Just depends on the person
No more condoms
i haven't had this problem yet, but if you just started birth control, ur still supposed to use a backup (like condoms) for AT LEAST 3 months. i believe it's 3 months, may be more. apparently, it's b/c your body needs the time to adjust to the change.
Originally posted by
If you or your partner is on birth control, how long into the relationship do/ did you wait until you stop using condoms?
My SO and I used condoms the first couple of times, then got tested and stopped. She is on the pill and I am fixed. For us, the only concern was being clean and having the trust that the other would use condoms with anyone else (we are in an open relationship).
I agree
Originally posted by
I think the best thing is to get tested immediately whether you plan to wait or not because you never can know for sure that things won't get carried away. I honestly, do not trust condoms. As bad as this was, my partner and I did not use condoms
I think the best thing is to get tested immediately whether you plan to wait or not because you never can know for sure that things won't get carried away. I honestly, do not trust condoms. As bad as this was, my partner and I did not use condoms at all and still don't. We both were tested & I get tested every 6-12 months anyways as a requirement for a shot I have to take. Also, I've been on Depo-Provera shots since I was 14 due to having endometriosis. That's a birth control shot, but I've had to be on it to keep my endometriosis from "growing." I also am unable to have children, but lost 2 so pregnancy is not a worry for us although I do wish it was different for when the day comes that I want kids of my own rather than only having my familie's children to raise. I guess I'm getting off subject, but I do think waiting and being tested is the very best way to go.
Sloppy Donkey is right, it does take a lot of trust to put your life in your partner's hands and that's exactly what no condom is. My partner and I have been in our monogamous relationship for 5 years and I do trust him with my life so I don't worry about STD'S and unfortunately we don't have to worry about pregnancy. less
Sloppy Donkey is right, it does take a lot of trust to put your life in your partner's hands and that's exactly what no condom is. My partner and I have been in our monogamous relationship for 5 years and I do trust him with my life so I don't worry about STD'S and unfortunately we don't have to worry about pregnancy. less
The husband and I knew that was it when we got together and shorty after we started having sex, we stopped using condoms while I had other birth control. Over the years though as I've gone on and come back off the pill or Mirena, we have used them. And still do. However that being said, before being with him, I never let anyone near me without one. Safety first.
My wife and I used to use condoms for simpler clean up. But once we figured out that they were contributing to her UTI's because of her latex allergy, we stopped and we have been loving it. It was about 5 years after we started having sex when we figured this out.
I got pregnant while on birth control.
Originally posted by
I know someone who got pregnant while on birth control. I don't think I'd be ready for a kid before marriage anyways so. I'd stick with condoms and birth control together.
I can't take birth control pills, and we both hate condoms. Condom use didn't last very long. I would say we used them maybe the first couple times. Instead, we use a spermicidal gel for birth control.
We were about the six month time frame.

i would wait at least three months
we waited darn near 2 years
I don't use condoms (I'm allergic to them among many, many other things), so we both get tested before sex. However, my partner is fixed (and has been for 10 years) so pregnancy isn't really a worry and would be a miracle, LOL.
Keep using condoms until we decide that we're ready for a baby. And that's that. Even on the pill, there's a chance of pregnancy.
My ex and I had been together for almost three years when I started taking birth control, so we stopped as soon as the requisite couple of weeks for the pill to start working was over. My current boyfriend and I didn't use them from the start - we had both been recently tested so there wasn't any worry. We've been together two and a half years and have only used a condom one time because I was taking antibiotics for bronchitis.
It all depends on the relationship, and trust, where its going.
we were together 3 mos before any kind of sex but less than 1mo after
I wait at least two cycles, but I kind of jumped the gun with my current boyfriend and went against my advice. But really, I'd been on birth control before we had sex, but I switched from one to another and broke my rule.
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