Some can be too judgemental and jump right to omg you shouldn't be with him anymore..So i keep our issues to ourselves.
When you have a fight, do you normally confide in anyone?
Yes, sometimes
Yes almost always
Originally posted by
Like a friend, counselor, parent..? And why or why not? Just wondering.
Actually, I usually don't. We usually work our issues out alone and alone only, but there has been once or twice my parents were there for one fight and helped majorly. God! I don't know how I'd have not done something crazy without them!
Originally posted by
Like a friend, counselor, parent..? And why or why not? Just wondering.
Nope, I tend to grumble things out until I've come to a reasonable conclusion and then go back.
Usually we resolve it with each other, and going to someone else is unnecessary.
Originally posted by
Like a friend, counselor, parent..? And why or why not? Just wondering.
depends what the issue is, how mad i am
Originally posted by
Like a friend, counselor, parent..? And why or why not? Just wondering.
I almost never confide in anyone about fights I've had with my boyfriend. I'm a pretty personal person, our business is our business and it should stay that way.
All the time
Yes, I do always or most of the time
Originally posted by
Like a friend, counselor, parent..? And why or why not? Just wondering.
I have found that most folk use other people's problems to feel better about themselves rather than to help the one in need. I go to my close family first, usually my grams or my mom or dad, depending on the situation. Always grams first, though. But I rarely trouble any of them with relationship issues. It's stressful for them and for me. I try to work out as much on my own as I can. I have one girlfriend who is the voice of reason who I can call on if needed. The most important lesson I have learned from my dad, besides a solid work ethic, is that we all have the answers to everything within ourselves...we just have to have the courage to listen.
sometimes, but usually we just work it out between ourselves...
I always confide in my favorite person in the whole world who knows me better than anyone else. My SO. XD I like to keep our problems between us unless I need advice. I don't like people thinking he's a bad person just because we don't always get along. So we cool off for a little bit and then we come back to each other and have a talk about things. And if we're together, we'll cuddle while we talk it out.
In my opinion, our parents have absolutely no business being involved in our fights. It would be bad to talk to them. Also I used to talk to friends, only to find that the ones who wanted to listen actually wanted me, so they'd try to demonize him when I was really in the wrong and then they'd keep critisizing him for awhile after that saying he didn't love me and we should break up just because they wanted us to break up. I was never angry enough not to see through that dumb trick. I'm never angry enough to forget that I love him.
In my opinion, our parents have absolutely no business being involved in our fights. It would be bad to talk to them. Also I used to talk to friends, only to find that the ones who wanted to listen actually wanted me, so they'd try to demonize him when I was really in the wrong and then they'd keep critisizing him for awhile after that saying he didn't love me and we should break up just because they wanted us to break up. I was never angry enough not to see through that dumb trick. I'm never angry enough to forget that I love him.
Sometimes I confide in my best friend.
Nope never
Sometimes, but I wouldn't want the person I confide in thinking poorly of my boyfriend so it depends.
We are SO freaking strange. Married over 30 years.Dated for five years before that. We NEVER FIGHT. EVER. NEVER HAVE. EVER. We are a sick, sick couple, eh? Never found anything to fight about. IF one of us is mad about something, the other just goes.."oops,so sorry. How can I fix it"? If we ever disagree on something (does not happen often), it is a matter of "well, if it is that important to you, then have it YOUR way". Live like that and there is NEVER anything to fight about!!!!!???? What on earth are we SUPPOSED to be fighting about? What are we missing here????
Originally posted by
Like a friend, counselor, parent..? And why or why not? Just wondering.
I always need to vent - w/ a trusted friend, though.
You're both open to listen and fix things before people have to get mad, I guess. lol
Originally posted by
We are SO freaking strange. Married over 30 years.Dated for five years before that. We NEVER FIGHT. EVER. NEVER HAVE. EVER. We are a sick, sick couple, eh? Never found anything to fight about. IF one of us is mad about something, the other just
We are SO freaking strange. Married over 30 years.Dated for five years before that. We NEVER FIGHT. EVER. NEVER HAVE. EVER. We are a sick, sick couple, eh? Never found anything to fight about. IF one of us is mad about something, the other just goes.."oops,so sorry. How can I fix it"? If we ever disagree on something (does not happen often), it is a matter of "well, if it is that important to you, then have it YOUR way". Live like that and there is NEVER anything to fight about!!!!!???? What on earth are we SUPPOSED to be fighting about? What are we missing here????
my sister/best friend
It's between us, so no.
I usually keep it to myself
I only do in dire situations. I have a bad habit of demonizing my partner's position if we don't have a calmer conversation later, so it's best to wait it out and get both sides of the story.
We're very much a talk, kiss, and make up sort of couple.
We're very much a talk, kiss, and make up sort of couple.
I used to confide in my friends about a lot of things but now I keep it quiet unless it's really bad because it taints their view of my boyfriend
sometimes I tell one of my friends about it and very rarely I talk to my mom about it but i'm VERY careful what I tell her cause I don't want her to get the wrong opinion from a stupid fight
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