How long till you both said "I love you"?

Contributor: HisLittleFiend HisLittleFiend
We were very good friends before we officially stated dating, so we said it to each other before... the first time, I think it was -1 month from when we began seeing each other steady. When we started dating, I told him I wanted to take it slow. He told me he loved me after date #2. I told him I felt similarly and very strongly for him, but I didn't want to jinx the relationship and thought we should wait a while before it became something we regularly say. That lasted two days when we decided to go out for tea and he wanted to stop at a sporting goods store to look at CamelBaks.

Yes, I found that incredibly amazing, and it slipped out, and we decided no use in holding it back.
Contributor: MsDrProfKitty MsDrProfKitty
Well my guy and I were best friends before we started dating so we used to say "luv ya" anyways (I have a special group of friends that I say that to) so it was about 3 months after we started dating.
Contributor: novanilla novanilla
We had an interesting situation. We had been good friends for a year, and I was dating someone else. He had been interested in me the entire time, and one day at the very end of the semester (we're in college) he just blurted out I love you! I freaked out and he immediately apologized and swore he would not do it again. My relationship ended, and since I realized I liked him back, I decided to give it a chance. He came and visited me one weekend that summer and it was amazing. When I took him back to the airport, he whispered it again to me, and I said it back. After that we started saying it regularly. So really, we said it just a couple days after the first date, if you want to think that technically.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by CB47
How long were you and your current partner together before you both said I love you? Me - 1 year and 2 months
Under 6 months, but we were sure!
Contributor: nova2014 nova2014
it took us about 3 months but we don't say it very often, maybe 1-3x a month now, we don't want to overuse the phrase
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by CB47
How long were you and your current partner together before you both said I love you? Me - 1 year and 2 months
6 months - 1 year
Contributor: Petite Cannibal Petite Cannibal
Originally posted by CB47
How long were you and your current partner together before you both said I love you? Me - 1 year and 2 months
And still together.
Contributor: froggygal91 froggygal91
About 2 months
Contributor: Bleu Bleu
Around 6 months but it was more in a playful way then because we met online. It got serious around year 1 when we started talking on the phone and really getting to *know* each other.
Contributor: Munko Munko
I said it after about 6 months (5 of those spent living together, LOL) and he said it about 9 months in (still living together)

Obviously I think the feelings were there much sooner for the both of us since we up and moved in together almost immediately - but we're both cautious and not ones to throw the word around (and he had a L word hang up) so it took us a while.
Contributor: Marie Hanna Marie Hanna
A month. It was a little soon I think.
Contributor: Hummingbird Hummingbird
Too long and I'm not even sure what it means anymore.
Contributor: Rainbows Rainbows
I said it within weeks. *blushes* Probably sooner than I should have, but I knew. We'd been friends for two years and I'd been secretly in love with her for several months before we started dating. She said it a month or so later.
not that long
Contributor: KinkyNicki92 KinkyNicki92
it was around the third month i think.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by Chilipepper
Been together almost three months - still haven't said it. Don't know if we will because this isn't going to be long term due to the child issue ...

Although, between you guys and me, I'm in love with him.
Four months ...

It took us breaking up to finally say it out loud to each other. We wouldn't be breaking up if we could agree on the Child Issue. That's the ONLY reason we can't have a future.

He's The One that got away.
Contributor: Llahsram Llahsram
About 5 months.
Contributor: Bubaloo Bubaloo
About 1 1/2 months (MUCH quicker than any other relationship I've had).
Contributor: jfree jfree
I don't really track it but I tend to say I love you to SOs, my family and my friends so.
Contributor: marriedlady123 marriedlady123
when you know!! It was about 3 months for us!
Contributor: DixieDoo DixieDoo
It took about 6-7 months for us to say it. I just found out the other night though that he was thinking about saying it at month 4! To me, that's crazy, but then I try not to get too attached too quickly. It took me longer than it took him. He said it first at about month 6 or 7 and then it was a week or so after that that I realized I loved him too.
Contributor: Rory Rory
About 4 months
Contributor: Flower1 Flower1
not long
Contributor: BrittaniMaree BrittaniMaree
less than 6 months
Contributor: Cosmonaut Cosmonaut
Not sure really...but I said it in french to be cute and he, of course, had to google it.
Contributor: emmyjoye emmyjoye
I think it was probably about 3 or 4 months in. He insists that I said it first, but I don't recall that at all.
Contributor: KinkyKatieJames KinkyKatieJames
5-6 months or so.