How do you end a relationship?

Contributor: joja joja
I've always been terrible at breaking up with people. My usual pattern consists of staying for several weeks after I decide it's over, slowly becoming less affectionate and answering calls less often until I finally work up the courage to tell them it's over to their face. Hopefully I'll get over this, but what can I say? Breaking up sucks for both people.
Contributor: deadpoet deadpoet
Im the one who gets dumped.
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
I hate ending it but I like to be a coward and wait for them to get the hint.
Contributor: Love Buzz Love Buzz
I've answered that I tell them straight out, but must admit I've also had a relationship end after radio silence. I think it took me a lot longer than 6 weeks to be able to move on, even though it was a super short relationship that went from go to woe in about a month.
Contributor: KnK KnK
If I'm doing the breaking up, it's usually because I've grown to hate them...I'm not sure if my advice is very friendly...
Contributor: SadoMas SadoMas
I tell them straight out that it's over.