Your Partner's Stance on Toys or Lingerie?

Contributor: libbyv libbyv
Originally posted by dirtythoughts:)
My Boyfriend of 2 years now has voiced his opinion on sex toys, he doesn't like them! When I recently ordered my second vibrator,he got a little fussy. He claims he just likes natural sex and has never really been into toys. We have really only ... more
hubby enjoys both, guess i'm lucky
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
He loves toys and lingerie.
Contributor: daniel420 daniel420
lieks toys and lingerie
Contributor: DarkMoonLily DarkMoonLily
My boyfriend is neutral about toys but LOVES it when I wear lingerie
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
Fortunately, my hubby loves toys and lingerie as much as I do!
Contributor: karenm karenm
He is neutral on both. He said lingerie doesn't really do anything for him, which I find disappointing. So I realized that if I'm going to wear it, it has to be for me and not for him (which is how it should be, really). I think lingerie can still be fun if you adopt that mindset. The key for me is to buy lingerie that is comfortable so I can feel sexy but he won't feel like I'm expecting him to pounce on me, and I won't be disappointed when he doesn't.

Maybe it would help if you were clear about the fact that you wouldn't be using the toys to replace him. Masturbating with toys is totally different than sex.
Contributor: Gdom Gdom
We both like toys a lot.
Contributor: Hummingbird Hummingbird
Trying toys and buying the lingerie with his help has brought us back together, intimate wise more than we've ever been. For us its been a plus and sex has been more enjoyable for us today because of them.

Everyone's relationship is different, what works for one is not necessarily best for someone else's. If you enjoy them, hopefully he will accept if you want to use them solo.

I agree with Arch600, Communication is key here.
Contributor: Pete's Princess Pete's Princess
My husband loves lingerie and luckily so do I. As far as toys, he is the one who got me interested in them, I was very anti-toy, My thought was why have a toy when you can have the real thing. That was until he had to be out of town a lot. He talked me into them, but then he could talk me into about anything. I think he wanted to keep me occupied while he was gone. The rule is I have to tell him about when I used them. This helps with the phone sex aspect.

I am glad he convinced me to give toys a try because otherwise I would not have found EF.
Contributor: Munko Munko
He doesn't mind toys...I don't think he's as excited about them as I am, and if I want him to use them on me, I have to pull them out and nudge him in the right direction.

Lingerie on the other hand he is not interested in at all...not that it doesnt look nice, but doesn't "do" anything more for him than most other things I wear. I tried for a long time to find something he'd like and that makes me feel sexy but he never really came around so I gave up! Waste of money that could be better spent on things we both enjoy
Contributor: aznbbgirl aznbbgirl
Originally posted by dirtythoughts:)
My Boyfriend of 2 years now has voiced his opinion on sex toys, he doesn't like them! When I recently ordered my second vibrator,he got a little fussy. He claims he just likes natural sex and has never really been into toys. We have really only ... more
I was the one who first got into toys and my boyfriend was surprisingly open to it and now enjoys playing with them, too. I don't really wear/own much lingerie, but if I could afford some, I would love to wear it for him and I know he would love it as well.
Contributor: Ms. Lefty Ms. Lefty
Mr. Right enjoys both (well, HE doesn't wear lingerie). I'm not a fan of some lingerie because it can be uncomfortable and distract me from my pleasure. We've compromised - I'll wear stockings and heels but no corsets.

Toys make everything so much more fun! We've found a rabbit-style vibre that didn't work for me that he loves for me to use on him. I'm still trying to find that special rabbit that fits my anatomy, though.