When you end up having to end a relationship, do you look at it as time wasted or do you try to keep the positives?

Contributor: Greenleaf Greenleaf
I try to look at every experience (good or bad) as an opportunity to learn, both about myself and the world.
Contributor: Jammin14580 Jammin14580
Originally posted by js250
After 15 years, I am calling it quits. There are so many factors involved but basically right now I feel as if I have wasted 15 years of my life. A lot of that is hurt and pain, some of it is retrospect and the rest... I don't know. I have ... more
If the relationship was overall bad, I might consider it time wasted, at least briefly. But most of the time I can look back on these things and see them as time well spent, because whatever may have you will take lessons from it.
Contributor: SouthernBelle SouthernBelle
I try to look at the positives. It's hard, and usually it hurts for a while, but I feel like I definitely learn something from each of my relationships.