How long into your relationship...

Contributor: babyboii1619 babyboii1619
Honestly I don't even know, my ex would spend the night an little by little she seemed to move herself in. I started finding her shit everywhere. Ha, it didn't take her long to get situated.
Contributor: EvilHomer EvilHomer
About 3 years I think, but prior to that we were a 3 hour drive apart for a year and a 1.5 hour drive for 2 years. So basically as soon as we were living in the same city.
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
We waited for about 1 1/2 years but when you're ready you just know.

My boyfriends sister just moved in with her knew boyfriend they have been going out for about only 3 months, I hope it works out for them.

I think that waiting atleast one year so that you're out of the romantic phase and you really know each other well is always a good thing to do.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
I'm 23, and he's 30. We've been together for over 3 years, we have yet to move in. I'm in school and we just don't really have the money or anything.
Contributor: EJ EJ
We waited a year, but I'm not sure if there's really a set time. It depends a lot on the couple and their particular situations. Ages, locations, children involved, ease with which they could move back out if things didn't work, etc...