Should he always open doors for you??

Contributor: Alicia Alicia
My husband opens doors for me, and he holds them open for anyone else too that's near the door. If he sees a woman with a baby or someone with their hands full he will go out of his way to hold the door for them, it's just manners. I actually don't see very many men down here that don't hold the door for people, but I think it might just be because I'm in the South or maybe it's because this is a Marine town and they're taught to be respectful, I don't know but regardless it isn't often that I don't see people holding doors for each other.

Sometimes I get to the door first and I'll open it, but then my husband will hold the door for me to walk through and then follows me after. He generally doesn't like me to hold the door for him unless he's got his hands full or something, just the way he was raised. He doesn't get angry or anything, he just basically insists that I go through.

He doesn't alway hold the car door open for me, but if we're having a date night he will, which makes it more special I think.
Contributor: Persephone Nightmare Persephone Nightmare
I see holding the door as an act of common courtesy that should not be limited to just, "The man holding the door open for the woman" scenario*. I personally hold the door open for anyone, male, female, young, old or otherwise. And *especially* if the person in question has their hands full with a baby, stroller, or groceries/shopping bags.

Relationship-wise, Synthetik does open the door for me, but there are alot of times where I hold the door for him too (especially, for example, if we're going into a store and there's a sort of lobby where you have to go through two sets of doors, since him holding the door for me makes me the one in front, I go ahead and grab the next door and open it for him. Or if I just get to it first. That feels natural to me, to be honest, just whomever getting to the door first opens it sort of thing.)

*Now please note, I'm not one of those people who gets their panties in a knot and starts screaming obscenities if someone opens a door for her (I've heard of people doing that though, and it's just so rude). I'm the exact opposite, I appreciate whenever someone does hold or open the door for me. *However*, I personally feel that it should be a courtesy that is extended to everyone, instead of just one group of people.
Contributor: Lady Neshamah Lady Neshamah
my husband and other male subs do it all the time. yes, for some it's part of kink, but at the same time, it is still seen as a very classy thing to do for a woman
Contributor: x cherri x cherri
My boyfriend did this all the time, but now we kinda share. I like it when he does and he knows it. Tell him to keep it up, but you can always do it for him once in awhile too.
Contributor: VenusianThunder VenusianThunder
I would never require it of a man, but I greatly appreciate it and it does make me think better of men that do so. I hold the door open for anybody that may be behind me, no matter who they are. And I cannot stand when women get angry at men for doing this- they should appreciate it and not be so stubborn about things. Also hate when people waltz right through without thanking a person. Just rude!
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I don't think of it as a requirement, but I do think it's sweet and thoughtful. I will hold the door for other people too, it's just polite. And I always say thank you also, that's just good manners too. I hate it when you hold the door for someone and they totally ignore you.
Contributor: EJ EJ
I don't think he "should" do it (it's not a requirement and I don't feel badly toward him when he doesn't do it), but I always appreciate it when he does.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
He opens the door for me unless I get to it first and open it for him, but he likes to open it for me. He's good about that. I have noticed a lot of women telling their men the same thing, about how they should do that! He will also pull my chair out for me sometimes
Contributor: AndroAngel AndroAngel
I made it clear to him that if he was opening doors for me because you're "supposed to hold doors for a lady" I was going to get bitchy about it and fight him for the door. Now we hold doors for each other and all is as it should be.