My husband just got his first pocket pussy. I have to admit, at first i was jealous of it, but now i'm not. Its natural for him. I have toys so why can't he have toys too.
Featured by EdenFantasys
Would you be jealous of a pocket pussy?
Nope, and actually I just bought my man a fleshlight that he loves! If I can enjoy my toys, what's wrong with him having a little fun too?
It wouldn't bother me... but he has no need for one... lol... he gets the real thing whenever he wants, lol...
My husband doesn't mind me using my masturbating toys so why should I care if he has masturbating toys? I would rather he have toys than another woman. I agree with ~LaUr3n~ if I am not apart of the action then he can masturbate in another room. Also he watches porn while masturbating that doesn't bother me because I watch porn too while I masturbate.
My husband wants to watch me masturbate but I don't like it and I tell him I want to be alone in the bedroom when I masturbate. I feel masturbating is a private thing, if we are not having sex after I get good and wet.
My husband wants to watch me masturbate but I don't like it and I tell him I want to be alone in the bedroom when I masturbate. I feel masturbating is a private thing, if we are not having sex after I get good and wet.
I have actually been thinking of surprising him with a pocket pussy toy. Since he doesn't have any toys of his own.
I don't see why I would need to be jealous. I have dozens of toys and use them more often solo than with him which is why I got him some of his own toys to begin with.
I've thought of getting one for my sweetheart, since we're currently long distance.
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I have actually been thinking of surprising him with a pocket pussy toy. Since he doesn't have any toys of his own.
I bought my last partner a pocket pussy. I also helped him use it on occasion. I think of it as just another toy to throw in a box. I would not hesitate to buy a new one for a new lover either, and I have recommended them to many.
Originally posted by
Two Loves
This questions is for the ladies. Would you be jealous of your man masturbating with a pocket pussy, and would it matter how realistic it was? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below
I have no problem with masturbation as long as it is not a substitute for having sex with me. I love to watch my husband choke his chicken. I will usually join in.
I guess I just worry that he may choose the pocket pussy over me, like if he just wants a quickie or something? I don't know
Originally posted by
I have no problem with masturbation as long as it is not a substitute for having sex with me. I love to watch my husband choke his chicken. I will usually join in.

Illusional - Speaking as a guy I think this is very unlikely. These things are useful if a guy is alone or maybe if he wants to try something a little bit different, but they can never compete with a real woman. That is just not possible. These things don't have beautiful eyes, soft skin, wonderful hair, great curves, a sparkling smile, lovely legs,....well, you get the picture. And that's even before we get to intelligence, personality, passion, romance, fun, and LOVE. Trust me, pretty much every guy who has one of these things is dreaming of a woman!
Originally posted by
I guess I just worry that he may choose the pocket pussy over me, like if he just wants a quickie or something? I don't know
My husband seconds Barbarossa's opinion completely. In my opinion, there is no toy on this planet that can replace a living breathing human being! I have lots of toys and some I really like, but if I had the choice to have sex with my husband or a toy, I'd choose the husband every time because he is warm, moves naturally, I can feel his pulsing cock inside me, he can touch me all over with his hands, his breath, his skin, everything...even if it is a 3 hour love-making session or a 5 min morning romp.
Originally posted by
Illusional - Speaking as a guy I think this is very unlikely. These things are useful if a guy is alone or maybe if he wants to try something a little bit different, but they can never compete with a real woman. That is just not possible. These
Illusional - Speaking as a guy I think this is very unlikely. These things are useful if a guy is alone or maybe if he wants to try something a little bit different, but they can never compete with a real woman. That is just not possible. These things don't have beautiful eyes, soft skin, wonderful hair, great curves, a sparkling smile, lovely legs,....well, you get the picture. And that's even before we get to intelligence, personality, passion, romance, fun, and LOVE. Trust me, pretty much every guy who has one of these things is dreaming of a woman!
I don't really care what my man does. Now if for some reason we had a decrease of sex and he started using a pocket pussy more, it would probably make me wonder why, but I don't see that happening.
I almost feel as if.....I wont be doing my job if he has to masturbate.
Originally posted by
Two Loves
This questions is for the ladies. Would you be jealous of your man masturbating with a pocket pussy, and would it matter how realistic it was? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below
I use toys, so why can't he? It's definitely not as good as my pussy or having my body attached to it haha.
could not agree more. Besides, if your partner prefers his pocket pussy over you, something is seriously wrong.
Originally posted by
Luscious Lily
As far as I'm concerned? It's a toy. No matter how realistic it is, it's still just a toy. Honestly, it would be horribly hypocritical of me to expect him to be ok with me using realistic dildos, while being jealous of him using a
As far as I'm concerned? It's a toy. No matter how realistic it is, it's still just a toy. Honestly, it would be horribly hypocritical of me to expect him to be ok with me using realistic dildos, while being jealous of him using a realistic pocket pussy. For me, it's a non-issue.
I encourage my partner to buy fake vaginas, because while I am away at school, he has every right to masturbate and please himself, as I surely do with vibrators and dildos.
as long as im getting it as much as i want and he still wants me its a ok
Originally posted by
Two Loves
This questions is for the ladies. Would you be jealous of your man masturbating with a pocket pussy, and would it matter how realistic it was? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below
I wouldn't be jealous if we used it as a couple as foreplay or something but if he was using it instead of fucking me I would be pissed.
Originally posted by
Two Loves
This questions is for the ladies. Would you be jealous of your man masturbating with a pocket pussy, and would it matter how realistic it was? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below
I don't even like pocket pussies. I prefer her.
Funny that this post is going 'round again after our latest purchase came in Friday night. We used our realistic Jenna Haze pussy and ass for the first time last night and boy oh boy I cannot wait to write that review!!!
I thought I would be jealous but I played with it more than he did!
I thought I would be jealous but I played with it more than he did!
If I can use them, why can't he. I don't like double standards, just as long as it doesn't affect what we do.
not at all.
I agree with you completely.
Originally posted by
I have always masturbated more than my partner, except for maybe my current. However, in this relationship he rarely does it anymore. I have no problem with my guy masturbating as long as he doesn't lie about it and it doesn't affect his sex
I have always masturbated more than my partner, except for maybe my current. However, in this relationship he rarely does it anymore. I have no problem with my guy masturbating as long as he doesn't lie about it and it doesn't affect his sex drive for me. I also don't want him to do it in front of me if I have no part in it. For instance if I am unable to have sex for some reason, I don't want him to then turn on the tv and go to town. I would ask him to go to the shower if he felt the need was THAT urgent. I would find it an insult that he couldn't wait for me. Distance is different. Go to friggin town!
Well said.
Originally posted by
Miss Cinnamon
I am incredibly secure in the knowledge that I, being a living, breathing, feeling human being am far more desirable than a hunk of rubber shaped like a vagina. Also? Masturbators can't tell jokes or give back rubs half as well as I can. The end.
I would be a hypocrite if i got mad at him, a dildo is an phallic shaped object
Originally posted by
Two Loves
This questions is for the ladies. Would you be jealous of your man masturbating with a pocket pussy, and would it matter how realistic it was? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below
i honestly don't care. i mean hell, i bought my boyfriend a pussy toy for christmas. but long as he still wants me aswell, i couldn't give a shit what kind of toys he has/uses.
you know at first I was a little jealous when we were FIRST married and it was that whole, "I only want him to want me.". I have since realized that it was pretty stupid to be jealous of something that is not really. Because at the end of the day, we still wants me, always
not at all
as long as my husband lets me watch i won't have a problem with it at all