I wouldn't do that.
Would you let your partner pee inside you?
Is it not incredibly difficult to pee for a male while erect?
To each their own. Different strokes? You get the drift
unusual, but not our kink!
TO THE 60 MORONS THAT ANSWERED: No it's not safe!
WRONG WRONG WRONG. Its 100% safe, unless the person has some kinda disease or some shit. Which is not safe anyway. Piss is sterile if the person is HEALTHY. This has NOTHING to do with safe or not, its more of... are you kinky enough to try it? If you think its gross thats one thing, safe is another whole discussion.
WRONG WRONG WRONG. Its 100% safe, unless the person has some kinda disease or some shit. Which is not safe anyway. Piss is sterile if the person is HEALTHY. This has NOTHING to do with safe or not, its more of... are you kinky enough to try it? If you think its gross thats one thing, safe is another whole discussion.
not once not never...
I actually had this discussion with my BF last night. Weird.. and I'm pretty sure I'd try it since we are kinda into watersports.. kinda meaning he likes it a lot and i put up with it even though deep down i know i like it too.. so sure. it may be weird, but whatev right? you only live once. it is safe. urine is sterile. xoxo
No thanks. I just don't find it appealing.
no, never would do that ever.
Just read a Henry Miller book, Under the Roof Tops of Paris, where this was going on a lot (anally not vaginally)
I voted "other" cause I just don't know how I feel about that. lol. Interesting.
Not a safety issue. That's just creeeeepy
Urine is sterile, as long as the people doing it are healthy. If that's what you're into go for it. I cannot see the appeal. I bet the heat of fresh urine in the body could feel amazing. I understand that mental block associated with urine as well. I probably am guilty of it. I can't say no until I try it, but I just don't want to at this point in time. The only time (as of right now) that urine is going back into my body is if I have to drink it to survive (this is actually recommended if water is unavailable and your life is at stake). Again, opinions can change.
I don't think I'd be into this. I can understand why some people find it fun.
Not interested.
that is nasty ._. i wouldn't do it, he wouldn't do it, and i feel that it's not safe really.
Nope, no dice here, I wouldn't do it
PISS: The new, better, flavorful, and abondent cum

No way in hell!
Originally posted by
A friend told me a story once. He told me that he pee's inside his GF just because he wanted to see if he could pee with a hard on and I'm wondering a few thing's
1/ Is it safe?
2/ Has any tried it?
3/ Would you try it?
4/ Did you like it?
1/ Is it safe?
2/ Has any tried it?
3/ Would you try it?
4/ Did you like it?
Eww no
I don't think I could ever do something like that, or have it done to me. Just me though.
No way!
Not interested, Pee is a body waste product. If you do this anally the GI tract will then reabsorb someone else's waste products. Not good and hey that's a really good way to share diseases.
Originally posted by
A friend told me a story once. He told me that he pee's inside his GF just because he wanted to see if he could pee with a hard on and I'm wondering a few thing's
1/ Is it safe?
2/ Has any tried it?
3/ Would you try it?
4/ Did you like it?
1/ Is it safe?
2/ Has any tried it?
3/ Would you try it?
4/ Did you like it?
Nope I wouldn't do it!
No thank you... never happening.
just disgusting
Originally posted by
A friend told me a story once. He told me that he pee's inside his GF just because he wanted to see if he could pee with a hard on and I'm wondering a few thing's
1/ Is it safe?
2/ Has any tried it?
3/ Would you try it?
4/ Did you like it?
1/ Is it safe?
2/ Has any tried it?
3/ Would you try it?
4/ Did you like it?
Absolutely not, lol. I'm not knockin' anyone, it's just not for me.