Him masturbating doesn't bother me at all. although when he does it and then doesn't want sex later it can get a little frustrating, but this seldom happens and masturbation is masturbation and sex is passionate and loving and different .
Featured by EdenFantasys
Would you be jealous of a pocket pussy?
I bought my boyfriend his first masturbator. He doesn't have any emotional connection to it, it's not alive and it doesn't take away from our sex, so I don't really see any need to get jealous. We live about two hours away from each other, so we don't get to be together all the time, but I still want him to enjoy his orgasms as much as possible. And they are good for the times I'm not really up to sex but still want to get him off. ^_^
me and my guy want to get a ''clone a pussy'' so that he can use that to masturbate to. HE LOVES THE IDEA and so do i!
Originally posted by
Two Loves
This questions is for the ladies. Would you be jealous of your man masturbating with a pocket pussy, and would it matter how realistic it was? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below
dont bother me
*high five*
Originally posted by
Psssht, it's just a toy. We have several meant for my pleasure and a few for both of our pleasure simultaneously... Why not let him have some to himself if he wants it? No need for jealousy unless he becomes more interested in it than in me.
Psssht, it's just a toy. We have several meant for my pleasure and a few for both of our pleasure simultaneously... Why not let him have some to himself if he wants it? No need for jealousy unless he becomes more interested in it than in me. Though I may be tempted to lick it if it looks or feels realistic enough... *blushes*
Real pussy is better, but if I am not around and he was in mood I would not mind.
I don't think that toys should replace any relationship's sex life so as long as that doesn't become an issue I am okay with it. Everybody masturbates, so why not?
I'm buying my husband one of the clear ones so I can watch him use it.
Totally not jealous.
Totally not jealous.
i like my hand the bes,t i dont get all the pocket puss shit
dont bother me
Originally posted by
Two Loves
This questions is for the ladies. Would you be jealous of your man masturbating with a pocket pussy, and would it matter how realistic it was? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below
I don't care what or how my partner masturbates and I would not feel comfortable with a partner who found my toys intimidating. Toys are nothing more than tools, they will never replace the intimacy and interpersonal interaction of being with an actual partner.
if it makes him happy it makes me happy.
My man hates the idea of having to do anything himself, let alone use a toy.
I just don't like them lol, but I'm not into the whole "realistic" thing though, I wouldn't put up a huge fuss if he wanted to though
It'd be awfully selfish of me to not want my boyfriend to use one. I use vibrators and the like so why shouldn't he be allowed to use a pocket pussy? It makes masturbation better, just like my toys do.
I realize that men usually need release two or three times a day, and we might not always be able to have sex two or three times a day. PLUS, I masturbate, sometimes every day, and with a vibe. I don't see how a pocket pussy is any different.
I voted that I don't care how he masturbates as long as he still wants me. But I do get offended when he watches porn and I'm in the bedroom wide awake. I feel like I'm not good enough, although he says it's just easier sometimes for him to get himself off then spend the time getting me horny and then getting off. IDK... we're still trying to figure out how to deal with this.
It's just a toy. I have plenty and he should be able to have some too and enjoy them. As long as we still want each other, I'm cool with whatever toys
Oh, come on! WHY would you say he CANNOT masturbate!? REALLY?! Let the poor man have some fun!
Nope, it's just a toy.
He can masturbate any way he wants. Why would it matter?
I am fine with my man masturbating however he wants, as long as he still wants me.
Originally posted by
Two Loves
This questions is for the ladies. Would you be jealous of your man masturbating with a pocket pussy, and would it matter how realistic it was? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below
I definetely would not be jealous of this
Originally posted by
Two Loves
This questions is for the ladies. Would you be jealous of your man masturbating with a pocket pussy, and would it matter how realistic it was? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below
No way! In fact I've been looking at a few for him to try. It's fun for me to watch and when I'm gone he has something to play with.
Originally posted by
Two Loves
This questions is for the ladies. Would you be jealous of your man masturbating with a pocket pussy, and would it matter how realistic it was? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below
Taboo Whispers
I would be no more jealous than he is of my toys. I can do a lot more for him than any pocket pussy can. XD
don't matter to me
My hubby and I like to do it together for fun, but I agree with you that I would not be happy if he masturbated in front of me if it was not a mutual thing. We have an entire house-find another room
Originally posted by
I have always masturbated more than my partner, except for maybe my current. However, in this relationship he rarely does it anymore. I have no problem with my guy masturbating as long as he doesn't lie about it and it doesn't affect his sex
I have always masturbated more than my partner, except for maybe my current. However, in this relationship he rarely does it anymore. I have no problem with my guy masturbating as long as he doesn't lie about it and it doesn't affect his sex drive for me. I also don't want him to do it in front of me if I have no part in it. For instance if I am unable to have sex for some reason, I don't want him to then turn on the tv and go to town. I would ask him to go to the shower if he felt the need was THAT urgent. I would find it an insult that he couldn't wait for me. Distance is different. Go to friggin town!

Well I was not at first as I have a vibrator for me to use during our thang sometimes at his request, when he is out of town and I need sex at least once a day and if he is busy or tired it's there for me. So I thought the same for him. Well now we havnt had sex in 2 weeks. I just found 2 new pocket posts. I bed to please him orally and sexually. He always says he is tired etc! I asked him if he is using it he told me no he is over them threw it away and things were great again. Now here we are again. It's been 3 weeks for me and mind you we normally do it 2 times a day. I get missing a day and when aunt flo comes. Even then I beg to please him orally which he normally loves and begs me for it. But now it's been 3 weeks
He barely talks to me. Things were great and I got sick with pneumonia and I had to turn him down 1 day. Since then it's been 3 weeks and I caught him using it when he thought I left to take kids school. Mind you I begged for sex 20 mins before hand and he said I'm just to tired. So ya I am now jealous and I need to get laid and I honestly think my husband and I are doomed
He barely talks to me. Things were great and I got sick with pneumonia and I had to turn him down 1 day. Since then it's been 3 weeks and I caught him using it when he thought I left to take kids school. Mind you I begged for sex 20 mins before hand and he said I'm just to tired. So ya I am now jealous and I need to get laid and I honestly think my husband and I are doomed
I would be a hypocrite if I got jealous over a pocket pussy. Especially when I look at my impressive inventory of realistic dildos lol. It's all a about fun, pleasure, and role play.
The topic of realistic toys was one of delicacy in our relationship. I was never particularly fond of real-life molds, veins, balls and stuff - guess just not my cup of tea. But my man was interested in realistic pocket pussies and I got him one, just to try it out. He was hesitant at first, and it made me feel more secure, but then he got the taste of it and it went down from there. We had a couple of unpleasant moments when he wasn't in his best shape when we were having sex, and he would later acknowledge that he let it all out with the toy. As you could guess, I wasn't the happiest girl. But as time went by, his interested had peaked and washed off. I think it was just the matter of something new, unexplored. Now he barely touches it - only if I'm away or not in the mood. So I could say I'm on good term with that pussy nowadays - she's like a spare player in our sex team