Do you have X-rated pictures from old relationships on your computer?

Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
I've been in two other serious relationships before I met my fiance. They both ended bad. The first was hard on me but it was for the best because he was abusive/cheating/lying ect, I was young too. The 2nd, I really don't understand it completely. I guess I just kind of "settled" to feel comfortable and what not. I might have loved him in the beginning but it wasn't like it is with my fiance. I didn't want to be with him anymore but it was still a bad break-up because of the argument and the ignorant things he did.

That being said, in order for me to deal/cope and get over it I needed to rid myself of everything they gave me and the pictures. I don't care to look back on it so there is no reason to keep the pictures, I don't want to come across one some day and see either of their faces, I can't stand either one of them. I pawned the jewelry off, gave stuffed animals to Goodwill and some shirts. No x-rated pictures of them or me as I feel there is no need since we aren't in a long distance relationship.
Contributor: Llahsram Llahsram
I've only been with my wife.
Contributor: sexxxkitten sexxxkitten
I don't have any naked pictures of others on anything. I wouldn't take any naked photos of myself either. With technology today...that could be easy blackmail.
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
I have one or two left, but that's because they're on the family computer and my folks like having photos of everything
Contributor: CreamySweet CreamySweet
Originally posted by Antipova
(Inspired by another thread.)

I honestly thought it was totally normal to still have pictures of former lovers on one's computer. Not taking up the whole hard drive, and not in a shrine, but just where they're interspersed with other ... more
I know I have a few ( ok several) [Fine! Like 10 or so...] that have pics of me. Only a few have pics of me not just naked but getting busy... but I think they have video of it too. Oh well! Smile and celebrate
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by Antipova
(Inspired by another thread.)

I honestly thought it was totally normal to still have pictures of former lovers on one's computer. Not taking up the whole hard drive, and not in a shrine, but just where they're interspersed with other ... more
Well I never had naked photos of ex's and since my parnter and I got together 6 years ago, there's no left over digital photos... whew! Lol. I only have pics of fully clothed ex's and they're in my scrapbook from when I was a kid. Those are baby relationships though so no harm. I mean literally, I was only a kid then! Lol. The others, I done away with.

Maybe if it were the VERY beginning of a relationship, then it'd be OK to have those pics still, but for me, that'd be a deal breaker. I would run far away and never look back. Too many issues and I'd feel like there was extra baggage. Also, I'd be afraid he'd want photos of me naked and would show them to the next gal that came along. Big no-no for me. I have dirty pics/vids of us that are strictly private, locked away and many of them my partner hasn't even seen! Lol. I mean, he was with me when we taped, but I stashed them away so quickly that he hasn't seen a couple of them. I have very... strong feelings about my nakedness and what it means. I don't want to see strange people naked and I don't want to be seen that way. Just an old fashioned kind of way, I guess.

Now I do not think it'd be acceptable for me or my partner to have old naked pics of Ex's now that we've been together for 6 years. Heck no. In my eyes, that's mistreatment, disrespect. If a man wants to be with me, he's going to be with ME, not me + some. I give myself to only one person and I expect the same. I wouldn't try to change someone if say I met them and they were into that sort of thing, I'd just shorten the date and not see them again. I don't see a reason to keep those kind of photos if you're taking a relationship to a more serious level, when you start loving someone. Not for me anyways.
Contributor: Jake'n'bake Jake'n'bake
I actually have videos of my ex but I think I'd like to delete them. Don't like accidentally finding them since he was a douche. 8/;
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
I never took any naked picture of/with my ex, so this has never come up.
Contributor: Poophammer Poophammer
I have pictures of some of them, as well as other girls on my computer. My girl knows and doesn't care.
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
I think it's not only disrespectful to your partner, but also disrespectful to your ex if you're showing them to your partner. That's how I feel about it.
Contributor: chantalgiardina chantalgiardina
Originally posted by SweetXSurrender89
DELETE no point in living in the past and I wouldnt keep naked pics of an ex just makes you seem like your still living in a past relationship
totally agree
Contributor: <3BF <3BF
while i think it's fine to watch porn, keeping pictures from an ex is not cool.
Contributor: BG529 BG529
I'm a photographer. and I love pictures. So I keep a lot of them. but No nudey ones. Not even ones of my current SO. although that maybe a fun Idea...
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I've never taken any nude photos of anyone. I may have some old pictures of previous high school bf's but they're in a photo album from high school and doesn't get looked at.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I don't have nude pics to begin with from ex partners. Only with Hubby. I don't see a good reason to keep the images around.
Contributor: sweetiejo sweetiejo
I didn't take to may naked pictures for or with my other I know for the ones I had I deleted them. It didn't feel right having those when I started my new relationship.
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
Originally posted by Antipova
(Inspired by another thread.)

I honestly thought it was totally normal to still have pictures of former lovers on one's computer. Not taking up the whole hard drive, and not in a shrine, but just where they're interspersed with other ... more
I have NO pictures on any computers. BUT, I do have some pictures on 35mm film of years ago that are fading fast. Soooo. . .
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
I would be royally pissed.
Contributor: Collogue Collogue
i kind of stuck everything in a folder because i didn't want to delete them out of anger. but i never got dirty ones, and i'm hoping he's deleted the ones i've given him.... >.>
Contributor: Rosen Rot Rosen Rot
I don't have those kind of picture to start with. Too afraid of who would get a hold of them.
Contributor: Gluesnffr Gluesnffr
I don't have naked pictures to begin with.
Contributor: MrsHouseWife MrsHouseWife
I had a few of my ex and he had a few of me, which I asked him to delete after it ended. I am trust him enough to know he did. I deleted the ones I had of him.

Its not fair on the person I am currently with.
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
I'm sure I do on my computers downstairs. I never get on to view them.
Contributor: nova2014 nova2014
Personally I feel like that is something that would make me uncomfortable, because that part of your life is over so why keep something that intimate that might cause your partner to think you've still got feelings for an old flame
Contributor: evie.amor evie.amor
I think when you have a full hard-drive of old pictures that's one thing. It's not like you're looking at them, especially if you're in a relationship. Videos are a different story though.
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
I delete that shit.
Contributor: MightyFine MightyFine
Once I'm done with someone, they're photos are gone as well.
Contributor: Martiniman Martiniman
I've been married so long the only pictures on my computer are of my wife, clothed and naked. I do have printed photos of a few exes, but they are clothed and put away in a photo album. My wife has the same.

However, to put myself into the question, if I found nude photos of my wife's ex on our computer or her phone I'd be quite upset. I'd want to know why and then I'd ask her to delete them. As for my wife, she would be furious with me for having nude photos of my exes!
Contributor: MissAdara MissAdara
The only good thing worth remembering about my last ex was his cock,
Contributor: Toy Fiend Toy Fiend
I still have pics, both naked and clothed, from my exes. I don't see a problem with it.