What do you do when you miss a bc pill?

Contributor: tickle me pink tickle me pink
Back when I was on the pill I luckily never forgot. But if I did I probably would have taken 2 pills and abstained from sex until the next day.
Contributor: mama2007 mama2007
ive NEVER once forgotten my pill and ive been on it since oct 2010. but idk what u would do if u did miss it
Contributor: Lithaewyn Lithaewyn
I take two. He always wears a condom anyway, and we seriously question my fertility.

I don't take BC for contraception, I take it for regularity.
Contributor: dhig dhig
Voted for my girlfriend. She doesn't normally miss pills but if she does, she takes two and I'll usually wear a condom just in case. No babies yet please
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I was curious to see what women do when they miss a birth control pill. Do you make your partner do or do not do certain things? Are there rules? Don't sweet it? Etc.
I haven't been on the pill in years but I used to take two on the same day when I missed one.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I was curious to see what women do when they miss a birth control pill. Do you make your partner do or do not do certain things? Are there rules? Don't sweet it? Etc.
I don't use bc pills. I've tried 3, and I barfed every single day. Plus I got blood clots in my eyes from the Nuvaring. Needless to say birth control is a real issue.
Contributor: Love Obsessed Love Obsessed
I don't take two pills the next day because it makes me sick.If I'm sleeping with someone they are wearing a condom anyway.
Contributor: pasdechat pasdechat
I always use condoms as backup anyway, but I take two pills if I miss a day, which is what my doctor told me to do.
Contributor: Beck Beck
If I happened to skip the pill that day, I just doubled up as soon as I remembered. I never had any issues with the pill. It worked for me the entire time I was on it. I recently changed to the Patch. And I'm loving it. So much easier than the pill.

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