of the cheating. The whole situation shows a lack of respect for you, and if you take into consideration the std's a lack of concern for your health and safety.
@ Alura Une - The thing that makes it the hardest is that you really do lose that feeling of knowing the person you are with, and it takes a REAAALLY long time to believe anything that comes out of their mouth ever again. Even then, you know that just trusting them doesn't make it true.