Have you ever felt ashamed or embarrassed of your fantasy?

Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by LavenderSkies
Curious poll!
When I was younger I did feel both ashamed and embarrassed about my violetn fantasies and how much they appealed to me. As I grew older I realized that in even my awfullest fantasies no one got truly hurt or was scarred forever emotionally and that the things I fantasized about if I did them in real life WOULD scar and maim someone emotionally...so I wasn't a bad person after all. So now I allow my fantasies to be what they are and realize that most of them couldn't be acted out but they are HAWT in fantasy!
Contributor: NymphetamineKiss NymphetamineKiss
Not ashamed, but I have felt embarrassed... Recently I remembered a porn clip I watched years ago and found really hot (a girl getting her ass duck taped open and getting anal) and was embarrassed by how hot I found it.. I'm still a bit embarrassed by my panty stuffing fetish, but a lot of that is down to the way most people don't understand how such an activity could be erotic for the girl engaging in it and often view it as a male-dominated fantasy by men who have no understanding of female anatomy etc...

Mostly, I'm fine with my fetishes and fantasies though. It can be really handy being on the fet scene for that!
Contributor: ExesandOhs ExesandOhs
Nope. Everyone has fantasies so I don't feel like being ashamed is necessary.
Contributor: Arch600 Arch600
Embarrassed in the sense of not knowing how people may respond. I tend to keep my fantasies to myself, though my wife and I have become more comfortable sharing over the years. Still, things go on in my mind sometimes that I feel could be game-changers if I shared with her. That has never been the case, but the fear is always there on some level.
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
It took me a while to not be embarrassed by wanting to have multiple guys at once. Then my husband brought it up as one of his fantasies. Now it's a fantasy (hopefully, soon to be reality) that we share.
Contributor: Sir Sir
I've felt ashamed by some of my interests, but not to the point of embarrassment or true, extreme shame. There's no reason to be. Everyone has their interests, it's not a big deal.
Contributor: TheHardOne TheHardOne
If Im with someone who doesnt buy in and just goes through the motions for me. That can be kind of awkward.
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
Little bit, but when I talked it over with my partner, I realized we both wanted to try it
Contributor: Martiniman Martiniman
Oh hell yes! I have a few fantasies I'll never share with anybody.
Contributor: wanderer5964 wanderer5964
some of mine i was embarrassed by but with my boyfriend now we can talk about anything and everything. but still takes me a little to get to the down and dirty stuff
Contributor: sillylilkitten sillylilkitten
Back when I was first getting into BDSM I was pretty embarrassed about my fantasies, but I haven't felt that way in a long time now.
Contributor: Roz W Roz W
What if you fantasize about embarrassing other people? /notevenkidding
Contributor: Hummingbird Hummingbird
I'm only ashamed to share my fantasy not of it. It's what turns me on, gets my juices flowing soto speak and makes me feel alive. So much so I wrote it down and keep enhancing it making it more tangible and real.
Contributor: Marie Hanna Marie Hanna
Ashamed no. Embarrassed yes. I think its pretty normal though because society has very conservative views.
Contributor: JennSenn JennSenn
Yes to both. Some of mine are a bit taboo. I'm not sure I'll ever share them all. But I don't think it's necessary for me. A lot of them can't be acted out anyway.
Contributor: inkky inkky
i may be embaressed about one or two
Contributor: kkybf kkybf
i've been ashamed
Contributor: katat katat
definitely felt embarrassed before
Contributor: Pandwhora Pandwhora
I've felt embarrassed when I was younger but no longer feel ashamed of any of my fantasies.
Contributor: noway noway
Contributor: LoooveMonkey LoooveMonkey
Yes. My boyfriend is very nice about my fantasies, though.
Contributor: FlightyBroad FlightyBroad
Yeah, because of the way I was raised. Sex was rarely talked about, so having any kind of desire made me feel ashamed.
Contributor: A Good Girl A Good Girl
My catholic background means I've felt guilty about everything at some point in time.