Do you keep momentos of your exes?

Contributor: TiffanyW TiffanyW
not really. I mean I have things ex's have given me, but most of the shit disappeared.
Contributor: This Is For The Birds This Is For The Birds
If you were to look in my huge tote bin of pictures a good 1/8 of them would be of pictures with me and my exs or things we did together. Before my husband I really only had three serious relationships, so those are about the only ones you will find. I mean it's an ex, who cares, it was the past, weather you friends or not now because of it, its something you can always look back on and be like this is what I did, or this was who I dated, etc.

For my husband it's a little different, hehe. I made him throw away and pictures of him and his ex when a little while after we got together. Not like he had a lot anyways, but I found he was talking to her still here and there and just wasn't being honest, while it was just as much her fault as it was his, since she knew about me, to make sure he had no memories of her, I made him throw anything that linked to her away. That was probably very hateful of me to do, but he did it, and that was the end of her, or atleast him talking to her. She tries every now and again to talk to him on facebook and he just ignores her. We have a very honest relationship now, there is no secrets in our relationship, no lie. Everything that happens is told, which I couldn't be happier about.
Contributor: sXeVegan90 sXeVegan90
Some of them.
Contributor: Pierced Blaqk Skies Pierced Blaqk Skies
Originally posted by oneeyedoctopus
I have a tendency to collect little things like ticket stubs and birthday cards. So I have a lot of momentos of past relationships. I wonder who else keeps these things. Or if they throw them away. Or burn them.
No, I've burned bridges when ending a relationship so I don't keep anything.
Contributor: CinnamonNights CinnamonNights
If they're happy mementos that will just cheer you up that's fine. However if they tempt you to ditch a current good relationship or leave you so longing that you don't want to move on then it should be trashed. I myself had horrible exes and the memento's were rather unhealthy for me to have, so I've thrown out everything by now. I have a much happier place to move onto now.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
One in particular. I never got over her. Just little things, and I throw more things away every day.
Contributor: Slutty Girl Problems Slutty Girl Problems
Boxes upon boxes upon boxes of relatively useless mementos - for everything! My boyfriend calls me a hoarder.
Contributor: battleaxe battleaxe
I throw them all out. Away, be gone!
Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears OH&W, Lovebears
I kept a 8x6 graduation picture of my ex in the closet for years. It did bother my wife. We have moved quite a few times and finally got rid of it. She also kept a picture of her ex too though. I asked her after I threw Margret's pic away if she would toss what's his name away too. She did, at least I think she did.
Contributor: Lucifer the Cat Lucifer the Cat
My mom has kept these boxes of stuff from my exes for yeeears. I'll go through them eventually.
Contributor: charmedtomeetyou charmedtomeetyou
I keep things if they have meaning for me and I want to keep them. If I don't, I don't. Ex related or not, it's my thoughts on the things that matter.
Contributor: eroticmutt eroticmutt
Originally posted by oneeyedoctopus
I have a tendency to collect little things like ticket stubs and birthday cards. So I have a lot of momentos of past relationships. I wonder who else keeps these things. Or if they throw them away. Or burn them.
Yeah I keep them. Hats, mostly.

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